This board got quiet. I think that is because all the ethicon reps who were making posts are no longer with Ethicon.
They're busy worrying about their recall
This board got quiet. I think that is because all the ethicon reps who were making posts are no longer with Ethicon.
You didn't answer the original question, other than the recent Enseal acquisition, what else has EES recently acquired?
A few questions...
Would you buy and wear "reprocessed" underwear?
What about a "reprocessed" condom?
What about a "reprocessed" tampon introducer?
Didn't think so.
Now how would you like it if one of the above was purchased at a store and it WAS "reprocessed" yet NOT revealed to you?
Vomit yet?
It's all about full disclosure people.
I have two problems with reprocessing, one) it would be interesting to see the exact qualification required for a 510k specification on a device. Clearly any reprocessing agency couldn't test to the same specifications as the original manufacturer as they wouldn't have them. I don't buy the reports that reprocessed devices have less reported incidents and are therefore safer, doctors and nurses expect less from them and therefore report less.
Second) reprocessing is a unique business niche that is neither green or an efficient human activity. It takes $1.50-2.50 to make a new trocar that sells for $25-$100. To spend all that effort learning how to clean, transporting each unit, cleaning, and repackaging may save the hospital $20 but costs our economy because it's less efficient then the assembly lines of the manufacturer. The only advantage reprocessors have is they don't have to spend so mch money on R&D, and sales staff because someone else is paying for that for them!
In America, we allow this kind of competition - but too much of it in the wrong ways can make us inefficient as a society which will decrease overall economic wealth.
I'm an Ethicon rep and I LOVE Ascent.
I thought it was the end of the world when one of my accounts started reprocessing a year ago. Yes, I lost business in the short term but now I am taking back share surgeon by surgeon because the Ascent Harmonics do one thing consistently well - fail.
Tie that in with the stocking issues that Ascent has and it's one of the biggest scams going. My hospital it too blind to realize that they are spending 40% more per year and I'm making a ton of cash.
I am now selling more at list price than I was when I had all the business at contract and I don't have to work nearly as hard.
I can't wait for my next account to bring in Ascent to "save them 40% a year". O.k. pricks, go for it!
Who cares, you are still a trash collector!
Boy howdy, I bet at the manager's meetings, they laugh about how big of a minion you are. You really are drinking the Kool-aid. Your first point about the 510K clearance: is the exact same thing EES and any OEM for that matter had to go through with the FDA. The 510K is not just for reprocessing. Do your homework before trying to sound intelligent. First point knocked out.
It is obviously very efficiant for Ascent to be able to sell your products at 1/2 the cost at the same time providing jobs. No matter how inefficient you feel it is, the business model works to a "T" or Stryker would not have spent $525 million on them. This unique niche is a billion dollar industry. The reason why not as much monry is spent on R&D is because the problems are corrected before they go out the door....and that is more efficient.
Any more points you wantto discuss?? We can do this all day because you have no credibility.
I'll chime in on this. I love sales reps or marketing people that like to chime in on R&D. Mr. Homework, have you ever submitted a 510k? Do you know what the FDA requires? Are you trying to sound intelligent? Do you know what substanital equivalence is? Are you familiar with statistical confidence limits? Do you know your head from you ass? It takes surprising little test data to get a device approved. The good companies do exceedingly more testing than is required by the FDA. Please don't knock others under the illusion you know something.
Second, you may be right that it is efficient but I wouldn't say because a company spent $525MM its a model that works. Read the business section of a newspaper to find out that companies make bad purchases/decisions. That's a little pearl of wisdom for you to learn now. And the reason no R&D money is spent on reprocessing is because the investment was with the OEM, not the reprocessor. The reprocessor doesn't know shit about the device, they can only evaluate it side by side with the new device to demonstrate substantial equivalence with whichever tests they believe will transfer to surgical performance. But since they didn't invest in R&D, they may not have the best picture of that.
Finally, efficiant and monry aren't words.
If you pay full price for a new car, do you want it made of refurbished parts? Like refurbished products, let's discount procedures to the patients & insurance companies for those procedures done with reprocessed devices. Anyone willing to purchase any used retail product at full/new price, please reply...I have lots to sell....
You sir are a joke.
Secondly, let's remember that the OEM's were selling these devices 20 years ago without the label as a single use device...funny that they figured they could make more money if they sold more devices, here in lies the invention of a single use device.
The reprocessor knows plenty about the device. The FDA makes them test 100% devices going out the door.
Lastly, your point about buying a new car. These hospitals aren't paying the inflated price the OEM is selling them at. Your points in so little words are...shit.
It's interesting that Ethicon has recently entered into "sole-source" contracts with both Cardinal Health and Owens and Minor for distribution of their harmonics (to the exclusion of Ascent reprocessed product). Oh well, we'll just buy direct from Ascent rather than thru our distributor!
Can anyone say "Restraint of Trade"?
Nope, can't say "Restraint of Trade" but what can be said is "smart". CH and O&M figured out they could make more money selling OEM devices than reprocessed. It was their (CH and O&M) business decision-and a smart one. It is a free country so I guess the distributors saw something in it for them.
Stryker stepped into a pile when they bought Ascent. JNJ is a big ass ant hill. Keep kicking it and they will beat you with a thousand tiny bites. Heaven help the reprocessors if they put Covidien/Valleylab in their crosshairs too.