Really Dan?


So let me get this straight. If my daughter needs a consult for a serious medical procedure, I’m on my own for travel expenses. If she wants to have abortion, Gilead will pick up the tab. Dan I hate to say it. Your decisions make no sense. Gilead has lost its way. One bad decision after another. Dan is running the company like he owns it. He doesn’t.

I couldn't agree more. It is neither appropriate or okay for a corporation to have a legal stance either pro- or against abortions. A for-profit company answers to their shareholders, as an employee and shareholder it is obvious my voice has no value.

For those of us who still retain our Christian beliefs while working at Gilead, I am uncomfortable in Dan's blatant propaganda email regarding abortion rights. What is even worse, Gilead has made it abundantly clear that contrarian views to the leadership staunch blue/liberal stance is not tolerated.

I can’t even stand to watch gilead’s tv commercials. I change the channel when they come on. I can’t imagine trying to work there. I would have quit that leftist company years ago. Don’t sell your soul.

I couldn't agree more. It is neither appropriate or okay for a corporation to have a legal stance either pro- or against abortions. A for-profit company answers to their shareholders, as an employee and shareholder it is obvious my voice has no value.

For those of us who still retain our Christian beliefs while working at Gilead, I am uncomfortable in Dan's blatant propaganda email regarding abortion rights. What is even worse, Gilead has made it abundantly clear that contrarian views to the leadership staunch blue/liberal stance is not tolerated.

So advancing health equity and supporting an individual’s right to choose are against your Christian beliefs. What exactly are you opposed? “Christians” are supposed to be opposed to pre-marital sex/fornication as well yet engage in it regularly. Are you in support for providing the social programs often necessary to care for the embryos you insist be birthed?

It’s been reported Donald Trump who proclaims to be pro life paid off multiple sex partners to obtain abortions and sign non-disclosure agreements. Do you honestly believe this not to be true about that narcissistic con artist? Just remember he is the reason three SC Justices who voted for the ban of Roe v Wade are on the US Supreme Court. His weasel and crooked track record need not be further addressed here.

Look, I oppose abortion as well but we figuratively live in a representative democracy where the overwhelming majority of Americans have long supported reproductive rights protected through Roe v Wade. Again…the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY!!! Only one Republican candidate since 1992 (thirty years) has won the majority vote for President. One!!!! Clearly Republicans’ vision and views aren’t in alignment with the majority of Americans regarding most topics. Republicans are taking rights yet proclaim to be insistent upon getting government out of our houses. They are the self-admitted no ideas party and the epitome of hypocrisy. They admitted during the last presidential election they have no platform and certainly no ideas toward healthcare other than eliminating Obama Care yet they want to keep the ACA. A tragic if not laughable commentary! I respect your opposition to abortion but there’s too much picking and choosing of what “Christians” are going to value and call out.

Not sure who your taking to but wether your pro life or pro choice. It’s irrelevant. It’s that Dan is willing to take our money “Gilead money” or stock holder money and pay for travel for an abortion. If it was a life saving procedure for your child, Gilead would not support. The fact that it impacts black more then white is also irrelevant. It’s an abortion. Black Lives Matter, apparently that doesn’t apply to unborn black lives.

So advancing health equity and supporting an individual’s right to choose are against your Christian beliefs. What exactly are you opposed? “Christians” are supposed to be opposed to pre-marital sex/fornication as well yet engage in it regularly. Are you in support for providing the social programs often necessary to care for the embryos you insist be birthed?

It’s been reported Donald Trump who proclaims to be pro life paid off multiple sex partners to obtain abortions and sign non-disclosure agreements. Do you honestly believe this not to be true about that narcissistic con artist? Just remember he is the reason three SC Justices who voted for the ban of Roe v Wade are on the US Supreme Court. His weasel and crooked track record need not be further addressed here.

Look, I oppose abortion as well but we figuratively live in a representative democracy where the overwhelming majority of Americans have long supported reproductive rights protected through Roe v Wade. Again…the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY!!! Only one Republican candidate since 1992 (thirty years) has won the majority vote for President. One!!!! Clearly Republicans’ vision and views aren’t in alignment with the majority of Americans regarding most topics. Republicans are taking rights yet proclaim to be insistent upon getting government out of our houses. They are the self-admitted no ideas party and the epitome of hypocrisy. They admitted during the last presidential election they have no platform and certainly no ideas toward healthcare other than eliminating Obama Care yet they want to keep the ACA. A tragic if not laughable commentary! I respect your opposition to abortion but there’s too much picking and choosing of what “Christians” are going to value and call out.

Dan must go. Not that the stock hasn't done anything during the greatest bull run in history but his decision to mandate unproven unknown vaccines or be fired to the total opposite of paying to employees sex changes & abortions while asking employees to donate to abortion clinics, then telling employees if they have a problem with it to seek mental heath resource????---- basically if you are Pro Life you need to seek psychological therapy??
WTF Dan, you need to step down as shareholders we didn't pay you $20mil a year to make bonehead stupid statements like this.
Bye bye when mainstream media story drives stock down 50%

Dan must go. Not that the stock hasn't done anything during the greatest bull run in history but his decision to mandate unproven unknown vaccines or be fired to the total opposite of paying to employees sex changes & abortions while asking employees to donate to abortion clinics, then telling employees if they have a problem with it to seek mental heath resource????---- basically if you are Pro Life you need to seek psychological therapy??
WTF Dan, you need to step down as shareholders we didn't pay you $20mil a year to make bonehead stupid statements like this.
Bye bye when mainstream media story drives stock down 50%

newsflash dumb dumb. What we are seeing is diversity and inclusion taking over and influencing strategy. We have strong commercial executives but everyone under them are tacticians who do what looks good. Not what is good for business.

