Rep departure BHBU

Do you know if the people that are fortunate enough to escape this place are staying in the industry or completly finding something different? I'm so happy that people are escaping, I would just like to know where they are going-I want to leave so badly!

Here's the question of the day-are they going to replace all three of those reps or combine some of the territory and hire fewer reps? No, I'm sure no one cares, they don't care about all the torture they are putting us through so I can't imagine they would care that three reps left. Oh I clearly know why they left, about 80% of the sales force want's to leave. It's just the money that's keeping everyone holding on as well as the economy and lack of other positions.

A district in Texas has lost 3 reps in a month.
I wonder why? Does anyone care?

Management doesn't give a damn! Those Texas reps left because the manager and regional manager are from hell! They were seasoned and tenured Amgen reps who had been with the company for many years and regretted transferring to the BHBU. The manager is the worst kind of micromanager there is and never missed an opportunity to humiliate her reps in front of their doctors. She treats her reps like they are in juvenile detention! The South Central team is bleeding out and there will be lots more to come! Everyone I know is looking. But the good news is that everyone left for better opportunities and the prospects are not as slim as Amgen would like to believe!

The NE is no better. Extreme micromanagement. Weekly syringe trackers, monthly spreadsheets, and endless field rides. Its no wonder so many have left and are looking. The few that have left already went to better places/opportunities. The goals are unrealistic and the access is worse.