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Republican glee over Bernie likely DEM nominee

You’re the liar, not me. I don’t give hyperbolic predictions.

Back to the topic of the thread:

Love this: "for myself I’ll leave it up to the Democrats to pick who they’d like to be their candidate.” How very thoughtful of you! Thanks for not making that decision for us. You're such a decent human being. Keep up the good work of blocking legislation and stacking the courts with unqualified right-wing nut job idealogues. I know it’s hard for people to wrap their heads around it but there are more voting millennials than baby boomers.

Moderate republicans went out the door with trump. The whole GOP party is as far right as they can go now. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

According to Steve Bannon, we’re on the verge off a worldwide pandemic.

Donald Trump says, “We have it under control!.” Trump says coronavirus 'under control' in US, problem going to 'go away'

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh who just received a presidential medal says, “Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

So what does the Donald do?


If he's right, he wins but if he's wrong – people start dying and Enter Bernie - bigly...……. ;).

Back to the topic of the thread:

Love this: "for myself I’ll leave it up to the Democrats to pick who they’d like to be their candidate.” How very thoughtful of you! Thanks for not making that decision for us. You're such a decent human being. Keep up the good work of blocking legislation and stacking the courts with unqualified right-wing nut job idealogues. I know it’s hard for people to wrap their heads around it but there are more voting millennials than baby boomers.

Moderate republicans went out the door with trump. The whole GOP party is as far right as they can go now. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

According to Steve Bannon, we’re on the verge off a worldwide pandemic.

Donald Trump says, “We have it under control!.” Trump says coronavirus 'under control' in US, problem going to 'go away'

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh who just received a presidential medal says, “Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

So what does the Donald do?


If he's right, he wins but if he's wrong – people start dying and Enter Bernie - bigly...……. ;).
He’s right. Mark it down. And Trump will crush Bernie! ;);)

Back to the topic of the thread:

Love this: "for myself I’ll leave it up to the Democrats to pick who they’d like to be their candidate.” How very thoughtful of you! Thanks for not making that decision for us. You're such a decent human being. Keep up the good work of blocking legislation and stacking the courts with unqualified right-wing nut job idealogues. I know it’s hard for people to wrap their heads around it but there are more voting millennials than baby boomers.

Moderate republicans went out the door with trump. The whole GOP party is as far right as they can go now. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

According to Steve Bannon, we’re on the verge off a worldwide pandemic.

Donald Trump says, “We have it under control!.” Trump says coronavirus 'under control' in US, problem going to 'go away'

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh who just received a presidential medal says, “Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

So what does the Donald do?


If he's right, he wins but if he's wrong – people start dying and Enter Bernie - bigly...……. ;).

Vag, it is because the Trump lovers are idiots. They literally believe ANYTHING.
For a while, I thought you were among them. I really thought you voted for that orange criminal. Not that Hillary was much better, but ever so slightly less shady.

Back to the topic of the thread:

Love this: "for myself I’ll leave it up to the Democrats to pick who they’d like to be their candidate.” How very thoughtful of you! Thanks for not making that decision for us. You're such a decent human being. Keep up the good work of blocking legislation and stacking the courts with unqualified right-wing nut job idealogues. I know it’s hard for people to wrap their heads around it but there are more voting millennials than baby boomers.

Moderate republicans went out the door with trump. The whole GOP party is as far right as they can go now. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

According to Steve Bannon, we’re on the verge off a worldwide pandemic.

Donald Trump says, “We have it under control!.” Trump says coronavirus 'under control' in US, problem going to 'go away'

Meanwhile, Rush Limbaugh who just received a presidential medal says, “Now, I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. I’m dead right on this. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks."

So what does the Donald do?


If he's right, he wins but if he's wrong – people start dying and Enter Bernie - bigly...……. ;).
Go Biden!! He can win this!

Vag, it is because the Trump lovers are idiots. They literally believe ANYTHING.
For a while, I thought you were among them. I really thought you voted for that orange criminal. Not that Hillary was much better, but ever so slightly less shady.

Honeybee, read my lips not my written words. :cool:
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Yes. I'd rather see Creep Crooked Joe get the nomination over the naked Communist Bernie.

Joe is the most qualified to be the democrat nominee. Just watch this:

This isn’t trying to be funny. I’m completely serious. Biden is rapidly losing his mental faculties. Happens to many people his age. Not his fault and nothing to be ashamed of but it does disqualify him from being president.

Vag, it is because the Trump lovers are idiots. They literally believe ANYTHING.
For a while, I thought you were among them. I really thought you voted for that orange criminal. Not that Hillary was much better, but ever so slightly less shady.
LOL! Are you completely nuts? Hillary is a million times more shady than Trump ever dreamed of being.

This isn’t trying to be funny. I’m completely serious. Biden is rapidly losing his mental faculties. Happens to many people his age. Not his fault and nothing to be ashamed of but it does disqualify him from being president.
Reagan was totally demented yet Repugs extoll his virtues constantly. I could give a sh$t if joe is demented. At least he’s not a fascist. The bar has been really lowered after trump as far as I’m concerned. After Trump I am inclined to try to cheat on my taxes and not give a flip in trying to be a good citizen anymore! The Repugs think he’s great while he trampled on our laws so why can’t I???

