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Republican glee over Bernie likely DEM nominee

No, I win, idiot boy. Bubba’s behavior was not all consensual. That’s why he settled with Paula Jones for almost a million and why there are credible allegations of rape against him. A very small percentage of rape cases are even charged and tried so lack of conviction in rape cases means next to nothing. The women were still violated against their will. Both my sister-in-law and one of my wife’s best friends in college were rape victims, but they never filed charges so the scum got away with it as do most rapists so you can stick your lack of conviction where the sun don’t shine. What we know about Bubba is he was found legally guilty of perjury lying about sexual matters so he has zero credibility and his denials and side of the story is worthless.
You make this too easy, you ignorant fool!

Bingo! Nailed the nitwit again! Bravo!

This isn’t trying to be funny. I’m completely serious. Biden is rapidly losing his mental faculties. Happens to many people his age. Not his fault and nothing to be ashamed of but it does disqualify him from being president.
It does not disqualify him but I actually agree with you. Have you listened to trump in there last decade ??? If You have you will certainly realize it’s just as bad if not worse with him

It does not disqualify him but I actually agree with you. Have you listened to trump in there last decade ??? If You have you will certainly realize it’s just as bad if not worse with him
You couldn’t be more wrong. Trump has had his stream of consciousness style for decades. Trump is sharp and will cut Biden to ribbons. Biden is embarrassing himself.

You couldn’t be more wrong. Trump has had his stream of consciousness style for decades. Trump is sharp and will cut Biden to ribbons. Biden is embarrassing himself.
You must not have been paying attention to the voter turn out because Trump is driving people in record numbers to vote for someone that would be him. The Democratic enthusiasm is reaching a fever pitch. I’m not saying that Trump doesn’t have a bunch of life losers behind him - he does. I just hope that the numbers for the Democrat greatly outnumber those for the orange obese idiot piece of trash criminal don the con

You couldn’t be more wrong. Trump has had his stream of consciousness style for decades. Trump is sharp and will cut Biden to ribbons. Biden is embarrassing himself.

Did you here his presser on the beer virus where he said Ebola people just disintegrated?

You can't make this shit up......…… :p

You must not have been paying attention to the voter turn out because Trump is driving people in record numbers to vote for someone that would be him. The Democratic enthusiasm is reaching a fever pitch. I’m not saying that Trump doesn’t have a bunch of life losers behind him - he does. I just hope that the numbers for the Democrat greatly outnumber those for the orange obese idiot piece of trash criminal don the con

Why don't you try explaining how Trump fans are idiots? What is it about Trump's policies that makes people who support him, idiots?

While you're at it, why don't you explain why supporting a Democrat who will raise taxes, harm the economy and jobs, open our borders so that criminals, diseases and drugs can pour into the country, destroy our institutions and restrict and/or eliminate our individual rights under the Constitution is not a stupid thing to do? Just how exactly does one support the Democrats without being a 'life loser?'

We'll all be waiting on the edge of our seats for your reply.

You must not have been paying attention to the voter turn out because Trump is driving people in record numbers to vote for someone that would be him. The Democratic enthusiasm is reaching a fever pitch. I’m not saying that Trump doesn’t have a bunch of life losers behind him - he does. I just hope that the numbers for the Democrat greatly outnumber those for the orange obese idiot piece of trash criminal don the con
LOL! And like most of your hopes, they will be dashed. And nobody, nobody is a bigger loser than you are. Heck you can even come up with a cogent argument. Name calling and a snarky attitude only prove that you’re the real loser!

Did you here his presser on the beer virus where he said Ebola people just disintegrated?

You can't make this shit up......…… :p
Trump is right. Apparently you don’t understand what happens with Ebola. Your body begins to turn to mush - to disintegrate. Once again Trump isn’t the fool- you are! :p:p
And the “beer” virus? What’s up with that? Hmmmm?
You must have a bad case of the beer virus. I mean you don’t allow anyone else to blame typos or autocorrect for their errors, so I can only assume, BASED ON YOUR STANDARD, that you typed that intentionally. Maybe under the influence of a little too much of the beer virus?:p:D
As always you make this too easy!

Trump is right. Apparently you don’t understand what happens with Ebola. Your body begins to turn to mush - to disintegrate. Once again Trump isn’t the fool- you are! :p:p
And the “beer” virus? What’s up with that? Hmmmm?
You must have a bad case of the beer virus. I mean you don’t allow anyone else to blame typos or autocorrect for their errors, so I can only assume, BASED ON YOUR STANDARD, that you typed that intentionally. Maybe under the influence of a little too much of the beer virus?:p:D
As always you make this too easy!
Thank god when ebola hit we had an actual President in office instead of a clown- who actually knew what a pandemic was and formed a team to combat it!!!!! Of course Trump and Bolton has to dismantle anything Obama did---wow--KARMA--

LOL! And like most of your hopes, they will be dashed. And nobody, nobody is a bigger loser than you are. Heck you can even come up with a cogent argument. Name calling and a snarky attitude only prove that you’re the real loser!
Well you managed to dodge the primary content that Democratic turnout has reached incredible levels. People waited in lines for hours in Texas - in a primary ! That is a bad bad sign for Donnie. He could lose in Texas - the fact that Texas is not a lock for Trump is very very very bad news for the Trump campaign.

Well you managed to dodge the primary content that Democratic turnout has reached incredible levels. People waited in lines for hours in Texas - in a primary ! That is a bad bad sign for Donnie. He could lose in Texas - the fact that Texas is not a lock for Trump is very very very bad news for the Trump campaign.
It was a primary you fool. Trump will beat Joe or Bernie in TX in the general!

Well you managed to dodge the primary content that Democratic turnout has reached incredible levels. People waited in lines for hours in Texas - in a primary ! That is a bad bad sign for Donnie. He could lose in Texas - the fact that Texas is not a lock for Trump is very very very bad news for the Trump campaign.
I dodged nothing. It was a primary for Democrats which has no real bearing on the general. All the polls have a Trump winning re-election against any of the Dem Dimwits. Donnie isn’t in trouble he’s laughing himself silly and licking his chops over the prospect of going after Sleepy Joe or Bolshevik Bernie!