Redhill Biopharmaceuticals

Interviewed by JP Rius last week. What an absolute joke. My man looked like he hasn't showered in days. Beard completely untrimmed and button down shirt open, with no tie, and curled collar. Video interviewed me from what was clearly his bedroom, Dyson vacuum on the wall included. Completely unprofessional. Asks what is your favorite thing, least favorite, and one thing you would change form each job you've had. That. was. It. I'm sure those questions will really help uncover my suitability for the role. I didn't move forward in the process, probably because after asking him what kind of manager he was and stumbling through his answer realized I would be challenging him every step of the way. Would steer clear of this "sales manager" who doesn't have nearly adequate experience to be in the role.

Im betting he hasnt shaved since Nov. 1 - Its called No Shave November, genius.
Its a video interview , THEY arent the one that needs a job. Sounds like you didnt get asked to move to the next step.
Has anyone else accepted an offer for the December start date? Thoughts? I saw online that they still have quite a few open territories that they haven’t filled. Base, company car, stock options are all good and management seems great, albeit young, but promising. Would love some real time feedback.
I guess fake boobs and a flat ass will get you a promotion at our company. What a joke! That person has literally ZERO experience in managed care markets. I am sick of this place and the leadership! MS will flop on her flat ass.
What're peoples opinions on working for Redhill? I know that a lot of Salix reps went over to the company when it started. I've seen a few territory roles open up.. I love GI, but I'll be honest, their portfolio feels... meh.

Does salary/options or upward mobility make up for the lackluster me-too portfolio?
I know she told them she was pregnant. VG would never leave RedHill, she was the best VP!! The culture is horrible now. I don't want to work for a company that fires you for being pregnant!!!!

If you think VG was fired for being pregnant you are a fucking idiot.

Do you really think a company this size would risk a lawsuit over that? In-house counsel 100% covered their tracks.
If you think VG was fired for being pregnant you are a fucking idiot.