This isn’t trying to be funny. I’m completely serious. Biden is rapidly losing his mental faculties. Happens to many people his age. Not his fault and nothing to be ashamed of but it does disqualify him from being president.

The man is a creep and a crook too though. Still, Creepy Crooked Joe is the most qualified among the group for the democrat nomination...even if his mental faculties are failing him.

Reagan was totally demented yet Repugs extoll his virtues constantly. I could give a sh$t if joe is demented. At least he’s not a fascist. The bar has been really lowered after trump as far as I’m concerned. After Trump I am inclined to try to cheat on my taxes and not give a flip in trying to be a good citizen anymore! The Repugs think he’s great while he trampled on our laws so why can’t I???
Reagan was not demented. You are.
Clinton and Obama were the ones who lowered the bar. Trump actually raised it in many ways that you’re too stupid to understand or appreciate.
Trump hasn’t been reversed for trampling on our laws but Obama was! Oooops! Is that an inconvenient truth for you??

Reagan was not demented. You are.
Clinton and Obama were the ones who lowered the bar. Trump actually raised it in many ways that you’re too stupid to understand or appreciate.
Trump hasn’t been reversed for trampling on our laws but Obama was! Oooops! Is that an inconvenient truth for you??

Ya, paying hush money to porn stars is really raising the bar, isn't it? :p:p:p

Ya, paying hush money to porn stars is really raising the bar, isn't it? :p:p:p

Well, it is compared to Bubba raping and sexually harassing women and taking advantage of a young woman young enough to be his daughter. Besides according to you, it’s all about whether sex is consensual or not. With Clinton it often wasn’t but with Trump it Apparently always was. You are such an idiot for even trying this stunt and a hypocrite to boot! :p:p:p:D:D:D

Well, it is compared to Bubba raping and sexually harassing women and taking advantage of a young woman young enough to be his daughter. Besides according to you, it’s all about whether sex is consensual or not. With Clinton it often wasn’t but with Trump it Apparently always was. You are such an idiot for even trying this stunt and a hypocrite to boot! :p:p:p:D:D:D

Good god, you're an ignorant twit. Stormy Daniels is 40, Karen McDougal is 48 and Monica is 46. All were young enough to be the daughter of the men they had COMPLETELY CONSENSUAL SEX with and Trump's Stormy was the youngest of them all. No rape convictions for anyone. You lose. :D:D:D

Good god, you're an ignorant twit. Stormy Daniels is 40, Karen McDougal is 48 and Monica is 46. All were young enough to be the daughter of the men they had COMPLETELY CONSENSUAL SEX with and Trump's Stormy was the youngest of them all. No rape convictions for anyone. You lose. :D:D:D
No, I win, idiot boy. Bubba’s behavior was not all consensual. That’s why he settled with Paula Jones for almost a million and why there are credible allegations of rape against him. A very small percentage of rape cases are even charged and tried so lack of conviction in rape cases means next to nothing. The women were still violated against their will. Both my sister-in-law and one of my wife’s best friends in college were rape victims, but they never filed charges so the scum got away with it as do most rapists so you can stick your lack of conviction where the sun don’t shine. What we know about Bubba is he was found legally guilty of perjury lying about sexual matters so he has zero credibility and his denials and side of the story is worthless.
You make this too easy, you ignorant fool!

No, I win, idiot boy. Bubba’s behavior was not all consensual. That’s why he settled with Paula Jones for almost a million and why there are credible allegations of rape against him. A very small percentage of rape cases are even charged and tried so lack of conviction in rape cases means next to nothing. The women were still violated against their will. Both my sister-in-law and one of my wife’s best friends in college were rape victims, but they never filed charges so the scum got away with it as do most rapists so you can stick your lack of conviction where the sun don’t shine. What we know about Bubba is he was found legally guilty of perjury lying about sexual matters so he has zero credibility and his denials and side of the story is worthless.
You make this too easy, you ignorant fool!

So a financial settlement means guilt? Trump settled with Daniels and McDougal dimwit. And 'credible rape charges'? WTF does that mean? Who decides what's credible? At this moment there is a woman claiming Trump raped here years ago and she has a dress with his 'genetic material' on it. All she is asking is that he lick the swab for a DNA test and he refuses. Why would he refuse the chance to destroy her allegation? I think we both know why.

And yes, I too knew women who, in college, maybe had a lot to drink and ended up in a sexual situation which they later decided was rape. I feel badly for them. I once had a woman tell her boyfriend that I 'raped' her. It was entirely consensual and I'd been told by her that she no longer was seeing the guy. I was lucky, another woman was in the room at the time. We thought she was asleep but she wasn't and she came to my defense. So unless you were there, I suggest you STFU. You are the ignorant fool.