Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcare

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Your definition of personal responsibilty would more accurately be defined as selfishness, I think. How about this?

Personal responsibilty of the mom to decide her pregnancy's fate.. not looking to big daddy government to make her carry it to term.

Personal responsibility to ensure one doesnt destroy the environment in the long term for the sake of short term profits.

Personal responsiblity to take care of poorer neighbors and citzens when you have the means to do so by agreeing to progressive taxation, because that little kid's breakfast over there is more important than your third flatscreen TV.

Personal responsibilty to ensure that your short term wants do not tower over the societies long term needs.

Personal responsibility to ensure the ENTIRE nations children are well educated, not just the ones who won the birth lottery to wealthier parents.

Let's ALL count how many similiarities this MORON has with THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTO...

1.Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2.A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3.Abolition of all right of inheritance.
4.Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5.Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6.Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7.Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8.Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9.Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equitable distribution of the population over the country.
10.Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.[12]

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Your definition of personal responsibilty would more accurately be defined as selfishness, I think. How about this?

Personal responsibilty of the mom to decide her pregnancy's fate.. not looking to big daddy government to make her carry it to term.

Personal responsibility to ensure one doesnt destroy the environment in the long term for the sake of short term profits.

Personal responsiblity to take care of poorer neighbors and citzens when you have the means to do so by agreeing to progressive taxation, because that little kid's breakfast over there is more important than your third flatscreen TV.

Personal responsibilty to ensure that your short term wants do not tower over the societies long term needs.

Personal responsibility to ensure the ENTIRE nations children are well educated, not just the ones who won the birth lottery to wealthier parents.

Personal responsiblity to take care of poorer neighbors and citzens when you have the means to do so by agreeing to progressive taxation, because that little kid's breakfast over there is more important than your third flatscreen TV.

--- The problem with your example is that usually that guy who CHOOSES NOT to feed his kid has MORE FLATSCREEN TV’s than me. That has become the acceptable American Way. Buy ALL the discretionary stuff that you can because BIG DADDY GOVERNMENT will make the producers of this society pay for ALL your NEEDS. What else is there to say….. YOU ARE A COMPLETE SOCIALIST MORON!!!

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Your definition of personal responsibilty would more accurately be defined as selfishness, I think. How about this?

Personal responsibilty of the mom to decide her pregnancy's fate.. not looking to big daddy government to make her carry it to term.

Personal responsibility to ensure one doesnt destroy the environment in the long term for the sake of short term profits.

Personal responsiblity to take care of poorer neighbors and citzens when you have the means to do so by agreeing to progressive taxation, because that little kid's breakfast over there is more important than your third flatscreen TV.

Personal responsibilty to ensure that your short term wants do not tower over the societies long term needs.

Personal responsibility to ensure the ENTIRE nations children are well educated, not just the ones who won the birth lottery to wealthier parents.

Personal responsibilty of the mom to decide her pregnancy's fate.. not looking to big daddy government to make her carry it to term.
-- Personal responsibility does NOT lead to unwanted pregnancies, you MORON. Do you even know what personal responsibilities means? Above and beyond that, most personally responsible people have a genuine respect for life and believe that abortion is murder.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Your definition of personal responsibilty would more accurately be defined as selfishness, I think. How about this?

Personal responsibilty of the mom to decide her pregnancy's fate.. not looking to big daddy government to make her carry it to term.

Personal responsibility to ensure one doesnt destroy the environment in the long term for the sake of short term profits.

Personal responsiblity to take care of poorer neighbors and citzens when you have the means to do so by agreeing to progressive taxation, because that little kid's breakfast over there is more important than your third flatscreen TV.

Personal responsibilty to ensure that your short term wants do not tower over the societies long term needs.

Personal responsibility to ensure the ENTIRE nations children are well educated, not just the ones who won the birth lottery to wealthier parents.

When did I get to agree to "progressive taxation"? If you care so much about the poor, why don't you take care of it yourself? That is called charity. What you describe is theft. Just because the gobblement steals my money doesn't make it theft.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Personal responsiblity to take care of poorer neighbors and citzens when you have the means to do so by agreeing to progressive taxation, because that little kid's breakfast over there is more important than your third flatscreen TV.

--- The problem with your example is that usually that guy who CHOOSES NOT to feed his kid has MORE FLATSCREEN TV’s than me. That has become the acceptable American Way. Buy ALL the discretionary stuff that you can because BIG DADDY GOVERNMENT will make the producers of this society pay for ALL your NEEDS. What else is there to say….. YOU ARE A COMPLETE SOCIALIST MORON!!!

Life is about choices. Choices have consequences. Screwing without using contraception is a choice. Pregnancy is a consequence. Why should I have to compensate bareback riders for problems they created?

