Reverse Split and Spend Reporting

The bigger problem is that there is no real leadership here at Natera. They don't care about the sales force. They don't care about destroying the sales representatives reputations out in the field, and they in no way give any consideration into truly developing their representatives. It is only about how much money they can make before it all collapses. Why do you think there is no 401k match? No additional stock options for performance? No additional support for educational advancement? They don't care. They will gut this company, sell it off to some poor Big Pharma group, and move to the next place that they can destroy. Look at Conceptus, Look at LipoScience, look at their track record. They convinced MR that this was the best thing for the company. He bought it. End of story.

The plan is to gut the company in the next 18 months. Why do you think we moved from San Carlos to Redwood City? Do you guys seriously think we ran out of room? HAHAHA. How do you run out of room when you're in a hiring freeze and wish to decrease local headcount? We could have fit twice as many people in that San Carlos office.

DS was brought on to trim as much as possible. He lives in Austin. We're moving the lab to Austin. Coincidence? We can get rid of all worthless chinks and flips who work in lab ops and hire more qualified employees at a lower rate in TX and let the lease on that space in San Carlos expire. Then once we automate some more processes, we'll outsource service to either a 3rd party or a 3rd world county. Hopefully that will all time well with the expiration on the lease in RWC when we can move back to HQ to a much leaner company. Only then will we turn a profit.

The plan is to gut the company in the next 18 months. Why do you think we moved from San Carlos to Redwood City? Do you guys seriously think we ran out of room? HAHAHA. How do you run out of room when you're in a hiring freeze and wish to decrease local headcount? We could have fit twice as many people in that San Carlos office.

DS was brought on to trim as much as possible. He lives in Austin. We're moving the lab to Austin. Coincidence? We can get rid of all worthless chinks and flips who work in lab ops and hire more qualified employees at a lower rate in TX and let the lease on that space in San Carlos expire. Then once we automate some more processes, we'll outsource service to either a 3rd party or a 3rd world county. Hopefully that will all time well with the expiration on the lease in RWC when we can move back to HQ to a much leaner company. Only then will we turn a profit.

hey......i'm not a worthless chink. Sayonara.

The plan is to gut the company in the next 18 months. Why do you think we moved from San Carlos to Redwood City? Do you guys seriously think we ran out of room? HAHAHA. How do you run out of room when you're in a hiring freeze and wish to decrease local headcount? We could have fit twice as many people in that San Carlos office.

DS was brought on to trim as much as possible. He lives in Austin. We're moving the lab to Austin. Coincidence? We can get rid of all worthless chinks and flips who work in lab ops and hire more qualified employees at a lower rate in TX and let the lease on that space in San Carlos expire. Then once we automate some more processes, we'll outsource service to either a 3rd party or a 3rd world county. Hopefully that will all time well with the expiration on the lease in RWC when we can move back to HQ to a much leaner company. Only then will we turn a profit.

If you're in California now and you're calling the people in lab ops chinks and flips.....what are you going to call the undocumented Mexican national who lost his way in Texas?

If you're in California now and you're calling the people in lab ops chinks and flips.....what are you going to call the undocumented Mexican national who lost his way in Texas?

Depends..........are they here legally? Paid all associated costs? Filled out proper paperwork, went to interviews, waited in line to ask questions and then got sworn in and is working? Or, simply got waved in via amnesty and brought along 3 relatives to join them and got food cards?

illegal immigrants are the least of this bunches problems. Fraudulent insurance claims, illegal inducements, and Sec violations are really much more serious. Only in nipt do you go public and lose 2/3 of the value before you report your first financial statements

illegal immigrants are the least of this bunches problems. Fraudulent insurance claims, illegal inducements, and Sec violations are really much more serious. Only in nipt do you go public and lose 2/3 of the value before you report your first financial statements

Lol, illegal inducements? I'm assuming this is from a competitor, although I'm not sure which one but the shit I've seen in the field from a couple other companies, in writing and on legal documents, has been much worse than anything you think we may be guilty of. There is definitely no inducement here, at least not compared to some of the other companies.

Not a competitor just an investor who has made a fortune shorting first SQNM and now these clowns. Sorry buddy but when you tell referring doctors you will write off patient balances in order to get referrals it constitutes an illegal inducement. Just ask SQNM.

Lol, illegal inducements? I'm assuming this is from a competitor, although I'm not sure which one but the shit I've seen in the field from a couple other companies, in writing and on legal documents, has been much worse than anything you think we may be guilty of. There is definitely no inducement here, at least not compared to some of the other companies.

According to the above poster, we have been doing illegal activities, but he seems to think two wrongs make a right.

Not a competitor just an investor who has made a fortune shorting first SQNM and now these clowns. Sorry buddy but when you tell referring doctors you will write off patient balances in order to get referrals it constitutes an illegal inducement. Just ask SQNM.

I just feel bad for you dude. You are the same loser "investor" who comes on CP everyday just to tell a company board you are going to "short, baby, short!" Get a life man. Obviously you don't know our policies or the way our sales team works if you think we tell doctors we are going to write off bills in order to get business. That would never be a sustainable business model. Get over it and move on. You can surf CP and eat your cheetohs elsewhere.

I just feel bad for you dude. You are the same loser "investor" who comes on CP everyday just to tell a company board you are going to "short, baby, short!" Get a life man. Obviously you don't know our policies or the way our sales team works if you think we tell doctors we are going to write off bills in order to get business. That would never be a sustainable business model. Get over it and move on. You can surf CP and eat your cheetohs elsewhere.

I just feel bad for you dude. You are the same loser "investor" who comes on CP everyday just to tell a company board you are going to "short, baby, short!" Get a life man. Obviously you don't know our policies or the way our sales team works if you think we tell doctors we are going to write off bills in order to get business. That would never be a sustainable business model. Get over it and move on. You can surf CP and eat your cheetohs elsewhere.

so sad.....another disillusioned employee. good luck son.