Rep Exodous

Lee can go suck an egg. This company continues to go down the crapper with each day and with every rep or manager he fires just to remind everyone around that he has power and is the true ruler of LifeWatch. He tells the reps in the field that even Reitiker & Vogt are scared of him, and that we are all equally responsible to "compliance." This is getting ridiculous. STL rep was very good and if allegations about NYC are true and they end up ditching Sal - wow.
I am not so sure STL rep was that good but he did have a lot of volume - even if most of it was AHO and Elite. Nevertheless, he is not the problem. The issue here is the overwhelming instability of LifeWatch. The constant turnover is expensive (not just financially) and damaging to the reputation. Coast to coast morale is the worst it's ever been and it can be a real a buzz kill to work here most days, even as a manager. I agree with the comments about Lee - but complaining on here isn't going to help matters. He has the Swiss in his pocket until after CIA expires - then he is as good as gone. He has said in the past that it was a good run but he doesn't care what LW does with him - they have a lot to lose by messing with him and he is ready to retire on a fat settlement anyway.
I am not so sure STL rep was that good but he did have a lot of volume - even if most of it was AHO and Elite. Nevertheless, he is not the problem. The issue here is the overwhelming instability of LifeWatch. The constant turnover is expensive (not just financially) and damaging to the reputation. Coast to coast morale is the worst it's ever been and it can be a real a buzz kill to work here most days, even as a manager. I agree with the comments about Lee - but complaining on here isn't going to help matters. He has the Swiss in his pocket until after CIA expires - then he is as good as gone. He has said in the past that it was a good run but he doesn't care what LW does with him - they have a lot to lose by messing with him and he is ready to retire on a fat settlement anyway.

Lee is the one who needs investigating. The guy is so full of shit and a habitual liar... have you heard "I invented the computer"? What a waste of space. Take him out of the equation and this company's culture and morale would increase overnight. We still wouldn't have new products but at least it may be a good place to be again. Lee, I hope you're reading this because not only are you not liked, more importantly, there's no respect for you. You are an insecure, lying piece of shit.
Lee is the one who needs investigating. The guy is so full of shit and a habitual liar... have you heard "I invented the computer"? What a waste of space. Take him out of the equation and this company's culture and morale would increase overnight. We still wouldn't have new products but at least it may be a good place to be again. Lee, I hope you're reading this because not only are you not liked, more importantly, there's no respect for you. You are an insecure, lying piece of shit.
Aww leave the old guy alone. If it wasn't for him you wouldn't have a computer to use.
People leave but a mass exodus is a bit of an exaggeration. Lots of people talk crap on here but continue to report to work every day. So let's be realistic

Not to add more fuel to the flame, but I've not read anything positive about this company and its products. There may be some good people here doing earnest work but frankly I don't understand why anyone would choose to work here given all the negative press, settlements, lawsuits, etc, other than due to a poor lack of self esteem. Can someone please send me a link to something good about this company that might redeem its reputation in the court of public opinion? Certainly the legal courts here in the US including arbitration have nothing good to say about this company. Thanks.
There is something positive about this company...drum roll....they are located next to the airport so it is convenient to fly far far away. Joking aside, im sure some people have benefited from being paid too much money to look out their office window and have the occasional potluck. The managers here treat the employees like little children...quite absurd, especially when all the managers do is brown nose the sales reps. I bet this years sales meetings will include infidelity, drunkenness and self indulgent speeches of how they are helping patients..hahah right. The company is all about money, they could care less about people...IN MY OPINION.