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Reorg Thread Oct 2022


Not great for everyone that has to wait, speculate, and worry until Friday. Do better.
But great for the managers who keep their jobs and do the closeouts after preparing the list of who stays and who goes for the last 3 to 6 months.

Be sure to look 'em in the eye and give them a big thank you when they try to say they didn't. At least it will be the last indignity they get to relish as they boot your unsuspecting butt out the door.

Eventually, everybody finds out that the "credo" is nothing but a b!tch.

NJ: Some of you will not have a position in the new business model

FIELD: Ok, that’s rough but we move forward. Am I staying?

NJ: Lol, we will tell you in two days.

But great for the managers who keep their jobs and do the closeouts after preparing the list of who stays and who goes for the last 3 to 6 months.

Be sure to look 'em in the eye and give them a big thank you when they try to say they didn't. At least it will be the last indignity they get to relish as they boot your unsuspecting butt out the door.

Eventually, everybody finds out that the "credo" is nothing but a b!tch.
Is that how it will work? I am guessing there is some more lawsuit-proof method…

But great for the managers who keep their jobs and do the closeouts after preparing the list of who stays and who goes for the last 3 to 6 months.

Be sure to look 'em in the eye and give them a big thank you when they try to say they didn't. At least it will be the last indignity they get to relish as they boot your unsuspecting butt out the door.

Eventually, everybody finds out that the "credo" is nothing but a b!tch.


Usually they give us a week before we have to turn in the car...make sure to fill up on thursday evening...card will be cut off at midnight along with log in credentials etc.

My paycheck has been deposited on Tuesday for the past 8 months. I did order samples early this week and never got a confirmation. I guess that tells me what I need to know.

no, I don’t think that will mean much- they probably anticipate a lot of transfers of samples as people get let go and put a pause on all sample deliveries.

Interesting how many of the chosen few got sweetheart back door positions prior to yesterday’s announcement. They fled to higher ground and left their “family”, DM’s and Reps to the wolves. Your legacy is cemented. You gutted our region to half the size, you rode DM’s and Rep’s way to hard to advance your aspirations. You fired good folks for no reason and had to settle in court for wrongful termination. You retained toxic DM’s instead of doing the right thing. You let good people walk and looked the other way. You drove us all into the ground only to be ranked dead last and you still got promoted. KD you have no confidence in what you said yesterday and it’s clear the butcher Jeane is calling all the shots. Xarelto has failed due to a turntable of marketers every year and zero stability in leadership. Your reps that now suck, did manage to take this non inferior drug and make it a blockbuster, but now we are just overhead on Jeane’s balance sheet. It has been a great run. It’s over. Now JET Spam , AI and DPI will see Xarelto to the finish line. Realize most of you were not here when we launched this drug, but on the main stage after the marketers went through the Asset for the sixth time, Our KOL Dr. Gibson took the stage and reminded the entire Nation, people
sell pills not assets. This has not and will not ever change. Clearly CVM has lost is way.

Interesting how many of the chosen few got sweetheart back door positions prior to yesterday’s announcement. They fled to higher ground and left their “family”, DM’s and Reps to the wolves. Your legacy is cemented. You gutted our region to half the size, you rode DM’s and Rep’s way to hard to advance your aspirations. You fired good folks for no reason and had to settle in court for wrongful termination. You retained toxic DM’s instead of doing the right thing. You let good people walk and looked the other way. You drove us all into the ground only to be ranked dead last and you still got promoted. KD you have no confidence in what you said yesterday and it’s clear the butcher Jeane is calling all the shots. Xarelto has failed due to a turntable of marketers every year and zero stability in leadership. Your reps that now suck, did manage to take this non inferior drug and make it a blockbuster, but now we are just overhead on Jeane’s balance sheet. It has been a great run. It’s over. Now JET Spam , AI and DPI will see Xarelto to the finish line. Realize most of you were not here when we launched this drug, but on the main stage after the marketers went through the Asset for the sixth time, Our KOL Dr. Gibson took the stage and reminded the entire Nation, people
sell pills not assets. This has not and will not ever change. Clearly CVM has lost is way.
Tell us more about the “back door positions”

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