Redhill Biopharmaceuticals

I can't believe I left a good job for this! I've only been here a short while, we basically just technically launched and getting our product on shelves due to crappy distributor problems, let alone getting doctors to prescribe it, is a nightmare! Crappy coverage, crappy cost for patients! I don't know if it makes sense to hang around much longer for the "great" other upcoming cancer treatments allegedly coming that company waived at us to come on board for! What does it say about a company that hides true goals from us???
Your product Donnatal is worthless. I've been selling the #1 treatment for IBS for years and GIs laugh at your reps and especially the FDA approved verbiage. Donnatal is virtually worthless. Makes zero sense to try it before every other product that has better proven efficacy and then leeches!
Been in field less than 2 months and already interviewing for other companies. I was told about great product and more exciting products in late stage development, but drs view my product as worse than last choice and when 1 NP was gonna write it the distributor couldn't even get it on shelves. I seriously have doubts Redhill can make it financially, even with the little they pay us, waiting for a product that has any viable chance.
I'm all about live and let live, but have to admit someone described the Florida manager as wrongly thinking he's in the closet and a gay's gay. That description is absolutely perfect for him.
JP RIUS may be the worst manager ever. Any manager should know their product, especially when there are only two in the bag. He doesn't understand the data, or how to use it during calls and second guesses the reps that do! He claims to have been a trainer in the past. Doesn't act like it!
New Hire here... While Temperato isn't here I did find a can of axe body spray in the mens room. Now if we can just Mike Davis in here putting all serious questions in the parking lot we are all set!
Gotta give someone credit for scamming investors to believe this company has any long-term prayer. With two awful products, they are now excited to sign a deal with ParaPro for exclusive right to ...wait,........wait.....get this........another "PPI!"

Read the pi for Esomeprazole Strontium DR Capsule and yes that's an indication for "short-term" treatment of heartburn. REDHILL LOVES SEX because once again they are screwing all the reps with yet another crappy product to sell!!!!

Yes, every GI and every employee, start jumping up and down!!!! With Nexium and Dexilant firmly entrenched but other generic options forced and more readily cost-efficient to patients, REDHILL wants you to get excited about selling yet another PPI!!! GOOD LUCK!

Well, at least be happy to hit your call/frequency, bring home a paycheck and not to let yourself get discouraged that NO GIs will have use for this! Great job REDHILL! Keep showing everyone how it's NOT done!!!
No one that is not desperate will stay at redhill. The product mix is a joke. Dr's laugh when you tell them what you have. They think the co is a joke. No one wants to work for liars. Claim to not be big pharma, but everything about it is worse than big pharma. Not paying anyone a bonus. Most reps getting ZERO dollars.
LOL! It's even far worse than reps just not getting bonus. They aren't even being told their actual goals!!!! Company looks like an Israeli Ponzi scheme. Most the managers are inept losers who were shady at their previous job. REDHILL=SHIT Work anywhere else! You'll be grateful you didn't work here when they start doing layoffs and that's gotta be soon!
So glad I didn't take the job with that shit Florida manager. He's a low energy clown. Then you have a person head of North America sales that DOES NOT have the resume to have such job....then her husband is head of training which she used to be his manager. Then you have all ex Salix. It's just a full shit show. Stock down 50% and Company making bad moves when it comes to running the business. They are too small to make it without the help of a major Company. I think they just want to get purchased. BAD news. Get out while you can!
anyone who didn’t take job with this shitty shitty redhill, thank god every day! Shitty management, shitty jobs, shitty pay! Reps are currently searching/interviewing for other companies only one year in. Redhill is a embarrassment to Pharma!
has the barely in the closet manager from south Been canned yet? I don’t mean “canned” the sick way he likes it, but fired. Incompetent. Can’t manage a popsicle stand.
Does anyone currently work here that can share any opinions, pay is much better that my current rep position.
Wondering also about micromanagement do they want sample drops at certain times of the day or are you free to drive business forward how you see fit.
Interviewed by JP Rius last week. What an absolute joke. My man looked like he hasn't showered in days. Beard completely untrimmed and button down shirt open, with no tie, and curled collar. Video interviewed me from what was clearly his bedroom, Dyson vacuum on the wall included. Completely unprofessional. Asks what is your favorite thing, least favorite, and one thing you would change form each job you've had. That. was. It. I'm sure those questions will really help uncover my suitability for the role. I didn't move forward in the process, probably because after asking him what kind of manager he was and stumbling through his answer realized I would be challenging him every step of the way. Would steer clear of this "sales manager" who doesn't have nearly adequate experience to be in the role.