You, my friend, obviously flunked civics.
First lesson: NO WHERE in the Constitution is there a right to an abortion. Roe v Wade was not constitutionally sound (even RBG is quoted as saying that). The reason we, in the USA, have been a republic for so long is because there is a Constitution. It is very specific. The justices did NOT take a right away. It is not there to take away. I will stand corrected if you can quote the paragraph in The Constitution where it states anything remotely close. You cannot because it is not there. The Justices merely put it back into the hands of the States which is what the Constitution states should happen with all "rights" not defined in the Constitution.
Secondly: There is a process to pass a federal law that is clearly defined in The Constitution. It is called an Amendment. Congress (which last I looked was a majority Democrat) can propose this. According to you, since the MAJORITY of people want to make abortion a right, it should have no problem sailing through even when the Republicans take over next year.
The third civics lesson you missed in school: Judges DO NOT make laws...they interpret them. Activist jurists will always (or should be) over turned. That is what happened in this case.
Fourth: We have the Electoral College so that EVERYONE's vote counts. If the majority gets their way then there would not be a need for elections as everything would be decided by the coasts of this country. You show a lack of understanding about how a great REPUBLIC must be structured to balance the interests of its citizens and protect minority rights.
As a personal note, all of your ranting about Republicans really makes your argument look so petty. Not everyone has to think alike but we all have to follow the law.