Roche Carolina

So sad. I worked for Genentech and then went to RCI to work in Quality and left to go back to the "left coast" about a year ago. Tried to make the site the best it could be but the south just can't move fast enough or listen to others who want to help. I met Jami a few times and she so far has been the best leader I've come across. Then Basel steps in and just keeps micromanaging. Who would put up with them?
How many plants has ROCHE shutdown? Double digits- they either sell it divest. It's their business model, look what happened to Boulder.

How many plants has GENENTECH shut down? Zero!

How many years has ROCHE been on the great place to work list? 12 years in a row.

How many years has ROCHE made the fortune great place to work list? Zero

Why? Because they can't keep great people and make decisions from finance and nothing else.

How many new molecular entities have come from ROCHE in the last 10 years? Zero

How many from GENENTECH? 30 plus!

So, you can be haters all you want. Bottom line is there are people who just don't want change. Y"all don't want to change! Look at the same leaders like Michael, John and Steve. They have all been there for decades and everyone around them keeps leaving. If they don't start changing then the site has no future.
For those who say such bad things. Why do you still work there then? Phil is a ROCHE guy, can't blame GENENTECH anymore! Finance guy is going to lay people off and then figure out a way to shut the plant or sell. Writing is on the wall. It's the ROCHE way. I'm so happy to back in the left coast. At least I know my leaders are honest and care about me. Oh and I have stability in my job. Wish Phil would stand up like a man.

Hmmm - is this LV or JM?

Anyway wish you luck LV on your next endeavor. You are an awesome quality professional with sense of humor and will be missed in lefty coast GNE-land soon to be overtaken by roaches from Roche.

Oh wait only TM and AL are the only seniors still standing for now? Then again TM lost his left and right man in charge of DS and DP...

If you are FDA you know it is against the law for you to disclose confidential information. Since the things you reference are internal Roche information then you are likely a Roche employee - you should know it is again the law to impersonate a Federal employee. Either way you post smells!

Oh please you freakin MORON! He ain't impersonating the Fed ahole!

Do you people know anything?
Frank is lucky he wasn't arrested and Steve got rid of the Warehouse manager. Jami had nothing to do with it. Continental? What a joke!
If you are waiting for your package then I hope you get it because you seem pretty miserable. I love working at RCI! So I guess I'm drinking the cool-aid and I'm good with it.
Yes, yet another moron who never lets the facts get in the way of a good story.

What? Jami? Who are you? She left 6 months ago idiot. She set us up and showed us the way. Not for nothing you idiot but us Ops guys would have nothing.
Thanks Phil the Finance Guy!

Jami was a people person, but she, like the finance guy, had no operational experience. Under her watch, we became inefficient. We could not produce and we could not deliver.
But this decision to close the site has nothing to do with her. We have known for years that our pipeline sucks.
Genentech has of course been productive, but they spend money like drunken sailors. Roche people are bankers.

Jami ran maintenance and engineering , I consider that plenty of operational experience. Phil has zero. He has never even in a plant before. Oh and to be a good leader you don't need operational experience. Anyway, I agree this had nothing to do with her. Let her go y'all.

The bankers came in from Basel and made the big decisions. Clarecastle is also being sold.

We will get through this. Rumor is there are people on the market to buy.

Jami ran maintenance and engineering , I consider that plenty of operational experience. Phil has zero. He has never even in a plant before. Oh and to be a good leader you don't need operational experience. Anyway, I agree this had nothing to do with her. Let her go y'all.

The bankers came in from Basel and made the big decisions. Clarecastle is also being sold.

We will get through this. Rumor is there are people on the market to buy.

Is this for real? What other SM plants will remain outside the center of universe Basel? Hell roaches at Roche demolished SM plants to put up the 2nd matching "tallest" in CH ivory tower... There were some nice folks in Segrate and especially Joe Murphy and his team in Clearcastle... So out went NUTley and Toluca too...

How dare they allow the leftist big spenders at Genentech - talk bloated staff and countless worthless buffoon ADs/Ds and their minion lazy ass (yes some have nice assess too) secretaries in SSF. But maybe next show to drop is at GNE as there are rumors of RIF in 2016. IMP Quality already went thru their initial round of RIF by having the people re-apply for their jobs with revised title with fewer positions. Those RIF'ed made it out well with 6 month severance, 2 months on payroll and asked to take sabbatical starting 11/2.

Roche Closing 4 Small-Molecule Manufacturing Sites

Roche said today it will shut down four manufacturing sites worldwide—potentially eliminating approximately 1,200 jobs—in a global restructuring of its small-molecule operations.

Roche will shut down a U.S. plant in Florence, SC, as well as three overseas manufacturing sites—Clarecastle, Ireland; Leganes, Spain; and Segrate, Italy. The shutdowns will begin next year and end in 2021.

To reduce job losses, Roche said, it is “actively looking into” selling the four facilities.

No, no, no you have it all wrong. Genentech only hires "A" players. I'll bet with the 50 million dollar update we did to our HVAC systems we will have the site sold in no time.

I don't see how this could happen. We had the BEST Operational Excellence Program. In just over three years we cut our out put in half, doubled our lead time and increased our costs by a factor of three. Why would we want to invest in Basel when we have these successes to show.

"Three years ago, Roche Carolina employees couldn’t see the writing on the wall, but now they can, under the leadership of president and site head Jami DeBrango-Palumbo."

Interesting lead just over a year ago - foreshadowing?

Jami ran maintenance and engineering , I consider that plenty of operational experience. Phil has zero. He has never even in a plant before. Oh and to be a good leader you don't need operational experience. Anyway, I agree this had nothing to do with her. Let her go y'all.

The bankers came in from Basel and made the big decisions. Clarecastle is also being sold.

We will get through this. Rumor is there are people on the market to buy.

Yep - my new company (starts with a P and ends with a theon) is putting together a bid of 5 to 10 mio and keeping 50 to 75 people to make intermediates. Sorry no room the rest of you.

Bro, Whomever keeps bringing Jami into this is so off. She brought us a new product or we would have been done a long time ago. At least we are viable now. Site heads are only allowed to stay in their role for a certain period of time and must rotate. The BSel heads told us that so we knew her time was up at RCI. Basel came in and poor new site head had no idea what hit him. We will be fine because we have cut costs and we have a great product.

For the person who has it against Jami. Feel bad for you bro, You need to get a life. For the 1-2 people who didn't like her because she told the truth and got rid of the poor performers there are hundreds of us who appreciated her leadership. You really need to move on and hope Hod forgives you. You will find out on your judgement day. In the meantime, we will be grateful for her.

AAIS got JP'sback.

GENENTECH has nothing to do with the decision. Basel is a ROCHE plant and Basel made the decision. I've worked for ROCHE for 20 years, this bs has been going on for years before GENENTECH. I'm staying positive and good with P' theon. It's a job and let's face it no one is knocking down the door in Florence to bring new jobs.
The FLT needs to step up now and help us keep our jobs along with CC, S and L.
Jami left months ago and that quote someone put up is totally taken out of context. What are you a stalker? Who quotes people like that? Use that energy to help not hinder for your community.