Roche Carolina

No one at corporate headquarters wanted to listen to Jami's plans. She had a strategy and wanted to start to transition the site and connect our small scale into Biologics. It's a great idea but too creative for those thugs in Switzerland. I've seen the numbers and we were on our way to being cost effective. Best OPEX team focused on the right things. They drove her out! I saw the bullshit that went on, probably because she was a woman, not some German. She did look hot in DWTS. We did receive a 483 and an article 20. There was no faking the issues we had. Frank Cox screwed us big time. If it wasn't for her we would have been shut down a while ago. Now, big Phil the finance guy is here to shut us down because Jami wouldn't put up with the Basel corporate bullshit anymore.

What a nice man Phil! I don't blame the GENENTECH people for leaving. The writing is on the wall. Just wish I was one of them and could go. Biologics is where the need is.

Just wish FLT would stand up and not take this shit. Jami wouldn't stand for it.

Nice - I guess we are ignoring the fact our Genentech site in Vacaville has received several 483's the most recent in early 2014 but also received over $ 150 Million in capacity upgrades.

No one at corporate headquarters wanted to listen to Jami's plans. She had a strategy and wanted to start to transition the site and connect our small scale into Biologics. It's a great idea but too creative for those thugs in Switzerland. I've seen the numbers and we were on our way to being cost effective. Best OPEX team focused on the right things. They drove her out! I saw the bullshit that went on, probably because she was a woman, not some German. She did look hot in DWTS. We did receive a 483 and an article 20. There was no faking the issues we had. Frank Cox screwed us big time. If it wasn't for her we would have been shut down a while ago. Now, big Phil the finance guy is here to shut us down because Jami wouldn't put up with the Basel corporate bullshit anymore.

What a nice man Phil! I don't blame the GENENTECH people for leaving. The writing is on the wall. Just wish I was one of them and could go. Biologics is where the need is.

Just wish FLT would stand up and not take this shit. Jami wouldn't stand for it.
The "FLT" doesn't give a crap about the site, they only care about themselves. Jami never had to put up with the Corporate Basel bullshit because her boyfriend Tim Moore had her back on the Left Coast. Spend whatever it takes to make the previous leadership look bad and make our decision look good was the direction she was given. Only problem was that under the previous regime, we never received a 483 despite numerous inspections. Frank and the previous leadership didn't screw us, they got screwed.

Some people have way too much time on their hands. The old regime is out and I pray everyday Frank and that old crew left. Yes, Jami helped and supported us through thick and thin. Our new site head needs to step up with Steve, John and Michael.
That's the truth.

Some people have way too much time on their hands. The old regime is out and I pray everyday Frank and that old crew left. Yes, Jami helped and supported us through thick and thin. Our new site head needs to step up with Steve, John and Michael.
That's the truth.

I guess the cameras in the elevators are a good demonstration of how she helped the site. Or maybe when she told Management that there was "limited" talent and leadership at the site and she needed to bring in people from outside was her way of supporting us. Or maybe when the new people from outside where encouraged to rent because she was not sure how long the site would be open.

The cameras were for security reasons and everyone who works on site knows that. At least she was honest with us, unlike the new and old regime.
It was true, people on the site had limited talent and they needed to be told. Not sure how you fault anyone for trying to help. She worked hard and got a new product for the site. Mr Phil finance has zero operations experience and us laying people off because he doesn't have the guts to be transparent. It's just sick the way everyone is being treated now and I don't blame people for leaving. We will have a mass exodus soon. All the good people are talking about leaving and the site will be left with the same.

This blog is starting to catch on and the innaccuracies and perception is astounding. I work the night shift and can tell you first hand I was abused and was one of the employees who directly went to Jami to tell her about what the RCLT did by cutting corners and creating issues. Sorry but some of you on this blog are just ill informed. I had documentation. Frank Cox managed QC and made us lie. That's the truth and we are lucky we had someone who listened. He, Tim and Sudhir lied and conspired while the Steve, Michael and John puppets played along. Someone went to the FDA to whistleblow and we made it through that. Jami is gone so I'm not even sure why everyone keeps talking about her. Hmmmm...maybe because she's missed.
In any case, I agree with the person who posted on Phil. He's been here for months and is just a finance guy. Zero operations experience. He's never even worked on a site. He's not transparent and has no idea what he's doing. He comes in swag, lunches for 8 hours while Pete sucks up and then goes home. Writing is on the wall. We are either going to be sold or divested. Layoffs are happening and we don't have anyone fighting for us anymore. Phil the finance guy is our future- what a joke. Mass exodus is right.

The cameras were for security reasons and everyone who works on site knows that. At least she was honest with us, unlike the new and old regime.
It was true, people on the site had limited talent and they needed to be told. Not sure how you fault anyone for trying to help. She worked hard and got a new product for the site. Mr Phil finance has zero operations experience and us laying people off because he doesn't have the guts to be transparent. It's just sick the way everyone is being treated now and I don't blame people for leaving. We will have a mass exodus soon. All the good people are talking about leaving and the site will be left with the same.