You want to gamble your rent money on one roll at the craps table? Fine. Don't come crying to me when you're broke.
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Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Which free market society resembles Somalia? Ummm. Lemme think... I know! Somalia resembles Somalia!

My point, if you are still too obtuse to understand, is that Somalia is a perfect example of a totally free market - no regulation, no limits, and freedom to do whatever you want to do, as long as you hold the capital.

Yes, I do understand that there is an issue of security, but the point remains that wild free market is not a good thing, no matter what you'd like to believe. Look at what happened with Wall Street and market deregulation (which incidentally has not been fixed....).

Health care is precisely the area where we DONT want free market to reign.. unless you would like to see people like Suzanne Somers become the medical authorities for a greater proportion of the US population.

Somalia in NO WAY resembles a FREE-MARKET. Somalia is a lawless society that resembles ANARCHY more than anything else. Here is a short definition of a free-market that even your simple brain might understand: A free market is a market in which there is no economic intervention and regulation by the state, except to enforce private contracts and the ownership of property. Does Somalia enforce private contracts and ownership property? Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.
Do you really believe that political self-interest is nobler somehow than economic self-interest? The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit. Many people want the government to protect the consumer. A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumer from the government.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Somalia in NO WAY resembles a FREE-MARKET. Somalia is a lawless society that resembles ANARCHY more than anything else.

Oh. So you admit that you need to have a government with rules and regulations in a free market society. Good.

Somalia might not be a great example, but we really dont have a good one because a free market doesnt exist anywhere except in your head.

Maybe a better example would be to look at the USA in the late 1800s and the first decade of the 1900s. That was about as free market as you could get, with monopolies forming, a small number of poeple making incredible wealth (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, etc), and a massive yo yo economy with periodic severe depressions (1893, 1907,etc) that were devastating to the country. The lot of the average person was fairly bad.

Things have gotten steadily better over the last hundred years since we've left that free market, which has been an experience that has been replicated by virtually every single developed country in the world... all improved by control and regulation of the free market.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Oh. So you admit that you need to have a government with rules and regulations in a free market society. Good.

Somalia might not be a great example, but we really dont have a good one because a free market doesnt exist anywhere except in your head.

Maybe a better example would be to look at the USA in the late 1800s and the first decade of the 1900s. That was about as free market as you could get, with monopolies forming, a small number of poeple making incredible wealth (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, etc), and a massive yo yo economy with periodic severe depressions (1893, 1907,etc) that were devastating to the country. The lot of the average person was fairly bad.

Things have gotten steadily better over the last hundred years since we've left that free market, which has been an experience that has been replicated by virtually every single developed country in the world... all improved by control and regulation of the free market.

Libertarian here, and I agree with you but the key is 'Sensible' regulation, not regulation for the sake of regulation so politicians can get on TV and "look tough" or "grand-stand." Unfortunately the later is more of the norm lately.

I remember chuckling at Waxman during the baseball hearings re steroids. The amount of posturing and lecturing that guy gave was laughable....I kept thinking "is that what I pay this guy to do?"

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Oh. So you admit that you need to have a government with rules and regulations in a free market society. Good.

Somalia might not be a great example, but we really dont have a good one because a free market doesnt exist anywhere except in your head.

Maybe a better example would be to look at the USA in the late 1800s and the first decade of the 1900s. That was about as free market as you could get, with monopolies forming, a small number of poeple making incredible wealth (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, etc), and a massive yo yo economy with periodic severe depressions (1893, 1907,etc) that were devastating to the country. The lot of the average person was fairly bad.

Things have gotten steadily better over the last hundred years since we've left that free market, which has been an experience that has been replicated by virtually every single developed country in the world... all improved by control and regulation of the free market.

Pure forms of anything really don't exist anywhere, but the point is where does America fit NOW on the spectrum of Regulation to Free-Market? America certainly doesn't resemble anything like the examples you gave. America more resembles socialist Europe, however, even Europe is begining to understand the fallacy of socialism. You seem to understand that monopolies are bad, but yet you advocate for Government monopolies.... this makes no sense. You act as though America somehow lacks regulation, point me to one area of American life that is not regulated. As Winston Churchill once said, “If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.” Destroyed respect for the law leads to your Somalia example..... ANARCHY. Greece is almost there...

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Oh. So you admit that you need to have a government with rules and regulations in a free market society. Good.

Somalia might not be a great example, but we really dont have a good one because a free market doesnt exist anywhere except in your head.

Maybe a better example would be to look at the USA in the late 1800s and the first decade of the 1900s. That was about as free market as you could get, with monopolies forming, a small number of poeple making incredible wealth (Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, etc), and a massive yo yo economy with periodic severe depressions (1893, 1907,etc) that were devastating to the country. The lot of the average person was fairly bad.

