Oncology Franchise??? Really???

I've about had it with the leadership of this division. Nothing but lie after bold face lie. Our approval is far from what we were told it was going to be and now our competitor has a full expanded approval! We were supposed to be out in the field for months with our ph3 data before ibrutinib received full approval. 3 business days is all we had. I can't even consider this a lateral move in my career, this is a step backwards and I burned bridges doing so. Thanks for nothing Jon.

I agree! You have proven you're a bunch of overpaid whiners from the get go. Where's all your relationships and oncology expertise gone? Have fun selling against a superior drug which you would have known if you did your research. Don't forget to thank your friend and current manager that convinced you to come over on your way out dipshit.

I agree! You have proven you're a bunch of overpaid whiners from the get go. Where's all your relationships and oncology expertise gone? Have fun selling against a superior drug which you would have known if you did your research. Don't forget to thank your friend and current manager that convinced you to come over on your way out dipshit.

First it's not like we got the cream of the crop oncology reps here...they were too smart to take this job at a toxic company like Gilead.

Depends on what implantable device you are talking about and what oncologic you are talking about. I've sold implantable oncologics for glioblastoma and scrubbed in on most cases. Not sure I received any more or any less training than the other chemos I've sold. Also I don't think most doctors regardless of the therapeutic area have a standard they hold any of us to. They really don't care as much about us as you think they do. I started my med career selling stents which is technically an implantable device and I can tell you it was a promotion to go from that to oncology and the oncology training was far more intense clinically. My brother "sells" pacemakers but he went to school for special training for that and it is more applications drive than selling. Not sure what 'real sales gig means'. My guess is anyone in medical sales (Pharma device, equipment etc) would not be overly attractive in industries out side of medical. Why would a software company hire a Pharma or Device rep over someone with software sales experience? Apply that same logic to any other industry, financial services, industrial chemicals, you name. Experience in the specific field usually trumps experience outside of the field. Lastly real sales should not be defined by what the day to day is but rather what you earn. A good Onc rep at a good biotech will make over $200k a year with base and bonus add all the other perks in and that is very real money to a lot if people. Couple that with a few stock buyouts and you have a lot of 40 year olds who are multi millionaires.

LMFAO. You sold Gliadel and you are calling yourself an "implantable" rep. This is a new low

LMFAO. You sold Gliadel and you are calling yourself an "implantable" rep. This is a new low

What would you call it? Give me other product(s) as your example of an implantable?

I've also sold implantable radioactive seeds and other brachytherapy devices. Is that more "implantable" to you? What the hell is an "implantable" rep anyway? Breast implants? Would that be more implantable to you? Hip/knee? Explain to me why one is any less than the others? The only implantable device I would deem highly specialized is pacemaker/defib reps who go to school for years to become that. You don't get hired by Medtronic's with out your certification. Maybe you should learn more about this business before you talk smack. It just makes you look stupid.

Hey numbnuts-HR has real problems with reps posting on this site. How many in the onc sales force worked for MGI and sold the wafer? I'm sure they're looking through background files to pinpoint who you are. What a dumb ass!

Hey oncology superstar, company gifts are contingent on performance. The way your drug was approved, you're gonna have to give them back :) SOVALDI ROCKS!!!!

Wow you sell something that doesn't require being sold...this drug just made you and all the other hep C reps into primary care reps, as everyone IM and PC will be treating Hep C with this drug. Congratulations. I will gladly go unemployed for a cure for cancer.

Two things I know oncology superstar. 1. Your wonderful drug is not the cure for cancer. 2. If you don't get off this board and start selling some of that shit you will be unemployed!

Well first, I guess reading comprehension is not your thing as I never said what I sell is a cure. Second, I'm selling plenty, and replying to you primary care, I mean hematology reps, only takes 3 minutes...so I'm good on time. Have fun being relegated to primary care...maybe you are not a student of this game but all the money has been and will continue to flow into oncology so there will always be high paying jobs for people like me. You? Not so much. You'll now be competing with the sample dropper set who thinks $100K base is amazing for some crumby 'orphan drug' company...have fun with that.

You were the ones they came knocking on my door and paid me what I asked for. Don't care who pays what as long as I get paid. Have fun being a customer service rep.
At least I'll still have a job!! We know how many scripts your division has generated, less than 100. HCV is paying the bills here and will continue to do so long after oncology has shut its doors.

At least I'll still have a job!! We know how many scripts your division has generated, less than 100. HCV is paying the bills here and will continue to do so long after oncology has shut its doors.

Yet they pay us more than you...why is that? Oh because Hep is a primary care job you cDNA hire on the cheap.

You clearly are a moron for hire! HepC is the highest paid division in the company and you sir are not making any commission. Please continue to pay yourself on the back, once you prove you can't actually sell good luck with the résumé.