Retired Hospira HR Manager Taking Any Questions

Yeah outrageous demands like asking them to add value. Who ever heard of that of an employee?

Usually want you to do the work of jobs that used to require 4 people. Pay the same but give the lazy upper management a bonus for sitting on their brains all day.

Talk about not adding value and just robbing the company...... their the best at it.

Top two "causes" people separate here:

1. Retaliation -- company sponsored for all those that do not drink the corporate Kool-Aid.
2. Resignation -- individual choice for those that realize what is in the Kool-Aid.

3. Laziness -- Can't meet production goals and calls out sick if the wind blows wrong

Yeah outrageous demands like asking them to add value. Who ever heard of that of an employee?

One site at the end of the year delivered over 150% of its target. Isn't that adding value? Yet the site was still shut down. Recalls and all sorts of FDA actions followed after they moved the plant. Why didn't they leave well enough alone? Put the blame on the people who had the power to make decisions, not the workers not only did their jobs but did it well.

3.1 Management's unrealistic goals and restriction of resources (remember project lean?) necessary to do a quality job.

3.2 Top-heavy organizational structure loaded with an over abundance of VP's, Directors, etc. necessitating over reliance on cost cutting to make earnings.

3.3 Inability to grow top line necessitating over reliance on cost cutting to make earnings.

3.4 Penny wise pound foolish mentality in companies infrastructure investments resulting in a myriad of operational problems.

3.5 Support functions like IT that do not have proper oversight and are pissing money away and getting a low ROI.

Posting when you are supposed to be working isn't a problem?

Hey pal you post on Friday nights Saturday nights and holidays you obviously don't have a life and must be very boring socially or you would be out enjoying life instead of hanging on this policed and edited board I feel sorry for you I really do so stop the pathetic nonsense nobody cares about you or how your IT job was outsourced your posts are easy to spot and on top of that you answer your own posts even you must admit you are a loser agree?

Usually want you to do the work of jobs that used to require 4 people. Pay the same but give the lazy upper management a bonus for sitting on their brains all day.

Talk about not adding value and just robbing the company...... their the best at it.

So why don't you just quit
I'll tell you why because you were already fired and have no job that's why you bum on cp weekends and weekdays to all you slackers out there take heed of this loser

Outrageous demands are placed on employee. If they don't perform. They are out.

Screwed over until they "snap". Then the company blames the employee for lack of performance or fired for some "cause" they give the company reason to fire them because of something they did in frustration.

Like Chinese torture treatment.

Hate to break it to you but if you are not performing in ANY job in ANY industry you will be let go
It sounds to me like you are a slacker with a history of repeated lost jobs and excuses for your F ups what happened when you snapped Did you run and cry in the bathroom or kick your dog

So why don't you just quit
I'll tell you why because you were already fired and have no job that's why you bum on cp weekends and weekdays to all you slackers out there take heed of this loser

Just go out and find work and keep busy maybe get a hobby or a girlfriend c p gives you nothing but anger and negativity and puts no $$ in your pocket Iam the best on this board and my threads have the most views in c p history I NEVER POST ON WEEKENDS and come here maybe every 2-3 weeks but when I do post I do heavy damage that lasts until I return I bashed specific people on here which led to their demise at abt and hsp I was posting here since hospital board started and years before on the Abbott board I understand where your coming from but you should give it up your posts have nothing in them that is not already known I gave good inside info on this board and everything I claimed would happened DID go back and look
Remember this , losers could be winners if they chose to commit to hard work and not make excuses idle hands/time is the work of the devil

Hate to break it to you but if you are not performing in ANY job in ANY industry you will be let go
It sounds to me like you are a slacker with a history of repeated lost jobs and excuses for your F ups what happened when you snapped Did you run and cry in the bathroom or kick your dog

You sound like you don't like what you see in the mirror everyday.


Hate to break it to you but if you are not performing in ANY job in ANY industry you will be let go
It sounds to me like you are a slacker with a history of repeated lost jobs and excuses for your F ups what happened when you snapped Did you run and cry in the bathroom or kick your dog

How is it that plant management is let go and blamed for quality problems, when executive directors cut all the resources?

You don't seem to know where the problem lies. Been blinded with too much corporate propaganda.

Again I will repeat myself since you don't get it
If you don't like it here JUST QUIT !! Find another job if its so bad
See u in 2 weeks
Just ask the old timer about getting slapped around on this board

Again I will repeat myself since you don't get it
If you don't like it here JUST QUIT !! Find another job if its so bad
See u in 2 weeks
Just ask the old timer about getting slapped around on this board

Or, maybe if management doesn't like disgruntled employee's, they should make conditions better. If that's not an option for them then maybe they should get out of management.