Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980's

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Chuck moved to California and now goes by name of Charlie. Saw him at a convention about 1 year ago and he's back in Managed Care. Don't remember which company though.

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Chuck Maerske hired me straight out of college in 1986 and really helped get my career going. Thanks for letting me know where he is but do you have any more specific address information?

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Chuck Maerske hired me straight out of college in 1986 and really helped get my career going. Thanks for letting me know where he is but do you have any more specific address information?

[/ QUOTE ]He lives in Orange County near the beach.

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

I spent nine long years with Forest from 89 to 98. The first 5 years were great, the last 4 really sucked! Best thing I ever did was leave! My biggest mistake was staying there for so long. Gotta say I do not miss anyone!

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Yep.....worked with them all.....quite a fun group

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone remember Matt Stuttle? Is he still with Forrest?

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Ken Goodman, what ever happened to him? Man he was a real stand up guy with intergrity now just another puppet in the game.

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Ken Goodman, what ever happened to him? Man he was a real stand up guy with integrity now just another puppet in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Type o

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Chuck Maerske hired me straight out of college in 1986 and really helped get my career going. Thanks for letting me know where he is but do you have any more specific address information?

[/ QUOTE ]He lives in Orange County near the beach.

Hey I just ran into Charlie Maerzke at a conference and he's doing great although I thought he was a hard assed manager. He seems to have mellowed a bit. Above poster is correct, Chuck / aka Charlie and his wife are in California, no kids.

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Hey I just ran into Charlie Maerzke at a conference and he's doing great although I thought he was a hard assed manager. He seems to have mellowed a bit. Above poster is correct, Chuck / aka Charlie and his wife are in California, no kids.

He is a very good friend and has done exceptionally well.

$6.3MM and growing, mostly because i hold almost no FRX stock any more; I sold a lot on the way up, and got rid of most of the rest before it bottomed out.

It sure helped me tolerate a lot of's nice knowing you could buy the $6MM man and still have enough left over to begin building a bionic woman, too! HA HA HA

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Ken Goodman, what ever happened to him? Man he was a real stand up guy with integrity now just another puppet in the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Type o

Ken Goodman just retired couple months ago, remarried after his first wife
died and now he is enjoying his billions. great guy

I worked at Forest in the mid/late 80' the office...know all the guys you were all mentioning...I'll quietly mourn for R. Gilliland.

Whatever DID happen to R. Bell and another one not mentioned...P.Bolton...

Re: Reps/Mgrs with Forest early to mid 1980\'s

Hey I just ran into Charlie Maerzke at a conference and he's doing great although I thought he was a hard assed manager. He seems to have mellowed a bit. Above poster is correct, Chuck / aka Charlie and his wife are in California, no kids.

Chuck aka Charlie Maerzke and his wife live someplace in Cali and he works for NovoNovardis