Really Dan?

Dan WTF were you thinking issuing a forceful demanding language email like you did today?
You must have a $10million severance package wanting the Board to fire you because you should have stopped.

Maybe your implications trying to get employees to have a 2x match donation to fund abortion clinics was so far off base you were in space! Not smart & assume the board is meeting tonight to start CEO search committee and rightfully so!

Dan Dan Dan. Well enjoy all those millions you made for not moving the stock when you get fired next week.
Just plain stupid to enforce your personal view on us. Gilead is INCLUSIVE of BELIEFS which include 70% of the employees being PRO LIFE.
Hint: you should have stopped after the 1st paragraph.... no need to push employees to fund abortion clinics nor tell Pro Life employees to seek mental heath options....
Not smart for anyone let alone a CEO of a $200 Billion company.
Was a fan but no more.

Agree. Dan was way over line. I tried to like him. Nice guy. But pushes his liberal agenda on Gilead while making bad business decisions. He doesn’t own Gilead. If my expense to revenue looked like his I’d be fired. If I spoke up on my political views, id be fired. Johanna and VPs are nothing more then yes people. Gone are the days of real leadership. I agree with last person that our only option is to look elsewhere.

I was just astounded he went down the path of its your body, you and your physician’s choice after, just months ago, saying the useless BOOSTER is mandated or you lose your livelihood and it’s not you or your physician’s choice - it’s Gilead’s choice. No wonder our stock has plummeted in value under this guys “leadership.” It’s time for the Board of Directors to act - before Dan wastes billions more on his wims.

I’m not a big pro life person. But Dan telling us at Gilead that we are for abortion is wrong. We can have our personal views on abortion and his opinions shouldn’t be forced on us. I found that completely disrespectful. I know it’s not easy but please take a stand. Call HR and file a complaint. We don’t need political views shoved down our throat. It’s not his job. He needs to be put in line.

So let me get this straight. If my daughter needs a consult for a serious medical procedure, I’m on my own for travel expenses. If she wants to have abortion, Gilead will pick up the tab. Dan I hate to say it. Your decisions make no sense. Gilead has lost its way. One bad decision after another. Dan is running the company like he owns it. He doesn’t.

Boo hoo.

If your daughter needs a consult for a serious medical procedure that is not an abortion, she won’t be denied medical care.
If my daughter needs an abortion due to an ectopic pregnancy, and I live in backwards state, she would not be allowed treatment.
Big difference.

As a shareholder, I applaud this decision. Rights have been taken away, and Dan is on the right side of this. Bravo.

Lastly, take your “Christian” beliefs and celebrate and practice on your own. Don’t push that on the rest of us. I also have the freedom to not hear about your religion.

Dan Dan Dan. Well enjoy all those millions you made for not moving the stock when you get fired next week.
Just plain stupid to enforce your personal view on us. Gilead is INCLUSIVE of BELIEFS which include 70% of the employees being PRO LIFE.
Hint: you should have stopped after the 1st paragraph.... no need to push employees to fund abortion clinics nor tell Pro Life employees to seek mental heath options....
Not smart for anyone let alone a CEO of a $200 Billion company.
Was a fan but no more.

70% pro life? Lol. Verrrrry scientific.. you realize who you work for, right? Expand your circle, because I bet you all Dan’s stock that is an ass-backward number.

Dan WTF were you thinking issuing a forceful demanding language email like you did today?
You must have a $10million severance package wanting the Board to fire you because you should have stopped.

Maybe your implications trying to get employees to have a 2x match donation to fund abortion clinics was so far off base you were in space! Not smart & assume the board is meeting tonight to start CEO search committee and rightfully so!

If he’s replaced, it’ll be for business decisions.. not this.

Planned Parenthood provides women’s health services beyond abortion. I know, women’s health, birth control and family planning are not popular with the good ole boys, considering the weird, sick obsession they have with controlling women’s bodies.

What an uneducated F up moron numb nuts. You are very uneducated if you think this is even remotely a diversity & inclusion issue.
Murder is not either. Go back & finish middle school that you dropped out of.
Stupid A comment of yours..... foolish
You "pro-lifers" are the same people that don't try to support those same lives once they're out of the womb. Innocent, children born to parents that aren't going to provide proper food, shelter, love, etc need our support and you'll be the first to say hell no. You'll be the first to call that child a loser and preach how this is the "land of opportunity" as you live a life of privilege you were no doubt born into. Before you try to say I'm a protected minority, think again. I'm as white & privileged as you are. The difference is I'm not a hypocrite like you and all your "Christian", holier than thou friends, AR-15 loving friends/family. True pro-life goes way past the womb you pompous-a**. You don't like Dan O'Day and Gilead's stance on a woman's right to choose then get to stepping. Maybe the NRA has an opening for you.

To whomever wrote the commentary about where was Dan with the forced covid booster... that didn't fit into his leftist agenda. I have received an accommodation because my first two jabs caused erythemas. And yes to trollers, I have the documentation from not 1 or 2 but 3 cardiologists! None who i paid off since I am a lowly rep. The fact that, that was forced on me and now this propaganda is disgusting.