Do you really think a company this size would risk a lawsuit over that? In-house counsel 100% covered their tracks.
If in house counsel was so good at covering their tracks...why did my manager tell me that RS told all the managers last year to "sell Aemcolo against Xifaxin for the IBS dose & if Doctors write it, they write it" - words directly from RS...this is off label selling and we have known this from the start even though this was RS's direction. But legal counsel better get ready because RS has a terrible reputation of getting companies into lawsuits...Also, explain how the one female executive who started the commercial in the US team suddenly vanishes a few weeks after she tells them she's pregnant also her male counterparts RJ & BG get promoted for doing nothing. My manager was a fan of VG & I can tell he's bothered by everything. BG & the managed care team are useless...coverage is a nightmare...ask any HCP about Talicia coverage & they'll laugh...and RJ's never been in sales & has no clue what he is doing (I was told by a few managers he sounds like an idiot on their calls). Not to mention the countless other men who have received promotions for no good reason. The company is failing because of lack of managed care coverage & lack of solid diverse leadership. My manager says he's never seen such a male dominated executive team who changes their minds & direction so often. There is also talk about my fellow TC's feeling pressured to just sign up HCP's on speaker programs & webinars illegally. If "in house counsel" covered their tracks...they better have covered them well because many reps & managers are fed up with illegal actions RS & his men are asking us to do...if VG doesn't file...someone will. Or maybe you're right...maybe she left because she didn't want to be part of a shit show. If she left, then she left before shit hits the fan but I highly doubt she left a few weeks after telling them she was pregnant. Makes no sense but go ahead and get 'in house' counsel to cover their tracks...from what I'm hearing my fellow TC's...they're going to need it.
If in house counsel was so good at covering their tracks...why did my manager tell me that RS told all the managers last year to "sell Aemcolo against Xifaxin for the IBS dose & if Doctors write it, they write it" - words directly from RS...this is off label selling and we have known this from the start even though this was RS's direction. But legal counsel better get ready because RS has a terrible reputation of getting companies into lawsuits...Also, explain how the one female executive who started the commercial in the US team suddenly vanishes a few weeks after she tells them she's pregnant also her male counterparts RJ & BG get promoted for doing nothing. My manager was a fan of VG & I can tell he's bothered by everything. BG & the managed care team are useless...coverage is a nightmare...ask any HCP about Talicia coverage & they'll laugh...and RJ's never been in sales & has no clue what he is doing (I was told by a few managers he sounds like an idiot on their calls). Not to mention the countless other men who have received promotions for no good reason. The company is failing because of lack of managed care coverage & lack of solid diverse leadership. My manager says he's never seen such a male dominated executive team who changes their minds & direction so often. There is also talk about my fellow TC's feeling pressured to just sign up HCP's on speaker programs & webinars illegally. If "in house counsel" covered their tracks...they better have covered them well because many reps & managers are fed up with illegal actions RS & his men are asking us to do...if VG doesn't file...someone will. Or maybe you're right...maybe she left because she didn't want to be part of a shit show. If she left, then she left before shit hits the fan but I highly doubt she left a few weeks after telling them she was pregnant. Makes no sense but go ahead and get 'in house' counsel to cover their tracks...from what I'm hearing my fellow TC's...they're going to need it.
You're a rep, not a consultant. Stick to what you know, moron.
If in house counsel was so good at covering their tracks...why did my manager tell me that RS told all the managers last year to "sell Aemcolo against Xifaxin for the IBS dose & if Doctors write it, they write it" - words directly from RS...this is off label selling and we have known this from the start even though this was RS's direction. But legal counsel better get ready because RS has a terrible reputation of getting companies into lawsuits...Also, explain how the one female executive who started the commercial in the US team suddenly vanishes a few weeks after she tells them she's pregnant also her male counterparts RJ & BG get promoted for doing nothing. My manager was a fan of VG & I can tell he's bothered by everything. BG & the managed care team are useless...coverage is a nightmare...ask any HCP about Talicia coverage & they'll laugh...and RJ's never been in sales & has no clue what he is doing (I was told by a few managers he sounds like an idiot on their calls). Not to mention the countless other men who have received promotions for no good reason. The company is failing because of lack of managed care coverage & lack of solid diverse leadership. My manager says he's never seen such a male dominated executive team who changes their minds & direction so often. There is also talk about my fellow TC's feeling pressured to just sign up HCP's on speaker programs & webinars illegally. If "in house counsel" covered their tracks...they better have covered them well because many reps & managers are fed up with illegal actions RS & his men are asking us to do...if VG doesn't file...someone will. Or maybe you're right...maybe she left because she didn't want to be part of a shit show. If she left, then she left before shit hits the fan but I highly doubt she left a few weeks after telling them she was pregnant. Makes no sense but go ahead and get 'in house' counsel to cover their tracks...from what I'm hearing my fellow TC's...they're going to need it.

I’m the person you’re responding to, and I’m a TC as well. Just through your tone I think I already know who this is. There is only 100 us remember that and be careful with making accusations.

I was never given direction to sell Aemcolo off label, and if that were true your manager would make a few million easy through whistleblowing.

I will agree with you on one thing the coverage for our flagship drug is an issue.
Red hill is a nightmare RS should be taken out back and shot the way he has single handedly destroyed any hope this company has had. There are a few good managers that are literally helpless. The launch of Talicia flopped, it’s impossible to get. We are basically getting compensated on how many people we can sign up on webinars to learn about Talicia, LOL what a joke. Let me do a 45 minute webinar about a drug everyone knows about, only to have you not be able to write it. This company is at its end it’s a dumpster fire, everyone is looking to get out atleast that’s the consensus I’ve heard. Val got fired but no one knows why, that’s a mistake she was the best thing to happen to this company. Salix people screwed this up big time. Good luck Redhill hopefully I’m out soon as well there is no money to be made we were sold on a lie
Red hill is a nightmare RS should be taken out back and shot the way he has single handedly destroyed any hope this company has had. There are a few good managers that are literally helpless. The launch of Talicia flopped, it’s impossible to get. We are basically getting compensated on how many people we can sign up on webinars to learn about Talicia, LOL what a joke. Let me do a 45 minute webinar about a drug everyone knows about, only to have you not be able to write it. This company is at its end it’s a dumpster fire, everyone is looking to get out atleast that’s the consensus I’ve heard. Val got fired but no one knows why, that’s a mistake she was the best thing to happen to this company. Salix people screwed this up big time. Good luck Redhill hopefully I’m out soon as well there is no money to be made we were sold on a lie
So. How's the hotness ako?