Rep Exodous

My first time to visit this site and I have to say it's quite entertaining. Thank GOD somebody is doing something about Sal. Everyone in the company knows he was a POS and Bagby/Dean always knew it too - yet they both repeatedly covered his ass. Current RSD is the one who will take the fall but my prediction is that CB and TD will get sucked in regardless of their role (non-role) today. You know MS won't be able to keep his sh$t together for the patch launch and Monte Fiore & Sinai are already a cluster.

Interviewing for a position here. As I look at the threads on this site for this company as well as for the competitors, it looks like a pretty screwy space. Is this still a viable position and is this organization the, or one of the main, groups to be part of if coming into this space. I'm looking to get out of pharma and get into devices. Thank you for any insight.

so what happened here? eCardio merges with Preventice and becomes part of Merck's Global Health Fund. Now, Boston Scientific gets involved, paving the way for leveraging relationships, their future implantable ILR and a non-invasive way to monitor CHF in the next 9 months. And we're still selling a 3 in 1 heart monitor. Seems that our leadership missed the boat. Thanks Bagby! Can't believe I'm thinking this but...give me a chance to go to eCardio-Preventice-Boston (whoever they're going to be) and I'll jump on it. Oh yeah,,,, they pay better too...........

Salsie still be the Man. Everybody in NY Jams everyone. Nobody even competes with Salsie. At least he steps up and asks for the business while you Lilliputians sell to Jan the receptionist.

Instead, Sal sticks it in IN Jan -- and all of her friends -- and all of the friend's friends -- and anyone else whose palm he can grease. Well known fact in the company.

Interviewing for a position here. As I look at the threads on this site for this company as well as for the competitors, it looks like a pretty screwy space. Is this still a viable position and is this organization the, or one of the main, groups to be part of if coming into this space. I'm looking to get out of pharma and get into devices. Thank you for any insight.

This is not device sales. It's DME. You better learn the difference if you want to leave pharma. Device gets a PO from the Hospital. You sell something. You trial products -go to new product committees-and set your pricing based on what you've learned about your territory. Here you ask for business from someone who doesn't BUY the product. It's almost the same as asking for a Dr to write a Rx in Pharma. Except now a few real companies are now getting involved and changing the way some sicker patients are monitored. Sinking ship with stupid managers. Especially Carolinas. Stay where you are!

This is not device sales. It's DME. You better learn the difference if you want to leave pharma. Device gets a PO from the Hospital. You sell something. You trial products -go to new product committees-and set your pricing based on what you've learned about your territory. Here you ask for business from someone who doesn't BUY the product. It's almost the same as asking for a Dr to write a Rx in Pharma. Except now a few real companies are now getting involved and changing the way some sicker patients are monitored. Sinking ship with stupid managers. Especially Carolinas. Stay where you are!
The solutions you 'real' companies are offering are no better than what we have been promoting successfully for years, they only cost a hell of a lot more

The solutions you 'real' companies are offering are no better than what we have been promoting successfully for years, they only cost a hell of a lot more
Actually, the solutions are more effective and the leveraging capability of the 'real' companies will dwarf the few organizations which believe they can survive as a stand alone cardiac monitoring company when the future of detection will encompass so much more. You don't need to be honest with your customers but you should become honest with yourself.

What a joke - you big guys are so full of yourselves that you actually believe the BS you are trying to pass off as superior detection. Your ILR's can't even detect AF unless it lasts for at least a minute, maybe longer. That sounds real superior

Why doesn't someone up there stand up to Lee so you can make some progress. Can't you people think for yourselves? Group up and refuse to work until they remove the bottleneck that he is and always has been. Then you can grow with relevant tech and not be another "also ran" when you finally do get your patch. It will be old news by then. It's a sales driven company, start acting like it unless you don't think you can sell. Plenty of non-sales jobs out there. Just saying.

What a joke - you big guys are so full of yourselves that you actually believe the BS you are trying to pass off as superior detection. Your ILR's can't even detect AF unless it lasts for at least a minute, maybe longer. That sounds real superior

Again, you're thinking too small. And that will be the demise of this organization. You're thinking only CEM and ILR. There is so much more coming...