Rough Times Ahead You Have Been Warned

This thread has got a little off track from its origin. If anyone reading this has any vision they will quickly realize Ethicon has major issues that the field sales are not privy too. Energy reps and GYN reps I hope you all scored experts on your assessments because with recent news around energy more changes are coming.

This thread has got a little off track from its origin. If anyone reading this has any vision they will quickly realize Ethicon has major issues that the field sales are not privy too. Energy reps and GYN reps I hope you all scored experts on your assessments because with recent news around energy more changes are coming.

Agreed, appreciate you sharing your inside info (imagining you are thread starter and one who is privy to ESC domestic financials, disturbing sales trends, and eroding profits) and providing enlightenment to the reps who are either in a state of denial or for whatever reason not truly cognizant of these looming changes and continued forthcoming attrition in the sales force.

You speak as if it never happens. Unfortunately in my territory it is "reality"! Either there sleeping with the Docs or buyers it happens. On occasion the reps are sleeping with each other too!

how much notice do you think those that will be laid off will get? My guess is it will happen very quickly...Thursday afternoon invitation for a conference call on Friday. AXED!

how much notice do you think those that will be laid off will get? My guess is it will happen very quickly...Thursday afternoon invitation for a conference call on Friday. AXED!

That may have been how it went when you got let go but there are no layoffs coming. They are actually looking at modifying the HBT role and more reps will be hired

That may have been how it went when you got let go but there are no layoffs coming. They are actually looking at modifying the HBT role and more reps will be hired

what are your thoughts on Energy and Biosurg reps? Will they get more products or remain "specialty" reps? Seems to me we could get rid of both those roles and hire more HBT's and TL's... Get rid of GYN as well.

If you want insight from the inside, they (the leadership and the consultants) have constant conference calls and do everything to save face. Think about the quotas for H7 now all that has to be rethought. The lawsuit and injunction is a bad thing yes. There are added "meetings" for the DM and SD that were not originally planned scheduled now for the month of December. Some speculate that there will be no layoffs while some speculate Q1 will show true colors. As of right now there seems to be a scramble to find away to rebuild a weaning franchise. As far as hiring more, there will be more ASRs hired because it is a cost effective way to cover areas and keep the field thinking they are "hiring" Those reading can guess the future. The reality is the decision makers are not field based and therefore are clueless as to what happens in the field. Keep the resumes polished and look because there is only tall glasses of Koolaid in the future.

Yep. No layoffs coming.... Nothing to see here GYN reps.

"Energy is the place to be right now!"

Anyone out pushing ATT as the second coming and trying to make things happen with Enseal should be very concerned about job security. Why would they continue to have a dedicated Energy sales force? Can anyone give an explanation as to why the powers to be would justify this?

You want a huge increase in salary! You are grossly overpaid with your salary alone. You have no skills. My 15 year old son could do what you do.
- Your CAD sets pricing and executes contracts
- Marketing material is handed to you. Ethicon even tells you who to target.
You bring nothing to the table. You have been spoiled by a profitable company who is willing to pay someone your salary to avoid getting some asshole in your place. Get over yourself and be damn glad that Ethicon doesn't realize they could pay you $45K and get same results. We should be so lucky that our company is this clueless. I am going to ride this out until they kick me out. Not sure what I will do then. Like you I have no real skills to bring to a real job.

There's nothing wrong with earning a healthy living Ethicon pays well and eventually those who slack get tangled in their own. What isn't healthy is being undermined and likened to less than a teenage punk however; if your making the accusation of being a jerkoff then I guess your right your son does have those skills.

There's nothing wrong with earning a healthy living Ethicon pays well and eventually those who slack get tangled in their own. What isn't healthy is being undermined and likened to less than a teenage punk however; if your making the accusation of being a jerkoff then I guess your right your son does have those skills.
