OP Here!!!
I am going to spell out the facts to my idiot counter parts in the company. I am going to you a simple education into the finances of medicine. Hope the fools that dont understand this continue going to launch meetings, and believing every thing that the Power Points tell us.
The following is why my Doctors are telling me they will not write Reclast!!!!
Here are the facts,
1. Most patients that will recieve Reclast are older, and a large percentage are on a fixed income.
2. Ask your grandmother if she is ready to write a check for $ 240 to $ 480 dollars for a drug. In one lump check.
3. This drug does not come with any thing, but the drug. I know that is obvious, but the tubing is around $ 6.00 to $ 8.00 per patient.
4. No supplier in the country McKesson, Cardinal, Hospira sell the tubing in individual units. They all sell them by the case. Most case are 48 to 120 depending on the supplier.
5. A doctor is going to have to spend on the low side $ 300.00 on the tubing.
6. With a reimbursement rate of approximatley $ 75.00 for the CPT code 90765. The doctor will have lose money on the first 5 Patients. Just on the tubing. Not including his general over head. IE Nursing
7. Now they have to sit on the tubing waiting for the appropriate patient.
8. The prior Authorization on these types of drugs, usually takes about 15 to 30 minutes.
9. An MA costs us about $ 12 to $ 15 an hour so it costs us about $ 6 to
$ 7.50 just to give the patient the drug. This does not include their insurance or any other ancillary expenses.
10 . Then they have to call the patient to let them know the drug is going to cost them $ 240 to $ 480 for the prescription. If the patient says no they make nothing.
11. On top of all of that they have to spend about $ 1000.00 just to bring the drug into the clinice.
12. The 6 % mark up is not always Gauranteed. It usually takes 45 to 60 to reimbursed the $ 1060.00.
13. If you have a $ 1000.00 and you loan it to a friend and he says he will give you $ 60.00 plus $ 1000.00 for $ 1060.00 60 days later what are you going to say? Oh yeah and he is going to subtract $ 6.00 for his hassles. IE the cost of the tubing.
14. So when all is said and done they have spent close to $ 300.00 on tubing, and a $ 1000.00 per patient on the drug.
15. If the Dr. puts 5 patients a month on Reclast the Dr has spent $ 5,0000 in just drug costs. Or i could take the $ 5,000 and put it in a simple 5 % interest account. I make $ 250 a year with no worries. Or I put a bunch of patients of Reclast, and just one of the 60 patients in the year has an insurance issue. I lose money or at best case i break even.
16. Who wants the risk.
I was trying to give you all a heads up as to what you can expect in the market place. I was always taught that knowledge is power. So I hope this helps.
You all can say what you want, but these are the facts. Remember not everyone has money just sitting in their accounts to spend. They also need to eat, pay bills.
Now you can all make fun of my grammer or spelling, and not pay attention to the financial facts.
An enlighted Reclast Rep!!!!