Anyone else suspicious of a layoff in the next day or two?
Heard some Florida reps have calls with TM and Human Resources tomorrow. I would assume “restructuring”
Texas has a few people who got the layoff/restructuring email too.
So who else is selling their options as soon as they can?
LOL 8 dollars a share!!!!! LOL
i have 32 in quarters and pennies maybe i can buy a few shares
NYC rep resigned on Thursday from my team and my manager was really upset.
RUN, RUN FAR AWAY from this shitshow. They barely pay bonus and the products are mediocre at best. It’s no shock that people are leaving in droves. This company is pathetic and I’m glad to also be leaving soon
RUN, RUN FAR AWAY from this shitshow. They barely pay bonus and the products are mediocre at best. It’s no shock that people are leaving in droves. This company is pathetic and I’m glad to also be leaving soon
According to NR in Union, NJ, his Q1 bonus was $29,334.25. He posted it on his IG page for “motivational purposes only” because he’s “humble”.
This company is getting a class action lawsuits for Peter Baker harassing girl reps for two years now. Erin, Kim, Caitlin, Yelena , Cassandra, and others.... even HR knows and does nothing