Cameras in the elevators for security reasons?? When the elevators are inside a secure facility behind gates and security guards. Hey Kool-Aid

I have worked here a number of years and never once saw Frank abuse anyone. I saw him golf with employees, bowl with employees and socialize with employees regardless of their position in the organization.

I have seen our best Production Manager being driven out and leave for another multinational company nearby and be quite successful. I have seen our best ever Warehouse Manager driven out and leave for the same firm and become a top performer there. What is most interesting is both of these were Employees of the Year who were driven out by Jami - out with anyone loyal to Frank or the old RCI.

Truth - just waiting on my package.

Wow - I see how Jami helped bring the site together. Great strong support for Steve, Michael and John.

Jami was always about herself from her first introduction - not about bringing us together.

Do you people know anything?
Frank is lucky he wasn't arrested and Steve got rid of the Warehouse manager. Jami had nothing to do with it. Continental? What a joke!
If you are waiting for your package then I hope you get it because you seem pretty miserable. I love working at RCI! So I guess I'm drinking the cool-aid and I'm good with it.

Yo - GNE employee here.

Listen the West Coast Leftist made everything bigger than life to trash y'all to make themselves look good - get it? Geesh how many people and how many visits back in 2012? GNE fatcats trashed talk y'all to clueless Basel management and made themselves like some kind of savior. And biggest joke was the biologic schmucks with ZERO small molecule background telling y'all how screwed up y'all were just to make themselves look good.

Call the the GNE buffoons the grenade throwers who walked into to throw few grenades then asked y'all to collect body parts!

Well Biogen laid off 11% or 830 people on 11/4 despite gang buster earnings...

Heard that Roche GNE may resort to RIF (reduction in force) and GNE and RCI will take a blunt of the hit since it is much CHEAPER to get rid of people in US vs. Basel. Boy are there lot of duplication and stupid business process especially in SSF and ripe for trimming.

Already occurring in SSF IMP Quality with people asked to apply for jobs with fewer positions. Decent severance of 6 month plus 2 months to look for internal job (good luck with that).

There will be one RIF probably next year but of course what % and timing are the 10k questions.

Time to polish them resumes and update Linkein profiles!

So sad. I worked for Genentech and then went to RCI to work in Quality and left to go back to the "left coast" about a year ago. Tried to make the site the best it could be but the south just can't move fast enough or listen to others who want to help. I met Jami a few times and she so far has been the best leader I've come across. Then Basel steps in and just keeps micromanaging. Who would put up with them?
How many plants has ROCHE shutdown? Double digits- they either sell it divest. It's their business model, look what happened to Boulder.

How many plants has GENENTECH shut down? Zero!

How many years has ROCHE been on the great place to work list? 12 years in a row.

How many years has ROCHE made the fortune great place to work list? Zero

Why? Because they can't keep great people and make decisions from finance and nothing else.

How many new molecular entities have come from ROCHE in the last 10 years? Zero

How many from GENENTECH? 30 plus!

So, you can be haters all you want. Bottom line is there are people who just don't want change. Y"all don't want to change! Look at the same leaders like Michael, John and Steve. They have all been there for decades and everyone around them keeps leaving. If they don't start changing then the site has no future.
For those who say such bad things. Why do you still work there then? Phil is a ROCHE guy, can't blame GENENTECH anymore! Finance guy is going to lay people off and then figure out a way to shut the plant or sell. Writing is on the wall. It's the ROCHE way. I'm so happy to back in the left coast. At least I know my leaders are honest and care about me. Oh and I have stability in my job. Wish Phil would stand up like a man.

The FDA and EMA told the company what was wrong. The organization had several complaints in 2011 which is why Frank Cox was asked to leave. This happened before any new people arrived. HR held the information back which created a whistleblower law suit against Roche.
Y"all do not even understand the horrible things they found. Look up the Article 20, it's all publicly documented. The sites Mfg license was taken away and they worked hard to get it back. Obviously there are some people on this thread who don't know and I guess that is a goodthing. For those of us who inspected the site- that's all that matter. The site now has to keep it up.

The FDA and EMA told the company what was wrong. The organization had several complaints in 2011 which is why Frank Cox was asked to leave. This happened before any new people arrived. HR held the information back which created a whistleblower law suit against Roche.
Y"all do not even understand the horrible things they found. Look up the Article 20, it's all publicly documented. The sites Mfg license was taken away and they worked hard to get it back. Obviously there are some people on this thread who don't know and I guess that is a goodthing. For those of us who inspected the site- that's all that matter. The site now has to keep it up.

If you are FDA you know it is against the law for you to disclose confidential information. Since the things you reference are internal Roche information then you are likely a Roche employee - you should know it is again the law to impersonate a Federal employee. Either way you post smells!