
Why can't we just lower the price of Apligraf? Shire announced yesterday that they're dropping the price to $1360 and they're not letting anyone go. As a matter of fact, effective Jan. 1, Shire will be launching their Federal Sales Force too.

A&A will buy the competition, charge the same (more) for both, and put the Cali building in a trust for someone special. I plan on keeping my job by applying for the FSF

No package for performers who loose their jobs...not even 2 weeks per year. Note to self- start underperforming and I'll get 2 weeks per year.

Wake up and smell the coffee..the underperformed are the executives, exp. the new ones and the girlfriends, friends, and family they have brought on board..all will still get a huge bonus..What will we get? We will have e honor of going to an expensive meeting to be told by Her Royal Highness that we are all on, this is motivating me to sell- NOT!

Artificial liver project still has a $400,000 budget?

The heart breaking cuts have begun. Pre-clinical is gone, these were some of the best and brightest people in the company. There work on the mode of action of Apligraf and all the various VCT's was some of the best science that OI has done in a long time. Its a shame to see them and all this knowledge go.

R+D is also gone as of today. But this is no real loss. In the 7 years that R+D has been back they have nothing to show for it, except a ton of money spent and a ton of fudged data. Reports were that by March 2013, R+D had spent their entire annual budget. What a joke.

One would have to think that the sales force will be cut by at least 50% soon, as the reported projections for sales losses starting in January are 50-70% due to the CMS-HOPPS ruling.

The company should have had a plan for this, but it appears that they did not. That is the disappointing part of this all.

How many from production? They always seamed to have lots of free time.

Happy holidays to you! Clearly you are an executive or girlfriend, friend or family of one of the six figure earners ! If you have to lay folks off fine- but don't take millions from the state ( our tax money) and not pay severance. OI got state aid (corporate welfare) to hire staff- but you clowns keep the money and lay the lowest paid staff off at Christmas. My kids will get nothing for Christmas this year- thanks for caring! Even walmart had a food drive for their employees!

Happy holidays to you! Clearly you are an executive or girlfriend, friend or family of one of the six figure earners ! If you have to lay folks off fine- but don't take millions from the state ( our tax money) and not pay severance. OI got state aid (corporate welfare) to hire staff- but you clowns keep the money and lay the lowest paid staff off at Christmas. My kids will get nothing for Christmas this year- thanks for caring! Even walmart had a food drive for their employees!

Forget the holidays for my kids - they will be lucky if they have a place to sleep. I am sure the reply was from executive level six figure fat cats because NONE of the employees -those laid off NOR those that survived this round (FYI rumor had it NO notice for next rounds) in both sales and head quarters are that heartless and cold.

Forget the holidays for my kids - they will be lucky if they have a place to sleep. I am sure the reply was from executive level six figure fat cats because NONE of the employees -those laid off NOR those that survived this round (FYI rumor had it NO notice for next rounds) in both sales and head quarters are that heartless and cold.

Clown bad press Bro, clown bad press

No you didn't miss a memo from OI- but taxpayers will be wanting to know what their money was used for, why 2 weeks per year severance (as required)is not being payed when state aid was taken, and if OI plans to pay this money back.

'Twas two weeks before Christmas,
And all through OI,
Not a worker was working,
They were saying goodby,
The execs in their office-thinking never not I,
The workers can get canned at Christmas and cry,
I'll keep my fat paycheck and a bonus too,
You can eat spam for Christmas- we care not for you,
No toys for your children and no severance we will give,
Or you can buy toys and on the street they can live,
We are not union, but Hohoho - we will ALL go,
For Santa is bringing pickets, we will hold in the snow.

OI has never been a people company. They do not care about their own people, so how can they care about anyone else? As long as our clown executives can have their partys and trysts with women that want to advance themselves they are happy. Now they have hired bad people in key positions that have made things even worse. I do not see anything good coming out of this, I see the end. Well Gary went to San
diego to look at Dermagraft, whats up with that? Whens the next layoff, does anyone know?

No package for performers who loose their jobs...not even 2 weeks per year. Note to self- start underperforming and I'll get 2 weeks per year.
As I understand it, December 31st is the final day of employment for all who were laid off in this round. The "severance package" is a slap in the face...wages only paid through February 8th. That's whether the employee worked for OI 3 months or 8 years. My passion and respect for the company has vaporized. I understand that a medical business has to do what is necessary to keep afloat in light of brutal market changes, but sending off all TRSs (regardless of tenure and past performance) with the same pathetic severance is a low blow. In the past (2013 and earlier) people who were fired got 2 weeks salary per year. If you were laid off this week you got 8 1/2 weeks! Way to give your dedicated employees time to find another job, OI. Shameful.

It is not severance it's notice. Most were told they are laid off and their last day is Feb 8 and they leave with no severance. A few were told not to report during the notice period. No one got severance.

As I understand it, December 31st is the final day of employment for all who were laid off in this round. The "severance package" is a slap in the face...wages only paid through February 8th. That's whether the employee worked for OI 3 months or 8 years. My passion and respect for the company has vaporized. I understand that a medical business has to do what is necessary to keep afloat in light of brutal market changes, but sending off all TRSs (regardless of tenure and past performance) with the same pathetic severance is a low blow. In the past (2013 and earlier) people who were fired got 2 weeks salary per year. If you were laid off this week you got 8 1/2 weeks! Way to give your dedicated employees time to find another job, OI. Shameful.

This round 60 day notice was given b/c the warn act requires if you lay off over 100 you have to give 60 days notice. This is not severance- most of these folk have to work the 60.days and can't even use the time to look for a job. Next rounds (and there will be several ) will be smaller rounds of less than 100 at a time so they can let us go that say with no notice and no severance.

Plan ahead, consider yourself as being on notice as of now...most of us will not survive the next round of layoffs (rumor has it Jan 1 and Jan 30)...all that will be kept is a skeleton.crew and the fat cats.


In an effort to ensure that management will receive an increase in their end of year bonuses, additional layoffs will occur on 24 December. Please also be advised that the employee holiday party is canceled in a cost saving effort. The executive leadership holiday retreat to San Diego will occur as planned, however with a slight change in entertainment. This year we will eat, drink, and merrily discuss who we will layoff. This will allow us to claim it as a business expense on our taxes.
We wish a happy and unprosperous new year to all our (well for now anyways) employees