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Republican glee over Bernie likely DEM nominee

Looks like a matchup of two loudmouth obnoxious pieces of trash. I might just stay home

I didn't vote for Trump's personality. I voted for Trump because I believed he would do well as President. So far, he has exceeded my expectations.

And in truth, President Trump is a good man - there is nothing wrong with his personality either. It's the progressive leftists with the personality problems....the same ones who hate Trump for no rational reason.

Bernie is just a kook - a communist nutcase.

I didn't vote for Trump's personality. I voted for Trump because I believed he would do well as President. So far, he has exceeded my expectations.

And in truth, President Trump is a good man - there is nothing wrong with his personality either. It's the progressive leftists with the personality problems....the same ones who hate Trump for no rational reason.
With all due respect I feel the same about Trump. He is a weasel. A liar, and people who surround him end up in prison.
Bernie is just a kook - a communist nutcase.

I didn't vote for Trump's personality. I voted for Trump because I believed he would do well as President. So far, he has exceeded my expectations.

And in truth, President Trump is a good man - there is nothing wrong with his personality either. It's the progressive leftists with the personality problems....the same ones who hate Trump for no rational reason.

Bernie is just a kook - a communist nutcase.
Bingo! This person gets it!

I didn't vote for Trump's personality. I voted for Trump because I believed he would do well as President. So far, he has exceeded my expectations.

And in truth, President Trump is a good man - there is nothing wrong with his personality either. It's the progressive leftists with the personality problems....the same ones who hate Trump for no rational reason.

Bernie is just a kook - a communist nutcase.
I would not underestimate the enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders. People vote based on willingness, passion, and enthusiasm. There is a lot of passion against and for both candidates but Trump got way underestimated last time and look what happened. People who are writing Sanders off are clearly not recalling the last election at all

If Bernie is the democrat nominee then Trump will win California.

Even Hillary Clinton will end up voting for Trump.
This rhetoric is eerily like Trump, 2016. Don’t underestimate what the Bernie Brownshirts are capable of. Fortunately, Trump will outwork the Socialist slacker, but California? I don’t think so.

I would not underestimate the enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders. People vote based on willingness, passion, and enthusiasm. There is a lot of passion against and for both candidates but Trump got way underestimated last time and look what happened. People who are writing Sanders off are clearly not recalling the last election at all
Yes, we are but we recognize that there is a huge difference between Trump’s Make America Great Again theme with its emphasis on our constitutional tradition and sound economic policy and Bernie’s Make America Commie. Trump is going to have far more appeal to middle America than Bernie will. Bernie has an enthusiastic but very left wing wacko base. No sane moderate or independent will vote Bernie. Only independents or moderates you are clearly suffering from Trump derangement syndrome will seriously co sided voting for Bernie. Trump will kill Bernie on the debate stage and with his tweets and the political ads just write themselves. The Dems are doomed who ever they nominate as standard bearer for their imploding party. And no, this isn’t overconfidence or wishful thinking on my part - its rational political analysis. Bernie is unelectable. Sadly in a few more presidential election cycles we could devolve you the point where somebody like Bernie could be electable but not this year.

I would not underestimate the enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders. People vote based on willingness, passion, and enthusiasm. There is a lot of passion against and for both candidates but Trump got way underestimated last time and look what happened. People who are writing Sanders off are clearly not recalling the last election at all

Yes, but Trump is not a Communist.

What can Bernie bring to the table but bigger government and less freedom and equal poverty for all?

If Bernie is the democrat nominee then Trump will win California.

Even Hillary Clinton will end up voting for Trump.
Name a state that went for Hillary that Bernie won’t get. If he flips PA and Michigan he just needs 2 more electoral votes. I am by no means saying it is a slam dunk for either candidate but Bernie has excitement and momentum. A million things can and likely will happen before November. This will NOT be a boring election - bank on that. Bernie IS electable but he has baggage for sure. But don’t underestimate the Bernie enthusiasm-that’s what wins elections. If he gets young people (and they ARE showing up for primaries) and women,black,Latino show up after largely sitting out in 2016 - he wins

Name a state that went for Hillary that Bernie won’t get. If he flips PA and Michigan he just needs 2 more electoral votes. I am by no means saying it is a slam dunk for either candidate but Bernie has excitement and momentum. A million things can and likely will happen before November. This will NOT be a boring election - bank on that. Bernie IS electable but he has baggage for sure. But don’t underestimate the Bernie enthusiasm-that’s what wins elections. If he gets young people (and they ARE showing up for primaries) and women,black,Latino show up after largely sitting out in 2016 - he wins

There is nothing enthusiastic or exciting about communism - not unless you're Bernie Sanders perhaps...because he won't suffer under Communism...but everybody else will.

What is electable about Communism? Bernie is a nut. Who goes to Soviet Russia on their honeymoon? Even the Communist Stooges in the Kremlin didn't go to Soviet Russia on their honeymoons.

What does Bernie have to offer the American people? A bigger government? Less freedom? A promise to take away our individual rights? I don't see the excitement or the enthusiasm here.
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Name a state that went for Hillary that Bernie won’t get. If he flips PA and Michigan he just needs 2 more electoral votes. I am by no means saying it is a slam dunk for either candidate but Bernie has excitement and momentum. A million things can and likely will happen before November. This will NOT be a boring election - bank on that. Bernie IS electable but he has baggage for sure. But don’t underestimate the Bernie enthusiasm-that’s what wins elections. If he gets young people (and they ARE showing up for primaries) and women,black,Latino show up after largely sitting out in 2016 - he wins
Yeah and if your aunt had testicles, she’d be your uncle. If, if, if! I’ve got news for you Bernie isn’t getting PA and probably won’t get MI either. Minnesota will probably go Trump and Wisconsin. Bernie is DOA! Mark it down! Trump will probably get record black and Hispanic votes for a Republican! Bernie the Commie is doomed!

Yeah and if your aunt had testicles, she’d be your uncle. If, if, if! I’ve got news for you Bernie isn’t getting PA and probably won’t get MI either. Minnesota will probably go Trump and Wisconsin. Bernie is DOA! Mark it down! Trump will probably get record black and Hispanic votes for a Republican! Bernie the Commie is doomed!
Bathhouse/Sparky/Sybil also correctly predicted that Romney would beat Obama in 2012. By a landslide.