Reorg is coming!!

How is the morale?

Stop trying to stir up shit with such a dumbass leading question like “how is morale?”

I’ll tell you how “morale” is you whiny bitch. Most of us are extremely grateful to work for this company. I myself made 145k last year and I worked approximately 20-25 hours a week. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worked past 4pm. From April-June I played golf at least once a week during the week. I also used my company car to take a family vacation to Disney.

There is a whole lot of whining going on that is unwarranted. Yes, there are other device jobs that pay more, but they also require a LOT more work. Check your boxes: check in with your manager every other day, send out a rah-rah email every other week, and pump this job for every dollar you can. It ain’t hard folks!

Looks like someone is stressing out at work. The morale doesn’t look that good after all after the reorg.

Stop trying to stir up shit with such a dumbass leading question like “how is morale?”

I’ll tell you how “morale” is you whiny bitch. Most of us are extremely grateful to work for this company. I myself made 145k last year and I worked approximately 20-25 hours a week. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worked past 4pm. From April-June I played golf at least once a week during the week. I also used my company car to take a family vacation to Disney.

There is a whole lot of whining going on that is unwarranted. Yes, there are other device jobs that pay more, but they also require a LOT more work. Check your boxes: check in with your manager every other day, send out a rah-rah email every other week, and pump this job for every dollar you can. It ain’t hard folks!

Stop trying to stir up shit with such a dumbass leading question like “how is morale?”

I’ll tell you how “morale” is you whiny bitch. Most of us are extremely grateful to work for this company. I myself made 145k last year and I worked approximately 20-25 hours a week. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve worked past 4pm. From April-June I played golf at least once a week during the week. I also used my company car to take a family vacation to Disney.

There is a whole lot of whining going on that is unwarranted. Yes, there are other device jobs that pay more, but they also require a LOT more work. Check your boxes: check in with your manager every other day, send out a rah-rah email every other week, and pump this job for every dollar you can. It ain’t hard folks!

Hello Clueless..145k and not working past 4? Baxter reps make twice as much and work half as much. Evicel and Flo on backorder because your company sucks. How do you lose to Baxter? So sad..