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Realignment in CV

The model will most likely change. Account based in larger, system driven markets. Company talking about the HAS group transitioning into true account manager roles. That is long overdue. Too many cooks in the kitchen with too many ABL's and reps undermining each other and then shifting the blame. It's a recipe for disaster and doesn't foster productivity and trust. PDI should be home, even though there are many goods ones who do their job well. We've confused more customers at times than we have helped due to lack of cohesion and the free for all approach. Stop the bs and allow fewer reps to take greater ownership. That's how we grow Entresto moving forward

Will an announcement be made at the national meeting?

I am pretty sure it will be before. The 10 account manager positions for reps and the HAS (now called CVA) will be announced this week. I believe by the week of the 15th, the company will make the announcement. I get the feeling that we will be doing CP&T at the meeting or we will get our new territory alignments. Everything goes live on February 1st.

The model will most likely change. Account based in larger, system driven markets. Company talking about the HAS group transitioning into true account manager roles. That is long overdue. Too many cooks in the kitchen with too many ABL's and reps undermining each other and then shifting the blame. It's a recipe for disaster and doesn't foster productivity and trust. PDI should be home, even though there are many goods ones who do their job well. We've confused more customers at times than we have helped due to lack of cohesion and the free for all approach. Stop the bs and allow fewer reps to take greater ownership. That's how we grow Entresto moving forward

I just told you what is happening. Only 2 markets will be utilizing this Account Based selling. Philadelphia/NJ and LI. The rest of the company will be realigned to a pod set up. CV1 & CV2 are mirrored partners along with 1 PDI rep. Eventually they will implement this model through the company where the see the best opportunities.

I just told you what is happening. Only 2 markets will be utilizing this Account Based selling. Philadelphia/NJ and LI. The rest of the company will be realigned to a pod set up. CV1 & CV2 are mirrored partners along with 1 PDI rep. Eventually they will implement this model through the company where the see the best opportunities.
If CV1 and CV2 will be mirror paired, why do we need PDI?

My PDI rep is very good. They work extremely hard and smart. More that I can say for my CV? Counterpart. They came from a company notorious for lazy reps and managers that are not used to being paid on performance.