Rep departure BHBU

Constant pressure + continually shifting strategies + only 30% reaching target bonus due to equal syringe goals despite territory = no wonder

Hey anti-equal syringe goal guy - we get paid at 1st dollar in our current comp plan. If we had a goal, we'd have to attain at least 90% of goal to even get paid a dime. And you could imagine - with the goals we do have - the same growth percentage would be applied across all territories on potential, not actual, baseline sales. Take a guess at what the payout would have been with a goal last semester. A lot worse than 30%. I've been involved in a number of launches in my career and I cannot remember one where I didn't have a commission plan for 12-18 months into the launch. After that, they generally have enough data to make accurate goals for each territory. It all boils down to the number that HT is committing to.

Toxic... Its about to get worse. You have been warned. Big announcement tomorrow. sorry.

Oh, pick me me me me me me me me! You are an a-hole. You don't know anything or wait.....maybe the "big" announcement was that the BHBU went fom eight regions to seven, wow, impressive, you nailed it! Kudos, LOSER!!!

What ever happened to Craig Stewart? one seems to know what happened to him....same thing for other DM's who have disappeared.....Amen sure knows how to get rid of people with no trail.....does Amgen give going away $$$ to keep everyone's mouth shut?....if so I would like to know what my worth is...hmmmmm

This is not the place to post that. Do the right thing and call the compliance line if you have information. Otherwise, stop it. It is libel to write these things without proof or coming forward.

This is not the place to post that. Do the right thing and call the compliance line if you have information. Otherwise, stop it. It is libel to write these things without proof or coming forward.

agreed.... worry about yourself... and if you are so compliant then follow the advise of the above instead of posting here. Child