Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980's

For those of you who posted that they had 3- 6 million , do not say too loud. Obama wants your money to fund the deficit. Why not tax your dirty earning from pharmaceuticals that forced the unions to pay more for your lexapro and celexa?

For those of you who posted that they had 3- 6 million , do not say too loud. Obama wants your money to fund the deficit. Why not tax your dirty earning from pharmaceuticals that forced the unions to pay more for your lexapro and celexa?

Not sure if you are ripping Obama for his socialistic ways, or ripping the hard working men and women who helped grow this company into its present form (over 6000 US employees). I assure you the US and State Treasuries take in a ton of money from the salaries of those jobs....a lot more than $3-6 million per year.

To all those who made a fortune in the 90's on Forest stock, good for you for having the guts to invest in such a tremendous growth company. For those who had millions in options and lost it, you are idiots for not taking any profit off the table. For those of you who feel jipped because you were not around to participate, take a chance and join a small public company and help make it grow. Or form your own company and make it successful. Or simply shut up. Either way, I don't want hear your bitching and moaning.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - that is me laughing all the way to the bank!

Not sure if you are ripping Obama for his socialistic ways, or ripping the hard working men and women who helped grow this company into its present form (over 6000 US employees). I assure you the US and State Treasuries take in a ton of money from the salaries of those jobs....a lot more than $3-6 million per year.

To all those who made a fortune in the 90's on Forest stock, good for you for having the guts to invest in such a tremendous growth company. For those who had millions in options and lost it, you are idiots for not taking any profit off the table. For those of you who feel jipped because you were not around to participate, take a chance and join a small public company and help make it grow. Or form your own company and make it successful. Or simply shut up. Either way, I don't want hear your bitching and moaning.

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha - that is me laughing all the way to the bank!

I didn't know they were still giving Cookie and Orange Juice at the blood bank? HMMMMM

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Hey I just ran into Charlie Maerzke at a conference and he's doing great although I thought he was a hard assed manager. He seems to have mellowed a bit. Above poster is correct, Chuck / aka Charlie and his wife are in California, no kids.

I am looking for Chuck Maerzke. He was one of the good guys at Forest and I have lost track of him. Can anyone tell me where he is these days or give me some email or phone for him?

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Hey I just ran into Charlie Maerzke at a conference and he's doing great although I thought he was a hard assed manager. He seems to have mellowed a bit. Above poster is correct, Chuck / aka Charlie and his wife are in California, no kids.
Maerzke was my first DM in Pharma, back in the Midwest, and he was an excellent Mentor to me for many years. He escaped our horrible weather and says he loves being in Southern CA.