That is also true. The little glazed donut in IT does not see it. He is trying to get SAP and Vistex implemented without enough knowledge to evaluate the talent or make an assessment of the type of resources he requires. So, he fakes it. But, faking it only works for a short time. Surprised it has gone this long. I presume his boss is also faking it.
As for JAGoff being EY ADD V2, a man who gets obsessed with the ladies is the distracted because he can no longer think with the brain between his shoulders. A man with those tendencies should be to stay away from eye candy. It is becoming easier since we no longer have any vivacious ladies. What a relief.
Have you noticed JAGoff and Paul are the loudest talkers? They appear to think talking loud will make them the smartest people in the building. It only stifles others and we end up accepting bad ideas. When the company decided to reprimand people for being animated and passionate about their ideas, they decided to accept the ideas of the idiots who continued to have the boldness to defy management. The smart people retreated and the idiots prevailed. Frankly we would be better off not having anyone in IT who knows Vistex...Oh, that is exactly what we have.
How about GSD? If you put in a ticket and asked them the time, they would want to Teamviewer to your machine. Then, they would clear a bunch of stuff from your machine but never tell you the time. It would be nice to have someone who can actually speak and understand the language on our money. I avoid calling them at all cost. They are a complete disaster. IT knows it but they just laugh, hoping the user community will tell UB.
it is surprising we have anyone left. So many long-time names on the list have been crossed off because threw in the towel...for good reason.
Taro is now Sun. It no longer has the esprit that once symbolized Taro. Every person who at Sun wanted a piece of it. In doing so, it lost whatever Sun intended to acquire. What is left? The road to perdition is Caraco. Sift out the products they like and destroy it. Probably won't happen as long as the big boss can keep churning the stock, making big money in the process.