Trying to get a straight answer from the AZ benefits center Is a total waste of time. My experience is they either admit that they don’t know the answer, or worse, give you the wrong answer. Training must be non existent.

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6086016"]My spouse was hospitalized and AZ cut off her supplemental after 2 days when $11K put her at the $25K maximum. We got stuck for the remainder of $38K that Medicare didn't cover. We could not get our own independent plan that would cover it since the charges occurred while AZ was figuring out the numbers.

A lot of complaining about losing something that wasn’t good to begin with. The Medicare supplement plan option from AZ was generally more expensive and had serious drawbacks as a previous poster stated above. The only reasons to choose it was if you were on AZ branded meds you could continue to get them free, and if you had a younger spouse or dependent you had to have this plan to keep them on the AZ health plan until they were also on medicare.
With the ending of this option you can now still get the AZ meds for free, keep your pre 65 year old spouse on the AZ plan, and get a less expensive plan without the $25 k cap on it. Its a win.[/QUOTE]

So my spouse can stay on the plan until she hits 65 in 12/2021? Is that correct? I'm 65 now and on Medicare.

We both got a 6 page, of very confusing info. I signed up on my supp. And Medicare D. I used Select Quote.
My spouse, said she would get a VIA Benefits, a month before she reached 65. That would be one year before she needs it. I called AZ benefits, they never heard about the letter or heard of VIA Benefits. I talked to Fedrick....nice but clueless.
What else do you know? Thanks a Bunch

So I just signed up for my medicare plan thru the Via benefits site. I decided on a medicareadvantage plan with Regence. It covers the parts A, B, and D with vision and dental care. $0 premiums. So what I was paying AZ $145/month for plus now getting dental and vision and no $25,000 cap for no costs.

So I just signed up for my medicare plan thru the Via benefits site. I decided on a medicareadvantage plan with Regence. It covers the parts A, B, and D with vision and dental care. $0 premiums. So what I was paying AZ $145/month for plus now getting dental and vision and no $25,000 cap for no costs.

I take an AZ drug. Has anyone explained to you the mechanism that AZ will use to provide this at no cost as they do now through Aetna/CVS? I haven't gotten an answer from anyone yet.

I am hoping a call to the pharmacy explaining the AZ policy will be enough. Never have understood how it actually works, but it does so must be just a code they can use.

So I just signed up for my medicare plan thru the Via benefits site. I decided on a medicareadvantage plan with Regence. It covers the parts A, B, and D with vision and dental care. $0 premiums. So what I was paying AZ $145/month for plus now getting dental and vision and no $25,000 cap for no costs.

Good Job. Do you live in a big city? I live in small town.

Do you have a spouse that is younger than 65 that will stay on the AZ plan for 2021?
I have not heard...for sure, what the heck is going on???

Yes i have a spouse that is not 65 yet and she will stay on the AZ plan till she reaches medicare age. Looks like there will be the usual higher costs, less coverage for 2021 but still better value than what we could get otherwise.
When using the via benefits you put in your zip code and it will list the plans available in your area. I called up a service rep and they walked me thru some of the details on the various plans and then i selected one.
So for my medicare I am just paying $144/ month for the part B. Most routine expenses are covered $0 copay, including generic meds. Some other expenses I might see are the first 4 days in a hospital are $400 a day, but then 100% after that, use network providers, etc. $5900 max out of pocket payout.

Yes i have a spouse that is not 65 yet and she will stay on the AZ plan till she reaches medicare age. Looks like there will be the usual higher costs, less coverage for 2021 but still better value than what we could get otherwise.
When using the via benefits you put in your zip code and it will list the plans available in your area. I called up a service rep and they walked me thru some of the details on the various plans and then i selected one.
So for my medicare I am just paying $144/ month for the part B. Most routine expenses are covered $0 copay, including generic meds. Some other expenses I might see are the first 4 days in a hospital are $400 a day, but then 100% after that, use network providers, etc. $5900 max out of pocket payout.

So the Medicare part you are talking about yourself? Correct?

Your spouse will stay on AZ you know the cost per month? My wife turns 65 in Dec. 2021.
Aetna has been good insurance. Thanks...

Yes, the cost is $312/month. My wife will be enrolled until 12/01/2021. That's the month she turns Medicare age. I just updated on MyAz benefits page. Thanks AZ for helping us out. That is a big savings. Also can't wait until you get the Covid-19 vaccine out.

A lot of complaining about losing something that wasn’t good to begin with. The Medicare supplement plan option from AZ was generally more expensive and had serious drawbacks as a previous poster stated above. The only reasons to choose it was if you were on AZ branded meds you could continue to get them free, and if you had a younger spouse or dependent you had to have this plan to keep them on the AZ health plan until they were also on medicare.
With the ending of this option you can now still get the AZ meds for free, keep your pre 65 year old spouse on the AZ plan, and get a less expensive plan without the $25 k cap on it. Its a win.

So my spouse can stay on the plan until she hits 65 in 12/2021? Is that correct? I'm 65 now and on Medicare.[/QUOTE]

OK, so I was in JV with AZ working for another big pharma. Retired and the SAME type of medical benefit exists there. Free brand meds. etc. It is not cheap and not great deal per se. But good coverage if you believe it is the supplemental coverage you need. So, this thread is much a do about little IMHO.

I resigned from AZ three years ago. I still receive in the mail communication about AZ benefits including this retirement benefit in question. Am I an eligible company retiree or am I just receiving mail in error?

I resigned from AZ three years ago. I still receive in the mail communication about AZ benefits including this retirement benefit in question. Am I an eligible company retiree or am I just receiving mail in error?
Did you work for AZ at least 10 years? How old were you when you resigned? 55 or qualify.

Ok, got my letter today. So, first off there was no $25k lump sum pay out to retirees to help pay for medical costs. What there was was a medicare supplement plan option that you had to pay for and had a 25k max pay out.
It was not a very good plan. The reason retirees bought it was it was mandatory if you wanted to continue to insure your pre 65 year old spouse with the AZ plan, and to also receive AZ meds free. Beginning in 2021 you will need to look for another medicare supplement plan or just get medicare part d to cover your prescriptions and costs medicare doesn’t cover. However, your spouse can still be covered under AZ plans and you will get AZ drugs free for 7 years.
No big deal.