Rep Exodous

I said I would say when it was me and I would. You people are so dumb and gullible. You think I'm the only person in the world that uses that word? Man, you're retarded. I've said all I need to say. No one manned up. I'm good. I will tell you when I post, and that wasn't me. I don't want anyone else leaving as I have friends who remain there and are now trying to make LW a better place. So, I support them. Keep me out of it, or man up and say who you are...I'll be waiting ;)
Lifewatch really is a depressing place to work. They do not Care about their employees. The management is the problem, and of course they will never admit that..but all who work there know it is true. Look closely at their holter outsourcing to india set up...I bet there is something worth reporting. The techs who work there will tell you in private about the mis diagnosing and the poor quality from outsourcing.
I said I would say when it was me and I would. You people are so dumb and gullible. You think I'm the only person in the world that uses that word? Man, you're retarded. I've said all I need to say. No one manned up. I'm good. I will tell you when I post, and that wasn't me. I don't want anyone else leaving as I have friends who remain there and are now trying to make LW a better place. So, I support them. Keep me out of it, or man up and say who you are...I'll be waiting ;)

Run bitch, run!
Unfortunately our time is done. There's no new product pipeline. Management has no idea how to lead this company. With the current issues hanging over our head from the Swiss Stock Exchange, no company will acquire us. And why would they? Back to statement 1, with no new products coming down the line, no IP, no real unique value, what are we? Has beens. Has beens. Thanks leaders.
Campanelli definitely not back... He wouldn't come back if they begged him. Nor would any other employee who suffered under this LW regime. LW is the most hated company in the entire space.

Also, Lee isn't actually involved in the Sal investigation. I heard that was directly with the OIG and he was turned in by a customer.
Pretty bad when all the external recruiters won't even work with LW anymore so they had to bring in internal HR staff. The folks out of MN and GA refusing to do business moving forward because of all the instability in the sales force. Almost impossible to find talent willing to come to LW - terrible reputation for dishonesty and corruption. By the way, not surprised by Sal. I always knew there was something shady about him.
whoever your rep in New York is, that guy violates every rule under the sun---the OIG ought to be investigating him! Talk about violations and fraud!!! This guy sets the bar!
From what I understand, that investigation is beginning. I believe his name is Salvo.. there was some info about him recently which if true will certainly be the end of his tenure.