When interest rates went down I wanted to refinance. I didnt know anything about any HARP programs or any programs available to refinance if you were underwater in 2009.
I used to talk to GG sometimes about my concerns about property values. When I wanted to refinance, he told me about 3 units that were just sold that had sales prices well above what I needed for my appraisal value.
I contacted BG and told him that 3 units had sold for those prices. He was willing to do the appraisal and my appraisal has those 3 comps in it. Those are the most comparable units possible. Same complex. All 2 bedrooms. Exact units. CC was willing to let BG do the appraisal and he ordered the appraisal.
STI APPROVED the mortgage. STI made the CHOICE to sell the mortgage to Freddie Mac.
With the sale of the remaining 70 or so never sold units to AM who was renting those properties and being on the board of the condo I found out what they paid on average for each unit. I realized how much the value of my condo had plummeted compared to the balance on the mortgage even though I had made a 45k down payment.
I had heard about the FHA refinance option which included principal reduction. I talked to the creator of the program a few times through email and on the phone. She was an Obama appointee. I wanted to do this program. I worked tirelessly to get the complex FHA approved with the help of the property manager so that maybe I would be able to participate in this program and after a few years do a regular sale and get out of this nightmare situation.
The situation as it stood was that I was deeply underwater in a complex of renters and properties with lockboxes on the door.
Throughout most of 2010, I was talking to STI about wanting to participate in this FHA principal reduction program. I think their hands were tied as far as that program because the conservator of Fannie and Freddie did not want to go the principal reduction route.
I did a FOIA request to see how many people had been able to do this FHA principal reduction refinance program. I never got a response to this FOIA request because shortly after my FOIA request, the results of the program were made public in a news story. I don't remember the exact amount but maybe it was in the single digits. Maybe under 10.
I then decided the next option was a short sale. I am a single person no kids living in an apartment type complex among lockboxes and renters. With a short sale, I could move to a nicer place, pay less money and not be underwater. I knew short sales with no late payments existed but it was very very rare at that time. Banks were forcing people to go late at least one payment and that was a problem for me. I would not have done it if I had to go late on it.
I contacted several realtors who would not do my short sale because I gave the condition that it was to be a short sale with no lates.
DD had a friend at MJO who was working on DD's FORECLOSURE in Maricopa. DD referred me to JH and JH told me he had just hired a realtor who was hungry and would be willing to work on this short sale with no lates. JC was the realtor. A totally great guy. He came down to take pictures. I kept the condo pristine so this condo stood out among the other ones. JH set the price at 74,900.
I filled out all the paperwork including a hardship letter. I also sent it to STI.
STI did not own my mortgage. MJO did not own my mortgage.
DD and DD did not own my mortgage. JH did not own my mortgage. BC did not own my mortgage.
JaC did not own my mortgage. DJ did not own my mortgage. TW did not own my mortgage.
CC did not own my mortgage. GH did not own my mortgage.
KY did not own my mortgage. BT did not own my mortgage.
CFS did not own my mortgage. LRC did not own my mortgage.
JB did not own my mortgage. JK did not own my mortgage. JM did not own my mortgage.
FREDDIE MAC OWNED MY MORTGAGE and I was working on the banking part of the deal with Freddie Mac all along. What I told them included, but was not limited to the true hardship reason for doing this short sale. Through Bloomberg, I knew the exact bond my mortgage was in so they could easily identify it.
The property sold quickly and STI signed off on this SALE with no late payments and no promissory note owed. Short sale with no lates dropped my FICO only about 80 points. Could have bought a home the next day as FHA has no waiting period for short sales with no lates.
Per the agreement with STI, I got a 1099C. Due to the very intelligent GWB Mortgage Relief Act of 2007, this 1099C eliminates the need to pay taxes on the loan forgiveness. This Mortgage Relief Act of 2007 which expired 12-31-12 has now been extended in the fiscal cliff deal.
If there is any lesson to be learned here.
1. Find out about people by talking to them. Questions are a good way to find out about people. Sometimes people will divulge things. Sometimes they won't.
2. Once you go beyond public records to find out about someone, you run the risk that the information you find is COMPLETELY FALSE AND CAN RUIN THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.