Roche Carolina

Reducing costs would be easy. Get rid of all the excess quality people, reinstate reasonable manufacturing controls for making chemical API's, and send all the left coasters packing ASAP.

Hello friends at Roche Carolina. I am a graduate of the peginterferon 2-alpha, ribovirin and Incivek treatment plan, and I actually had the privilege of touring your plant, meeting with many of you, and partying in the hot SC sun that afternoon (you guys had a white race car pulled up in the back yard of the offices. I signed the hood). At that point I was just a month or two SVR, and happy as a clam. It grieves me to hear you folks are struggling, but I was afraid it might be the case when I read about the new treatments, some totally oral, and the lack of side effects the patients experienced.
I just want you to know that there are thousands of us out here walking around because of what you guys did, and we won't forget it. That won't pay the bills, but I hope you understand how much good you guys have done.


Thanks Alan,
There is no doubt that the people who produce the product and the product we make are very important and we take pride in that. We take pride in Roche but are utterly dissatisfied at how local management (FLT) uses us for their benefit and gain. They have distanced themselves from us (the rotating meetings and walk a rounds, are a joke) and look only to promote what builds their self esteem and put money into their accounts at our expense.

Most of the Genentech folks have gone back since Jami left. The folks who are management now have only been promoted to get them to stay and to be honest they suck. Its obvious they promoted them not caring they were complete idiots. Quality here is a joke and that is apparent to everyone who has worked any where else. It will not be long before the sign out front is Green!!!

Most of the Genentech folks have gone back since Jami left. The folks who are management now have only been promoted to get them to stay and to be honest they suck. Its obvious they promoted them not caring they were complete idiots. Quality here is a joke and that is apparent to everyone who has worked any where else. It will not be long before the sign out front is Green!!!

I thought I read in the paper where Jami went on and on about the talent from the West coast and how much better quality was and how the pipeline was coming. Is this not accurate - would someone from Management not be fully honest with employees?

What a joke, we could trust management a number of years ago but this clown show only kisses up and covers their own asses.

What about the management and employee engagement we read about in the paper? The article said how great things are?

“It really showed you that your family is a part of our family,” Mazzaroni said. “It’s about showing you’re a leader but leading in a different way. That really resonates, builds trust and drives engagement. Your organization can see you’re a leader, and you have an important job but also that you’re down to earth.”

This says it is like a family at RCI.

Everybody knows Pete's job is to put a positive spin on everything although he focuses most of his time putting a positive spin on himself. Oh yes, I forgot his other job is badger everyone at Dancing with the Stars into buying tickets to support whatever Roche lackey "volunteers".

Everybody knows Pete's job is to put a positive spin on everything although he focuses most of his time putting a positive spin on himself. Oh yes, I forgot his other job is badger everyone at Dancing with the Stars into buying tickets to support whatever Roche lackey "volunteers".

Jami looked pretty hot the year she was in dancing with the stars!:p

This has to be one of Jami's best lines:

“I’m looking forward to a change in the way we work with more changeovers and tying in to biologics,” she said. “We do everything for our patient. We don’t just make money, we make medicine for people who are sick.”

Read more here:

Changing over to what!? Biologics?! RCI is manufacturer of small molecule APIs! After all was said and done, she just made money....

This has to be one of Jami's best lines:

“I’m looking forward to a change in the way we work with more changeovers and tying in to biologics,” she said. “We do everything for our patient. We don’t just make money, we make medicine for people who are sick.”

Read more here:

Changing over to what!? Biologics?! RCI is manufacturer of small molecule APIs! After all was said and done, she just made money....

The sad part of this is with all of the extra overhead she created I am not sure we are making money. The last meeting showed we have one of the higher QA costs in the company.

This has to be one of Jami's best lines:

“I’m looking forward to a change in the way we work with more changeovers and tying in to biologics,” she said. “We do everything for our patient. We don’t just make money, we make medicine for people who are sick.”

Read more here:

Changing over to what!? Biologics?! RCI is manufacturer of small molecule APIs! After all was said and done, she just made money....

I am not sure RCI/Jami "just made money". I believe with the extra overhead costs and the lack of products we are losing money.

Hemorrhaging money would be a much more accurate description. Then again, we are a Genentech site now so nobody cares about budgets anymore. It's obvious over the past three years, diminishing products, increasing staff like mad, ridiculous relocation costs to bring in "A players" from California, not to mention spending millions on Consultants to help fix a "problem" that didn't exist at all.

It was a great and welcome surprise to see all the new leaders involved in making sure the site held up and was safe during the rain. All of them were out as soon as possible and showed great leadership in checking on the site and all the employees. The support and concern from our colleagues at Genentech shows we are part of a big family.