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Recieve company car prior to Training???


Just recently accepted an offer from AZ and was wondering if I will be receiving my company car prior to the start of training or after all the home study/ SIMS training at headquarters? Thanks in advance for any honest responses

I could ask my manager but its honestly not that important to me its just a nice perk So when I get it, I will be happy to receive it but was just curious if anyone knew off hand or had experience relieving it before or after training.

You will receive it during your homestudy training and if your car is new and not available then they will provide you a rental until your car comes in. Just be sure all of your new hire paperwork is done including Motor Vehicle Driving record background check. Good Luck!

I could ask my manager but its honestly not that important to me its just a nice perk So when I get it, I will be happy to receive it but was just curious if anyone knew off hand or had experience relieving it before or after training.

Did they offer English classes at your school?

If so, did you take any?

Just wondering.

Did they offer English classes at your school?

If so, did you take any?

Just wondering.

A few questions first....

Are you old enough to drive?
Do you have a valid driving liscense....in the U.S., of course? (Mexico doesn't count.)
Do you now, or have you ever driven a Schwinn?

If you answered "YES" to at least 2 out 3, above. you will get, following your training, something larger than a skateboard to drive and love.

Good luck from all of us who have made the same mistake as you have....joining AZ when we were young and very stupid!

You also forgot to point out to enjoy it now while you have it, because when the company goes all contract and you are offered your own job back at 20% less than you currently make, you only get an allowance, not an actual car.


You also forgot to point out to enjoy it now while you have it, because when the company goes all contract and you are offered your own job back at 20% less than you currently make, you only get an allowance, not an actual car.


Car allowance and tax write-off far better than company car.Wish we had that option!

Just recently accepted an offer from AZ and was wondering if I will be receiving my company car prior to the start of training or after all the home study/ SIMS training at headquarters? Thanks in advance for any honest responses

Because a certain numbers of reps are sent home at every training class,you won't get your car until you have passed the training!

That actually makes good sense... and I plan on passing all training without any issues so no worries here... Thanks

Same with a good friend at training,but didn't show up for dinner one night after the Sims training.Already on plane going back home.Be good but not too arrogant,as some good reps get sent home every training class.I think they have a quota for each class.Sick game they play.

If it is like old Astra they will sometimes pick one to go home just for shock and awe. That can be the toughest choice for trainers, to pick someone when you have a particularly good class.

Same with a good friend at training,but didn't show up for dinner one night after the Sims training.Already on plane going back home.Be good but not too arrogant,as some good reps get sent home every training class.I think they have a quota for each class.Sick game they play.

I see, how was SIMS training by the way, after training was it common to head to dinner with trainers/co-workers..... Also what time did SIMs training start every morning? thanks