New Site Head is a Finance Guy. I think his mission is to reduce the costs and improve productivity so that the sale can go through.
New Site Head is a Finance Guy. I think his mission is to reduce the costs and improve productivity so that the sale can go through.
Most of the Genentech folks have gone back since Jami left. The folks who are management now have only been promoted to get them to stay and to be honest they suck. Its obvious they promoted them not caring they were complete idiots. Quality here is a joke and that is apparent to everyone who has worked any where else. It will not be long before the sign out front is Green!!!
What a joke, we could trust management a number of years ago but this clown show only kisses up and covers their own asses.
Everybody knows Pete's job is to put a positive spin on everything although he focuses most of his time putting a positive spin on himself. Oh yes, I forgot his other job is badger everyone at Dancing with the Stars into buying tickets to support whatever Roche lackey "volunteers".
This has to be one of Jami's best lines:
“I’m looking forward to a change in the way we work with more changeovers and tying in to biologics,” she said. “We do everything for our patient. We don’t just make money, we make medicine for people who are sick.”
Read more here:
Changing over to what!? Biologics?! RCI is manufacturer of small molecule APIs! After all was said and done, she just made money....
This has to be one of Jami's best lines:
“I’m looking forward to a change in the way we work with more changeovers and tying in to biologics,” she said. “We do everything for our patient. We don’t just make money, we make medicine for people who are sick.”
Read more here:
Changing over to what!? Biologics?! RCI is manufacturer of small molecule APIs! After all was said and done, she just made money....