Rep departure BHBU

Like I stated awhile back, it has been a mass exodus and will continue, too funny this company thought they had everyone by the ballz. In the SC region, it is continuing and I predict a few more very soon!!

Amgen is very much disliked in Massachusetts. This territory is like most of the others-just horrible. Don't walk, run from this position unless you need a job. Then, continue looking quick as the manager/management is very bad as well. Amgen still thinks it is the 90's and their up and coming status was the end all and be all. That run has been over for awhile, and alot of the arrogance and underwhelming talent is coming home to roost.

What happened to the Norwood Quincy Ma representative. Is this territory any good?

Amgen is very much disliked in Massachusetts. This territory is like most of the others-just horrible. Don't walk, run from this position unless you need a job. Then, continue looking quick as the manager/management is very bad as well. Amgen still thinks it is the 90's and their up and coming status was the end all and be all. That run has been over for awhile, and alot of the arrogance and underwhelming talent is coming home to roost.

Massachusetts is very much disliked by the rest of the country. The idiots who live there kept voting the murderer Teddy Kennedy into the Senate for 6 or 7 terms. Elmer Fudd, I mean Barney Frank has been a Representative for 18 years. Is this the best and the brightest you have?

Well Charlotte BHBU District has a problem too...manager got our best rep fired, has no idea what is going on in the district and is out to get several other reps she brought on board. Amgen is a scary company that puts managers like this in a leadership role.

just heard it from my manager, we are going to mirrored territories 3rd quarter of this year, IBU reps will share same territories as us, they will take the lead in Endo, obgyn, rheum we get the rest and all derm sales go to contract company

just heard it from my manager, we are going to mirrored territories 3rd quarter of this year, IBU reps will share same territories as us, they will take the lead in Endo, obgyn, rheum we get the rest and all derm sales go to contract company

WOW.....REALLY? Your manager confided in you with that top-secret information? You must feel so special and so full of shit! Get lost!

Managers are talking, telling reps about the changes that are about to take place. Start asking around and you will hear it from those who are fortunate to have an honest person as a manager.

And yet whats so funny, is in certain areas they are still hiring(BHBU). I guess they can't really have a hiring freeze just yet or they would have to hire another 40%.Reps would be jumpin' through car windows leaving this joint. Instead of the already 20 plus percent gone LMAO.