Resp. bio expansion

Ex NVS folks at Az are all laughing as they cash that fat check. They didn't even have to interview, the fix was in bc all the managers came over first hired by the ex NVS RDs. So if you sorry ass AZ internals ever thought you had a chance, no you didn't. There is a crooked network and you are not part of it. It is all about the money! AZ hired mostly NVS, don't take my word for it, ask around....... its obvious.

Those at NVS thank all that left because everyone that stayed got two massive base salary increases and 100K in retention thanks to all of you that left! Sorry for the internals at AZ, you were screwed and will be screwed. The fun part will be when the shit hits fan at AZ and it will. AZ is a mid size , bio wana be. Keep trying.....maybe someday you will catch up......doubt it.

The high pay to externals serves another purpose. It is designed to encourage those who have been here for a long time to leave. AZ is trying desperately to get these people to leave so severance packages and high restructuring costs won't be needed. There was talk about how expensive the CVMET layoff in 2016 was by the SET. AZ doesn't want to go through that again. You want to get back at AZ? Sounds crazy but -stay.

As a AZ legacy rep it really pisses me off that we couldn’t even get interviews. Absolute bull shit

And on top of that, TPTB have a hiring freeze on the inhaled resp sales team because the $ they used for the biologic team exceeded budget. Wonder what will happen when the drug flounders? Hope those Novartis and diversity hires can make magic.

And on top of that, TPTB have a hiring freeze on the inhaled resp sales team because the $ they used for the biologic team exceeded budget. Wonder what will happen when the drug flounders? Hope those Novartis and diversity hires can make magic.

If the drug flounders, you can be sure it will be the AZ reps who get let go while all external new hires will be given opportunity to stay. Out with the old and in with the new is the AZ way.

Apparently all the expansion spots have been filled and their training starts tomorrow. I’m a internal and couldn’t even be afforded the dignity of getting a call informing me I didn’t get it.

The problem is they are flooding the geographies with bodies in response to competition adding more people. This is not going to be the answer. That’s a Pfizer 1990s move that led to massive layoffs down the road. If they think plunking people all over the joint is going to result in more sales then they have a primary care mentality. That is a very bad approach IMO. It is going to tick off the offices. I was told this is the typical AZ playbook and it seems to be coming true.

Ive never seen a company that shits on their own employees more than this one. What does it say about how they view their own employees when they won't promote from within? good way to send morale straight down the toilet..

Ive never seen a company that shits on their own employees more than this one. What does it say about how they view their own employees when they won't promote from within? good way to send morale straight down the toilet..

It's not personal, it's business. We need experienced people who can jump start this new business for us immediately. If you are looking for experience, try looking elsewhere - maybe a start up company. AZ does not exist to develop you. Business first, people last.

It's not personal, it's business. We need experienced people who can jump start this new business for us immediately. If you are looking for experience, try looking elsewhere - maybe a start up company. AZ does not exist to develop you. Business first, people last.

Spoken just like douchebag Domenick who talks a big game and brags on his own experience but we all know can’t launch or manage a product to save his life. Total joke.

You all are just jealous! It’s amazing over here!!! And they did hire some of us from AZ. Don’t be bitter because you weren’t good enough

HA! Yeah. Let us know how amazing it is when you all get sh/tcanned because fasenra just had pisspoor trial results come back and the company realizes they hired too many people to sell that worthless dog of a drug.