So advancing health equity and supporting an individual’s right to choose are against your Christian beliefs. What exactly are you opposed? “Christians” are supposed to be opposed to pre-marital sex/fornication as well yet engage in it regularly. Are you in support for providing the social programs often necessary to care for the embryos you insist be birthed?

It’s been reported Donald Trump who proclaims to be pro life paid off multiple sex partners to obtain abortions and sign non-disclosure agreements. Do you honestly believe this not to be true about that narcissistic con artist? Just remember he is the reason three SC Justices who voted for the ban of Roe v Wade are on the US Supreme Court. His weasel and crooked track record need not be further addressed here.

Look, I oppose abortion as well but we figuratively live in a representative democracy where the overwhelming majority of Americans have long supported reproductive rights protected through Roe v Wade. Again…the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY!!! Only one Republican candidate since 1992 (thirty years) has won the majority vote for President. One!!!! Clearly Republicans’ vision and views aren’t in alignment with the majority of Americans regarding most topics. Republicans are taking rights yet proclaim to be insistent upon getting government out of our houses. They are the self-admitted no ideas party and the epitome of hypocrisy. They admitted during the last presidential election they have no platform and certainly no ideas toward healthcare other than eliminating Obama Care yet they want to keep the ACA. A tragic if not laughable commentary! I respect your opposition to abortion but there’s too much picking and choosing of what “Christians” are going to value and call out.

You, my friend, obviously flunked civics.
First lesson: NO WHERE in the Constitution is there a right to an abortion. Roe v Wade was not constitutionally sound (even RBG is quoted as saying that). The reason we, in the USA, have been a republic for so long is because there is a Constitution. It is very specific. The justices did NOT take a right away. It is not there to take away. I will stand corrected if you can quote the paragraph in The Constitution where it states anything remotely close. You cannot because it is not there. The Justices merely put it back into the hands of the States which is what the Constitution states should happen with all "rights" not defined in the Constitution.
Secondly: There is a process to pass a federal law that is clearly defined in The Constitution. It is called an Amendment. Congress (which last I looked was a majority Democrat) can propose this. According to you, since the MAJORITY of people want to make abortion a right, it should have no problem sailing through even when the Republicans take over next year.
The third civics lesson you missed in school: Judges DO NOT make laws...they interpret them. Activist jurists will always (or should be) over turned. That is what happened in this case.
Fourth: We have the Electoral College so that EVERYONE's vote counts. If the majority gets their way then there would not be a need for elections as everything would be decided by the coasts of this country. You show a lack of understanding about how a great REPUBLIC must be structured to balance the interests of its citizens and protect minority rights.

As a personal note, all of your ranting about Republicans really makes your argument look so petty. Not everyone has to think alike but we all have to follow the law.

To whomever wrote the commentary about where was Dan with the forced covid booster... that didn't fit into his leftist agenda. I have received an accommodation because my first two jabs caused erythemas. And yes to trollers, I have the documentation from not 1 or 2 but 3 cardiologists! None who i paid off since I am a lowly rep. The fact that, that was forced on me and now this propaganda is disgusting.

In regards to abortion rights... read this...The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime over the Last Two Decades | Stanford Law School

This is a corporation not a dictatorship governed by Lord Dan. Its a shame having any sort of opposing opinion is wrong. I am a Catholic... i read the post by my fellow colleague who is a Christian. And I agree with them - have your opinion but don't use a public company to syndicate it. Gilead should have remained neutral. Period.

AMEN! This is not about who's side you are personally on. IMO its simply about the fact that Dan feels its "okay" to have an opinion either way. This stance should be neutral. Because at the end of the day not everyone agrees or disagrees but politicizing RVW on a corporate level, asking for donations is just wrong!

Trump and Biden are both F'ed up, sorry not sorry. Not sure how Trump's abortions are even relevant but to each their own.

Using a company as your politcal forum beyond F'ed up.

Asking employees for donations in support of abortion is wrong! Are we asked to make donations by leadership to HIV or Oncology research?

The fact we are expressing our opinions on CP just demonstrates how ridiculous Gilead is - here's my question, for those with opposing views to Dan and Gilead D&I agenda to you feel comfortable expressing them?

The world according to Dan,

You deserve the right to have an abortion. Especially, after I have forced you to choose between your personal health or job by mandating the COVID vaccine and booster - and now you're 'bout ready to give birth to a child with three eyes. Abort away, I say!

newsflash dumb dumb. What we are seeing is diversity and inclusion taking over and influencing strategy. We have strong commercial executives but everyone under them are tacticians who do what looks good. Not what is good for business.
Hey F up Sh itz for brains. Abortion or killing a life has nothing to do with diversity or inclusion moron...... millions of us minorities & LGBT are Christians and believe in Pro Life.
Wow you are really uneducated. Likely not even an employee.....

Strong Dem here who is a minority and this topic has nothing to do with diversity or inclusion. It's 100% on one's moral & rebellious believes...... constitutional or not, the belief comes down to owns own region interpretation of life.. plane & simple.
And YES CEO Dan O'Day F up royally and his statement cross the line of bullying & proactive Implying his direction is the right one.
Also to suggest that all employees who disagree (Pro-Life) need to go see a phych was way way off base! Maybe he needs to go see a mental health resource for his own flawes mindset being the head of a public traded company .
BLM and Gender Equity has NOTHING even remotely similar to taking a life of a baby w a heart beat.
I hope the board fires his assola for stepping over his job responsibilities & imposing his personal stance on all the employees.....