Really Dan?

If he’s replaced, it’ll be for business decisions.. not this.

Planned Parenthood provides women’s health services beyond abortion. I know, women’s health, birth control and family planning are not popular with the good ole boys, considering the weird, sick obsession they have with controlling women’s bodies.

Good old boys?. Hmm. The racist black guy is back. Yay. How’s Houston? Congrats on your worthless promo. Now go ahead and waste out time.

Nope. Just the lowly female.
Joke is on us thinking we could actually control what happens to our own body.

I don’t come here often, and won’t come back for a while—a bunch of bitter boys who joined a company who’s well established culture doesn’t match theirs.

Nope. Just the lowly female.
Joke is on us thinking we could actually control what happens to our own body.

I don’t come here often, and won’t come back for a while—a bunch of bitter boys who joined a company who’s well established culture doesn’t match theirs.
You can, at various degrees depending on the state you live in. Unless you don’t want to get a worthless booster - than it’s no longer “you and your doctor’s choice”, it’s Gilead’s.

Dan WTF were you thinking issuing a forceful demanding language email like you did today?
You must have a $10million severance package wanting the Board to fire you because you should have stopped.

Maybe your implications trying to get employees to have a 2x match donation to fund abortion clinics was so far off base you were in space! Not smart & assume the board is meeting tonight to start CEO search committee and rightfully so!
In lieu of money, I sent metal hangers to the soon to be closed clinics all over the country - they can hand those out like they do condoms

Fool fool fool Mr O'Day
1st Abortion is NOT a diversity & inclusion issue like Race Gender or Sexual Pref.
The stance on Abortion is a Belief regarding life of a fetus--- A BELIEF.

2nd if Abortion was about diversity & inclusion as you stated in your co wide email, then Pro Life employees are also part of the D&I.

You totally pushed your personal agenda on employees & positioned Abortion inappropriately.
You need a follow up email to the company as you offended 70% of the employees outside of the West Coast.

Dan likes to bring race into every discussion. He’s delusional. The only race he should focused on is Gilead race to the bottom of drug companies. Actually if you were to destroy a company you would do it the same way he is. Kill the culture. Pit employees against each other. Mis spend billions of dollars on worthless accusations. Promote people on the basis of race. Hire poor leadership that can’t relate to their employees. Demote the entire field based SRD roles. Promote the MC team that does nothing. Should I keep going????

I’ve had enough of WOKE Gilead. I’m in search of old Gilead. Anyone know of any old Gilead type companies please share.

You’re delusional. I left years ago seeing the writing on the wall. No, didn’t land with another old school Gilead but did keep my integrity and am not being pushed to go outside the compliance borders that was happening there. Danny honed his skills at Roche, that should tell you all you need to know

follow the people, not the companies. Plenty of strong leaders have gone elsewhere to do great things. Small bio tech is where it’s at.

…Until small biotech gets a decent product and soon morphs into big biotech due to the industry habit of hiring retreads or the same “good ole boy/gal” network of circus clowns from big pharma. Usually the retreads don’t come from the “woke” side of the tracks!

…Until small biotech gets a decent product and soon morphs into big biotech due to the industry habit of hiring retreads or the same “good ole boy/gal” network of circus clowns from big pharma. Usually the retreads don’t come from the “woke” side of the tracks!

not true when you follow the right people.