In regards to abortion rights... read this...The Impact of Legalized Abortion on Crime over the Last Two Decades | Stanford Law School

This is a corporation not a dictatorship governed by Lord Dan. Its a shame having any sort of opposing opinion is wrong. I am a Catholic... i read the post by my fellow colleague who is a Christian. And I agree with them - have your opinion but don't use a public company to syndicate it. Gilead should have remained neutral. Period.
Why are you seeing a Cardiologist for "erythemas"?? Do you mean arrhythmias??? You're trying to interpret something published by Stanford Law and yet you don't even know how to spell arrhythmias?!?! How do you not know how to spell it if you were diagnosed with it by not 1, not 2 but 3 Cardiologists? As usual a right winged idiot. SMDH

You "pro-lifers" are the same people that don't try to support those same lives once they're out of the womb. Innocent, children born to parents that aren't going to provide proper food, shelter, love, etc need our support and you'll be the first to say hell no. You'll be the first to call that child a loser and preach how this is the "land of opportunity" as you live a life of privilege you were no doubt born into. Before you try to say I'm a protected minority, think again. I'm as white & privileged as you are. The difference is I'm not a hypocrite like you and all your "Christian", holier than thou friends, AR-15 loving friends/family. True pro-life goes way past the womb you pompous-a**. You don't like Dan O'Day and Gilead's stance on a woman's right to choose then get to stepping. Maybe the NRA has an opening for you.
You got is wrong sister! I am black female and binary, it's not racial or sexist topic. Abortion has nothing to do with diversity & inclusion and shame in Dan referencing that in his email. Support was you want but don't use your power to try and impose your will on the employees. Asking them to donate to abortion clinics was way over the line. Maybe you need to seek a mental health specialist as Dan referenced Pro Life employees needed to do.
You do yous, I'll do mine but do not try to impose your will on me.......
Idiot forgot about choice of health care demanding a Vax or be fired so he contradicted he own views with the 2 topics.
Support what you want but stay out of my personal life ......

Can we not attack our colleagues due to their spelling or grammer? This is a forum to feel safe to express ourselves.

Regardless of where you stand, pro-life ot pro-choice, neither Dan or Joanne should ask for donations for a politicized societal topic, you know abortion. Sending emails out to the organization and then sending an email to female associates specifically it insane. This is insane.

If you want to have an abortion, go to NY, CA or CO - Gilead will pay for it. Heck why not make it a family vacation on the Gilead dollar because we obviously have the deep pockets.

And if you don't want to get a booster, well then you're going to get fired. Dan will speak out of both sides of his mouth as it suits his needs. There is no one to monitor him ... so unfortunately unless you have a new gig lined up. You're screwed, because the culture at Gilead is simply either you are with us or you're against us.

Agree with so many above. This is not about pro life or pro choice. It’s about a CEO speaking on behalf of all us and expressing strong views on a controversial topic. It’s essentially saying, if you work here, this is how you need to think. Those who disagree with will change your minds when Dan’s next political view opposes yours. Bad move Daniel.

You, my friend, obviously flunked civics.
First lesson: NO WHERE in the Constitution is there a right to an abortion. Roe v Wade was not constitutionally sound (even RBG is quoted as saying that). The reason we, in the USA, have been a republic for so long is because there is a Constitution. It is very specific. The justices did NOT take a right away. It is not there to take away. I will stand corrected if you can quote the paragraph in The Constitution where it states anything remotely close. You cannot because it is not there. The Justices merely put it back into the hands of the States which is what the Constitution states should happen with all "rights" not defined in the Constitution.
Secondly: There is a process to pass a federal law that is clearly defined in The Constitution. It is called an Amendment. Congress (which last I looked was a majority Democrat) can propose this. According to you, since the MAJORITY of people want to make abortion a right, it should have no problem sailing through even when the Republicans take over next year.
The third civics lesson you missed in school: Judges DO NOT make laws...they interpret them. Activist jurists will always (or should be) over turned. That is what happened in this case.
Fourth: We have the Electoral College so that EVERYONE's vote counts. If the majority gets their way then there would not be a need for elections as everything would be decided by the coasts of this country. You show a lack of understanding about how a great REPUBLIC must be structured to balance the interests of its citizens and protect minority rights.

As a personal note, all of your ranting about Republicans really makes your argument look so petty. Not everyone has to think alike but we all have to follow the law.

Your retort is riddled with inaccuracies. “We have the Electoral College so that EVERYONE's vote counts.” You can’t be serious but I know sadly you are because facts be damned to today’s Republicans. Is that why Trump became President by losing the popular vote because “EVERYONE’S vote counts?” Is that why W Bush won in 2000 despite losing the popular vote because “EVERYONE’S” vote counted? NEWS FLASH: There’s a lot of sh!t not “listed” in the Constitution like women’s voting rights, civil rights legislation, interracial marriage, gay marriage…and on and on…

I’m definitely interested in engaging with people that I don’t agree. But facts clearly don’t matter in your world. You know what you’re saying makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but you believe it so deeply you can’t let go of it. Thus, you cannot be reached!

Mr O'Day you pushed your own agenda, beliefs & opinions using your power & platform as CEO. GILEAD is a global co & you are only appealing to 30% of your employees. 70% of your employees do not align with your stance.
To support and advocate personally is one thing but your job as CEO is not weld political intimidation or influence.
Whatever you believe keep it out of the workplace.
I totally crossed the line encouraging employees to donate to fund abortion clinics & even pushed an incentive of matching funds.
You need to be fired yesterday
Like others have posted, was once a fan of yours but no longer