I can just see it now ......A former Hospira employee who wad booted or RIFd years ago..... Says "Year I was laid off from Pfizer" which sounds better than the word Hospira Haa Haa
The post below is from HSP manufacturing board It's the grunt
And, on a related note:
"The hurrier I go, the behinder I get."
Lewis Caroll
The Austin CCTV is congratulating everyone for ending 2013 STRONG!
About 25 seconds later...We invite everyone to sign up to help in rework
and keep our products available.
Last 6 months of 2013 were pure hell in production. Lifecare went to 7 day work
weeks. Continuous Sterilizer had hundreds of closed carriers and hundreds more
broken door springs. Lifecare Sterilization stacker #1 was simply a hazard to be near,
but kept running 24/7.
Apparently, for several months, Lifecare bags were punctured just before being packed &
shipped. Eventually, regional warehouses reported wet boxes and a 6 foot by 3 foot
sign-up sheet was posted for rework volunteers. I'm told there's 6 months' rework
Those are a few examples of how we finished 2013 STRONG!
Yep...the hurrier we went, the behinder we got.
Its a stupid question I bet you didn't know Hospira has a 37% share of the generic injectable pharmaceutical market, more than TWICE that of their nearest competitor which is Baxter, a much larger and more diversified medical device company Hospiras evolving generic Biosimilar technologies will be a cash cow in the next 5 years and propel HSP stock to $70 within 2 Years
If I wanted to shut your ass down it's an easy task You production grunts and IT geeks crack me up Look online and you will ALL see job openings for your old positions in every plant in North America Why would that be ?
Hr Can you tell us more updated info? you left us in the dark last six months.
Rumor has it that the HSP SS is reviewing employees internet habits and blocking all sorts of websites (YouTube)...makes sense given that Internet is operating slower than your grandmothers dial up connection at HQ.
POS company with a CEO that has no clue what the hell he is doing. How long
can he keep his job know one knows. If he was worth anything Allergan would
have never let him leave. What a loser !!!
This answers a lot of questions. I heard the HSP fleet drivers had to all drive back mid route to the dc's and pw's. All that man power and money wasted. I'm assuming it was something very serious. It was the perfect timing too because Baxter just went on a nationwide backorder for NS, 1/4ns, d5w. Pathetic. This could be potentially a huge problem.
I have to admit, you are good entertainment. Your inflated ego get in the way, and a former HY guy is no better in any way than the janitor at any plant. Remember, you were one of the lying, deceitful scumbags who protected Hospira in their despicable treatment of many screwed ove employees. Everyone is a grunt, stupid, ignorant, but you are superior? In what way?
Doing your penance on CP is your way of looking for absolution....along with the bottle sitting in front of you all day and night.
You still are a despicable human being and you still are a scumbag. You remind me go Don Rickles, a comedian making a living insulting people. I think he's dead.
Your luckiest day would being me. Too bad we couldn't meet face to face, but that would be that would be going into the sewer with a f-Ing loser like you. God, you are pathetic!do you clean the shithouse for Hospira or are you just a troll?
My #1 Fan
Boo yah
.Beaten Troll said:No, booooooo you! Your drunken bravado doesn't hide your pathetic stupidity and misinformed BS. You got dumped. Admit it, and move on. The entertainment value has diminished to next to nothing.
This plant is from the middle ages. Poorly built, maintained, etc. I can't believe that FDA hasn't shut it down...! NoSack almost got them a warning letter.Shut it down. Fire the bums and keep as many jobs as possible off shore. We pay those workers peanuts and they're grateful to have the jobs. Who cares if the plant is dirty and not up to standards. We're making tons of money off these lazy deadbeats working for pennies. Make America Great Again!