Rigas Bus

The FHFA or homeowners in a large class action can allege that every home that lost an unreasonable amount of value was falsely inflated.

Appraisal methodology never considered depression era models. This is what the suit could be based on for bad mortgages currently held by Fannie and Freddie. Everyone should just cooperate and come to a solution either allowing underwater homeowners who have never missed a payment to refinance or some kind of principal reduction or some combination.

After somewhat fixing this past debacle, then we can move on to how to make sure this never happens again as the NCUA did with the credit union network.

In the future, appraisals should not use sales prices as a barometer of value. Appraisals need to have some methodology that places an actual intrinsic value on a home. With an appraisal model based on the intrinsic value of a home, the banks would then self regulate* and slow down lending when prices start getting falsely inflated. They would no longer have the option to sell mortgages with falsely inflated appraisals to the GSE's. Fannie and Freddie and FHA aren't going to buy garbage mortgages anymore. Lenders can make their own underwriting decisions knowing this.

* Isn't self regulation a Republican ideology?

This is BS.

No-your response is BS. Why was Tom so "distant" with TG at the last big Onc meeting? He knows that he royally screwed up but I am starting to believe that all of this has been planned by the BOD. Why do we have these useless RDs/mgmt team that has 0 experience in this field? Watch-all the reps will come from some no-name lab company with no Uro/Onc experience too. They want to sink this ship.

They truly control what is happening.

I'm not sure it was a good idea to ask the people who have been here less than a year to stand was such a good idea. It is never good when more than half your commercial force are new hires. It says two things. People have left the company at a furious pace and the sales force lacks experience. I guess we will find out if they/we have the right stuff to turn this puppy in a year. Aloha!

It's over

He had a year to turn it around. It did not happen and someone had to be held accountable. They were gracious enough to make it appear as if it were his decision. He'll be fine. He got a hell of a package.