Retired Hospira HR Manager Taking Any Questions

Took the words right out of my mouth brother...Amen.[/

Same guy answering himself again PHEEWW what a loser !!!!! Managers school you slackers and rightfully so NOW GET TO WORK and get off your lazy ass

Managers don't just abuse their subordinates. Sometimes they abuse other managers. One got a public reprimand for unseemly conduct. But the most common way is to try to "starve" out the other department by not sending them work when supposed to. This even happened to QA which can have serious consequences, all because two managers can't get along.

It is not surprising the ways things turned out.

Things are just fine here Mr Loser
I told you if you mess with me you would get slapped around real good
Keep posting those FDA recall links
Every time there's another one HSP stock jumps higher why would that be mr loser ?
Oh that's right you can't comment on pharma
So easy to spot and bust your threads

Do yourself a favor and listen to todays conference call and then decide for yourself the state of the company. Mike Ball and Sumant may understand generics and the general pharma business but they both have no clue how to manage the device side. Ask yourself what happened to Mike Ball's hire for the senior leadership role in device? Answer, he didn't last one year. Something is wrong and it has nothing to do with the supposed swamp he assumed. The fact is the people he relies on have no clue how to manage a business that was compliant for the last two decades. When asked when pumps will be shipped again he stated we must reapply for CE mark. Excuse me but is that a date? When pressed again his comment was we will let you know on investor day in February. Really, you'll have a better date in four months !! And lastly I'm sure he knows that the CE mark isn't required for the domestic market so when will they start shipping domestically?
It is amazing how far this company has slipped into obscurity. Very sad state of affairs !!

Do yourself a favor and listen to todays conference call and then decide for yourself the state of the company. Mike Ball and Sumant may understand generics and the general pharma business but they both have no clue how to manage the device side. Ask yourself what happened to Mike Ball's hire for the senior leadership role in device? Answer, he didn't last one year. Something is wrong and it has nothing to do with the supposed swamp he assumed. The fact is the people he relies on have no clue how to manage a business that was compliant for the last two decades. When asked when pumps will be shipped again he stated we must reapply for CE mark. Excuse me but is that a date? When pressed again his comment was we will let you know on investor day in February. Really, you'll have a better date in four months !! And lastly I'm sure he knows that the CE mark isn't required for the domestic market so when will they start shipping domestically?
It is amazing how far this company has slipped into obscurity. Very sad state of affairs !!
This is not good. Many of the skilled workers are going to leave under this uncertainty, exacerbating the situation.

Wonder if the FDA requires that the makers of the consumables which are highly profitable, also build the pumps which uses these consumables.

Yo BRO you sound like a real asshole no way you ever made 200k in last 6 years like you tried to brag on your other lame thread
ain't nobody your "BRO" boy

Hey, BRO, are you off your meds? Yo'u're babbling nonsense. I and many others have made 200k + over the years. You, my friend, no BRO, must be one of the few at the bottom of the list who can't cut it.
Now, be a good BRO and go take your meds....and shut the hell up. You are too ignorant to understand .

Yo BRO you sound like a real asshole no way you ever made 200k in last 6 years like you tried to brag on your other lame thread
ain't nobody your "BRO" boy

Hey shit for brains, aka Bro boy. I too have made 200k and more in a year. You, asshole, are one go the few inferior, mediocre reps that should have been fired long ago. You "Bro" are what we call dead wood.....from the neck up.
Now shut up, go suck your thumb, and accept your fate. You, Bro, are a loser.

I can tell you first hand what is happening at this particular site and it is not pretty. Employee moral is very low. Like I said earlier they went into winter shutdown early due to embedded particles in the glass they were receiving from thier vendor. This is not the first time this particular vendor has been on the hot seat. Here is the most disturbing news other than the "bad" vendor, 30 lots to rework for some type of quality issue during the shutdown. That is alarming. The quality department is short handed, manufacturing is short handed and maintenance is short handed. There was a new piece of equipment (Homogenizer) that was brought in for testing. We were told it was new technology and if it worked out it would replace the homogenizers already there. Well guess what, it was slated for Vizaq, India all along. Couldn't hide that fact either becuase reps from Vizaq were in the plant and they point blank told us. I beleive you when you say the some US plants will shutdown.

That has been the plan all along, going back to the off-site meetings in 2003 with newco. The strategy was to either outsource or move product offshore. HPD/Newco/Hospira was concerned about the compliance factor as well as the margins were to low. In reality hadn't the FDA intervened this process would have been much further along. If you are in Operations with Hospira you might consider what other options you have for the future.

The cost savings for labor alone are huge moving work to India. Not only on pay itself but benefits is a huge expense. Also the fact that a large number of Hospira employees have been with the company a long time and are receiving a large amount of vacation every year. The Abbott spin off of the HPD division was largely due to the big amount of senior employees. Many who could not retire now because retirement benefits were pulled.