Things have gotten steadily better over the last hundred years since we've left that free market, which has been an experience that has been replicated by virtually every single developed country in the world... all improved by control and regulation of the free market.

So essentially your argument is that regulation is good. So if a little regulation is good alot of regulation must be great, right?

It is amazing what you can find on the internet, please visit this site:!home

Guess how many NEW regulations have been posted on this government website within the last 3 days.....
A. 5
B. 30
c. 0
d. 304

Click on the above website for the answer and then you will have the answer to the question: Is the "lot of the average" American suffering from a lack of regulation?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

So essentially your argument is that regulation is good. So if a little regulation is good alot of regulation must be great, right?

Guess how many NEW regulations have been posted on this government website within the last 3 days.....

Your logical skills are impeccable. Since salad is good for you, you must eat ten heads of lettuce a day.

And you can see the effects of illogical thinking with your observation that a bunch of new regulations have been posted to a government website. Are you OK with five regulations, how about five hundred? Is zero the right number? Who cares unless you know what the regulations are about?

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Your logical skills are impeccable. Since salad is good for you, you must eat ten heads of lettuce a day.

And you can see the effects of illogical thinking with your observation that a bunch of new regulations have been posted to a government website. Are you OK with five regulations, how about five hundred? Is zero the right number? Who cares unless you know what the regulations are about?

Over 300 new regulations in 3 days.... checkmate my friend, your arguement that we as Americans suffer from a lack of regulation does NOT hold water. You LOSE.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Over 300 new regulations in 3 days.... checkmate my friend, your arguement that we as Americans suffer from a lack of regulation does NOT hold water. You LOSE.

It's comforting to know that facts are still a useful tool to beat back liberal whack-jobs. Facts kill liberals just like Raid kills roaches.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Your logical skills are impeccable. Since salad is good for you, you must eat ten heads of lettuce a day.

And you can see the effects of illogical thinking with your observation that a bunch of new regulations have been posted to a government website. Are you OK with five regulations, how about five hundred? Is zero the right number? Who cares unless you know what the regulations are about?

Look…. We conservatives are not ALL as heartless as you liberals think we are. For instance, I totally feel bad for all you liberals having your entire world-view dismantled in such a public way. But let’s face it, none of you have probably ever had to defend your views beyond bumper-sticker phrases and mindless chants like “Hell No We Won’t Go”, as a result, it’s really difficult for you to defend your views against FACTS and LOGIC. Oh well, hopefully you ALL have learned something and will STOP trying to destroy America with your liberal/socialist views.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Over 300 new regulations in 3 days.... checkmate my friend, your arguement that we as Americans suffer from a lack of regulation does NOT hold water. You LOSE.

OH MY GOD! 300 Regulations posted to a website in just three days! Thats so many. Gosh, I think we should only have twenty regulations every three days. Or maybe twenty seven every three days with less on the holidays and weekends.

I'm sure you have more fascinating insight on this topic coming soon.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Maybe we should regulate abortions. I say all conservatives cannot have an abortion. I say all liberals can have as many abortions they want. Please liberals abort, abort, abort,...........

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

Maybe we should regulate abortions. I say all conservatives cannot have an abortion. I say all liberals can have as many abortions they want. Please liberals abort, abort, abort,...........

You don't need to regulate abortions with conservatives.... conservatives actually possess morals and a good sense of personal responsibility. Liberals will eventually abort themselves out of existence.... because as you know, EVERYONE has the RIGHT to kill, especially if it's your own baby.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

OH MY GOD! 300 Regulations posted to a website in just three days! Thats so many. Gosh, I think we should only have twenty regulations every three days. Or maybe twenty seven every three days with less on the holidays and weekends.

I'm sure you have more fascinating insight on this topic coming soon.!home

Now you're just cracking me up.... you are obviously a sore loser.
Here is another one for you, Mr. America-is-Under Regulated. In the last 365 days, guess how many NEW regulations have been passed?

A. 330
B. 973
C. 4598
D. 24,966

Choose wisely and remember, whatever the answer is, that number is added to ALL the previous years. The old regulations don't go away, they just keep adding up.

Re: Repeal 'em GOP'ers find out how life is after declining their Gov't run healthcar

OH MY GOD! 300 Regulations posted to a website in just three days! Thats so many. Gosh, I think we should only have twenty regulations every three days. Or maybe twenty seven every three days with less on the holidays and weekends.

I'm sure you have more fascinating insight on this topic coming soon.

Per your request.... another fascinating fact regarding the benefits of regulation. Oh how could we EVER survive without them?

In a classic example of this process, the EPA has decided that, since milk contains oil, it has the authority to force farmers to comply with new regulations to file "emergency management" plans to show how they will cope with spilled milk, how farmers will train "first responders" and build "containment facilities" if there is a flood of spilled milk.