Rough Times Ahead You Have Been Warned

I heard they are teaching apes sign language in Cincinati as we speak, that is the EES rep of the future. Apes roaming the OR selling endocutters and suture for bananas. All energy reps will be retained and given a pay raise

Why do Ethicon reps go into the OR wearing scrubs?

Uh, have you ever been in an OR? Wearing scrubs into Starbucks when you're not out and about covering cases is retarded - yes. But what do you think people are permitted to wear in the OR? That was a highly uneducated question. (And I'm no JnJ rep, but the company has nothing to do with it.) Better learn up a little bit before you blow another med device interview.

Things are changing no doubt, however for those that are smart and hard working there will always be jobs in this industry. The typical device rep making over 200K year after year is becoming extinct in my opinion. However I think change will create a bunch of new opportunities, if these new corporate jobs entice you, you have nothing to worry about, if they don't you best be on your way.

I heard they are teaching apes sign language in Cincinati as we speak, that is the EES rep of the future. Apes roaming the OR selling endocutters and suture for bananas. All energy reps will be retained and given a pay raise

Funny stuff. I've seen my share of bad hires at ethicon. However, the good reps are respected and have strong relationships with everyone. Don't be so quick to judge. Half the reps could be let go and no big disruption, but the other half that r good would be an absolute nightmare for ethicon if they we're let go. Isn't that the case with any sales job though.

Funny stuff. I've seen my share of bad hires at ethicon. However, the good reps are respected and have strong relationships with everyone. Don't be so quick to judge. Half the reps could be let go and no big disruption, but the other half that r good would be an absolute nightmare for ethicon if they we're let go. Isn't that the case with any sales job though.

"But the other half that are good would be an absolute nightmare for Ethicon if they were let go". This is a joke right? I think you could dress a monkey in scrubs and put them in the OR next to an Ethicon rep and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

"But the other half that are good would be an absolute nightmare for Ethicon if they were let go". This is a joke right? I think you could dress a monkey in scrubs and put them in the OR next to an Ethicon rep and you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

TL here. I can tell you with 100% certainty that if I was to leave my territory and take another job, Covidien would take apprx 900K annually worth of my total business within the month. I'm being conservative probably. There are plenty of docs that would use either product and like both reps.

TL here. I can tell you with 100% certainty that if I was to leave my territory and take another job, Covidien would take apprx 900K annually worth of my total business within the month. I'm being conservative probably. There are plenty of docs that would use either product and like both reps.

"There are plenty of docs that would use either product and like both reps"

Now that those docs are employees of the hospital what would stop them from using the products that purchasing has the favorable contract with? Every year the individual surgeon gives up some control, those that resist are known as the A-Holes. A strong strategic accounts manager will deem you unnecessary

"There are plenty of docs that would use either product and like both reps"

Now that those docs are employees of the hospital what would stop them from using the products that purchasing has the favorable contract with? Every year the individual surgeon gives up some control, those that resist are known as the A-Holes. A strong strategic accounts manager will deem you unnecessary

So says the TL who claims to his DSM of his strong "relationship" with the surgeon. The inflated perception of ones worth and lack of self-awareness with many ESC reps is comical

"There are plenty of docs that would use either product and like both reps"

Now that those docs are employees of the hospital what would stop them from using the products that purchasing has the favorable contract with? Every year the individual surgeon gives up some control, those that resist are known as the A-Holes. A strong strategic accounts manager will deem you unnecessary

Not all docs are employees. There are still plenty that are not so let's be honest here.

So says the TL who claims to his DSM of his strong "relationship" with the surgeon. The inflated perception of ones worth and lack of self-awareness with many ESC reps is comical

Listen, I hate standing in these cases more than you know! But, I have 3 guys right now that only use powered and harmonic because I go to 80% of their cases. It's boring as hell but that is the bad part of sales. I would much prefer to chase new business.

2 of these guys are ex Covidien bariatric docs. The 3rd is a busy colorectal surgeon. None are employed by the hospital. Total volume close to 1 million annually. I got then because the Covidien guy relocated and they did not hire for a close to 6 months!

Now they are loyal to me. However, once I stop going I do realize they would flip on me

Listen, I hate standing in these cases more than you know! But, I have 3 guys right now that only use powered and harmonic because I go to 80% of their cases. It's boring as hell but that is the bad part of sales. I would much prefer to chase new business.

2 of these guys are ex Covidien bariatric docs. The 3rd is a busy colorectal surgeon. None are employed by the hospital. Total volume close to 1 million annually. I got then because the Covidien guy relocated and they did not hire for a close to 6 months!

Now they are loyal to me. However, once I stop going I do realize they would flip on me

You must be a hot blond with a giant rack, or you must be adding tremendous clinical value and be necessary for your surgeons.....but probably neither.