Reverse Split and Spend Reporting

So, I think the technology is great. The potential in oncology is going to be pretty cool. Micro management is expected for a company just recently public and still considered a start up. Run if you want, this company is going places though. Just have to grind it through these hard and stressful times.

what happened to most of the reps they hired in a massive wave earlier this year?

They already dumped all the original hires that had 10,000 stock options....had to prep for the IPO...everyone they hired after only got 2000, then they reverse split them hahahahahaaa....keep dreaming you dopes.

They already dumped all the original hires that had 10,000 stock options....had to prep for the IPO...everyone they hired after only got 2000, then they reverse split them hahahahahaaa....keep dreaming you dopes.

I'm sure one of our managers will come on here and spin it so that everything is positive.

I'm sure one of our managers will come on here and spin it so that everything is positive.

No way to spin that. Nope. Seriously, I'm surprised each rep who was hired 6 months ago wasn't given 5% of the company a piece. That would make everyone happy, right? What do you think you deserve as a new hire? Not to mention, do you have A) any idea how much work and how many sleepless nights it takes to go public and B) how much money it costs? The ignorance from low level r*****s on this board is incomprehensible. It is much harder than any of you can imagine. Self righteous, loathing, complainers. There is a reason most (I say that with some reserve) on this board are on this board, because you need an anonymous place to complain about something, anything. The fact that the company just went public and raised north of 180MM doesn't impress you in the slightest is just laughable. How can you sit here and say "I'm sure one of our managers will spin to make it positive." Hey, dumbass, no spin needed. It is a positive. Get over the reverse split, it happens. Stay at the company 4 years, or it doesn't even matter for you, now does it? You morons wouldn't know a good thing if it hit you in the face. Natera is not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but there are many worse situations everyone could be on at this very moment. Our company went public, raised an ass load of cash, is involved in some amazing clinical trials in the oncology space and all any of you guys can do is hate. It's un-fathomable, to the very core of the word.


Not A Manager

So called managers aren't even managers. There isn't one person who has managed people before. They just move people around to get a title. Keep thinking you're living the dream...meanwhile all the shareholders are shorting that stock like crazy!! Just think if they didn't split it...come in at 10 bucks a share woooo hoooo!!! Tearing it up!!!!

No way to spin that. Nope. Seriously, I'm surprised each rep who was hired 6 months ago wasn't given 5% of the company a piece. That would make everyone happy, right? What do you think you deserve as a new hire? Not to mention, do you have A) any idea how much work and how many sleepless nights it takes to go public and B) how much money it costs? The ignorance from low level r*****s on this board is incomprehensible. It is much harder than any of you can imagine. Self righteous, loathing, complainers. There is a reason most (I say that with some reserve) on this board are on this board, because you need an anonymous place to complain about something, anything. The fact that the company just went public and raised north of 180MM doesn't impress you in the slightest is just laughable. How can you sit here and say "I'm sure one of our managers will spin to make it positive." Hey, dumbass, no spin needed. It is a positive. Get over the reverse split, it happens. Stay at the company 4 years, or it doesn't even matter for you, now does it? You morons wouldn't know a good thing if it hit you in the face. Natera is not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but there are many worse situations everyone could be on at this very moment. Our company went public, raised an ass load of cash, is involved in some amazing clinical trials in the oncology space and all any of you guys can do is hate. It's un-fathomable, to the very core of the word.


Not A Manager

Same person. Same message. Natera is not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination, but that's because of people like you. Go work on K Street where you spin things for the WH.

So continue to argue with all of the posters, but our company sucks!!!! Companies tend to take on the personality of their CEO. In Eastern culture, they believe there is no such thing as a bad student...only a bad teacher. You want to turn things around? Start cleaning house with management. Watch what a difference it'll make.

So continue to argue with all of the posters, but our company sucks!!!! Companies tend to take on the personality of their CEO. In Eastern culture, they believe there is no such thing as a bad student...only a bad teacher. You want to turn things around? Start cleaning house with management. Watch what a difference it'll make.

I completely agree on the culture thing but you think we should fire the CEO?

I completely agree on the culture thing but you think we should fire the CEO?

We?! Haha, you have no say in anything. So let's not pretend you do. Of course we shouldn't fire the CEO, he is not in charge of sales and operations. The board, VC's own more total than our MR anyways. If any decisions are made, it's by committee and I can assure you no one is getting rid of the brain child. He deserves everything for his efforts. Others in upper management are very questionable to say the least.

How's that stock doing now you dopes??

Ah, another moron who knows nothing about the stock market. Can't take everything for face value. Today marked the end of our quiet period. Over next couple days, reports and analysts will come out to give market reports, projections, venture cap. firms who backed us will speak, Q2 earnings etc will all come out. Our stock is sitting at $18 which is exactly where they expected it to be. The stock will rise now that quiet period is over. Not to mention, look at biotech as a whole, all the stock are down 3-15%. It's an ebb and flow, very cyclic. But, you can't be blamed for your incompetence. You are, after all, a life time sales rep with little to no business accunem.

Ah, another moron who knows nothing about the stock market. Can't take everything for face value. Today marked the end of our quiet period. Over next couple days, reports and analysts will come out to give market reports, projections, venture cap. firms who backed us will speak, Q2 earnings etc will all come out. Our stock is sitting at $18 which is exactly where they expected it to be. The stock will rise now that quiet period is over. Not to mention, look at biotech as a whole, all the stock are down 3-15%. It's an ebb and flow, very cyclic. But, you can't be blamed for your incompetence. You are, after all, a life time sales rep with little to no business accunem.

here is the same moron who continues to cheerlead for the company and his continued attempts to degrade sales reps. i'm thinking you don't work for this company and just another troll looking to contrast with the majority. If you do work for this company ..... you're a lousy excuse for an employee. how do you find the time to come here and post sooooooo many times?? Why aren't you out selling for the same company you try to prop up?

here is the same moron who continues to cheerlead for the company and his continued attempts to degrade sales reps. i'm thinking you don't work for this company and just another troll looking to contrast with the majority. If you do work for this company ..... you're a lousy excuse for an employee. how do you find the time to come here and post sooooooo many times?? Why aren't you out selling for the same company you try to prop up?

Prop up? Lol....yeah, so it takes approx. 30 seconds to respond on a forum. Not rocket science.