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AZ only company going back to “normal”

Wave to the ZS associates folks for me up in Wilmington. Highly doubt that they are looking at the numbers to see how many could be let go. If they would allow people to self identify again, there goes 20% of sales force in one swoop. But, we all know self identify is just a thing "so 2012" like, not to be repeated.
That would be such a happy day!!! We can only hope!!

Yes I know what the fuck it mean, look dickface, it’s called being sarcastic!!! YOU must of been at the top of your class, NOT!

Perhaps you should look up the definition of sarcasm as your post does not have one oz. of sarcasm. I love it when people lose an argument and resort to the kind of language you use. Your ignorance shows snowflake.

Ya right and you have a 10 foot dick........LOL. Eat shit and die motherfucker. Sales rules, you all know without you wouldn’t have jack shit. So dry up, get a life and just shut the fuck up!!!!
OMG! Who is in charge of hiring sales reps? No wonder doctors are banning reps from their offices. I feel sorry for the poster.

What a joke WFH is. If you think the future is a $100,000 salary benefits and car you're nuts. Work from home isn't productive everyone knows this. "Virtual calls" don't sell shit and let's face it the majority of doctors won't go for it. Offices can get samples on line. I envision a sales force of people working from home calling offices asking if they need samples or info. If the doc wants info perhaps a more qualified person would call back. This would be a $35,000 job at best. This 1950's selling model we are working in today doesn't work anymore. Everyone knows this but no pharma company will "pull the trigger" and get rid of high cost low productive sales reps. But it will happen soon. Hey don't get me wrong I've been around quite a few years make more than $100,000 a year and love sitting home collecting my paycheck but I understand...this has to end.

Yeah, well, if you think that model us going to effectively launch products and keep them competitive in the marketplace, you arent living in reality and clearly haven't done too much virtually.

Virtual is a nice arrow to have in the quiver until this all ends but is is mo where near as effective as in person, office type interactions and never will be. Ive done a lot of them this year and antone else that has knows this.

Yeah, well, if you think that model us going to effectively launch products and keep them competitive in the marketplace, you arent living in reality and clearly haven't done too much virtually.

Virtual is a nice arrow to have in the quiver until this all ends but is is mo where near as effective as in person, office type interactions and never will be. Ive done a lot of them this year and antone else that has knows this.

Glad to hear you have done a lot of virtual calls. You admit not as effective as a face to face. So since March how many presentations have you made? Not that many I bet and clearly not enough to cover your salary and benefits.

Glad to hear you have done a lot of virtual calls. You admit not as effective as a face to face. So since March how many presentations have you made? Not that many I bet and clearly not enough to cover your salary and benefits.

I don't want to sound like a cheerleader but my territory has about 45% total access and my numbers have grown since we got back in the field. It is obvious that we are needed. I am grateful to have a job and have new products to sell.

I don't want to sound like a cheerleader but my territory has about 45% total access and my numbers have grown since we got back in the field. It is obvious that we are needed. I am grateful to have a job and have new products to sell.

So if I'm understanding you more than half of your doctors will not see you. Probably similar to the territory next to you. Hmmmm let's fire one of you and combine the two territories and save the company a bunch of money.

Fuck you and the almighty high horse you try to ride on. We in oncology are out here everyday risking our ass for you to sit safely on your fat ass and do nothing but stare out the window and wonder what you are going to eat for lunch and dinner.

Yea, bull fucking shit you are. Oncology offices are shut down tighter than the prom queens panties so don’t feed us that line of shit.

Perhaps you should look up the definition of sarcasm as your post does not have one oz. of sarcasm. I love it when people lose an argument and resort to the kind of language you use. Your ignorance shows snowflake.
This person always uses the word "Snowflake" in his posts. Do you know someone that uses that word in conversation? I am just going to start calling you "Snowball". Hello Snowball.

AZ offers no sick days for children. We are a healthcare company that “encourages” wellness. In all my years of pharma I’ve never worked for a company who didn’t offer sick days for kids. I’m sure there will be someone who comments that I can just take a vacation day or get another job. There has also not been a single statement from the company about how to handle virtual school. In the meantime managers make more money than reps and most days are working 2 hours at the most in the field.
SICK DAYS ARE FOR THE EMPLOYEE! AZ does not employ your kid. If your kid gets sick, YOU are not entitled to take a sick day. You either need to take a vacation day or find a family member or trusted person to tend to your kid. Hey a lot of people have pets that they consider family and when they get sick, they can't take a sick day. Some people have elderly parents living with them and when they get sick, they can't take a sick day. I have worked for several companies and they have all had the same policy. If you are taking a sick day, you better be the one that is sick!

Nevertheless, this will be a very interesting Q4, and Q1 2021. Don't see how we can continge to have such a huge virtual/live sales force, when access will probably remain 50%, at best. Money will eventually run out. And some type of early retirement, severance packages, layoffs etc will be a reality.