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Realignment in CV


Like I said before. PDI contract will be terminated shortly; territories will be realigned, some eliminated, with CV1 and CV2 having mirrored territories; both of them will be under the same manager.
Both will call on PCPs and Cards. The number of PCPs will be reduced to the ones with the most potential. Most cardiologists will be covered.
And, they will PT the he’ll out of us. They need to say that the emperor has a great robe on... And they have to justify the cost of the model.

Like I said before. PDI contract will be terminated shortly; territories will be realigned, some eliminated, with CV1 and CV2 having mirrored territories; both of them will be under the same manager.
Both will call on PCPs and Cards. The number of PCPs will be reduced to the ones with the most potential. Most cardiologists will be covered.
And, they will PT the he’ll out of us. They need to say that the emperor has a great robe on... And they have to justify the cost of the model.

The scenario more likely to happen is they go to the account selling model, in the bigger markets, that they are piloting in Philadelphia and Long Island. Those that don't go to accounts will continue with the traditional model but territory parameters and number of reps will change. A lot more primary care as they will pull a lot of the heart failure clinics and high prescribers, associated with the big hospital systems, into the account role. No target overlap between the accounts and the traditional territories. Watch Philly and Long Island, it's coming.

You speak as if you know exactly what’s going to happen. It’s pure speculation at this point. What source of info is your opinion based on? I’m a PDI rep. We’ve received no indication as to any realignment or the contract ending. As of today it’s business as usual. I love Entresto and think it’s a fabulous drug but I’m so tired of hearing my PCP doctors say “I let the cardiologist handle it”. I would be happy if the contract ended.

The scenario more likely to happen is they go to the account selling model, in the bigger markets, that they are piloting in Philadelphia and Long Island. Those that don't go to accounts will continue with the traditional model but territory parameters and number of reps will change. A lot more primary care as they will pull a lot of the heart failure clinics and high prescribers, associated with the big hospital systems, into the account role. No target overlap between the accounts and the traditional territories. Watch Philly and Long Island, it's coming.
This is dead on, it’s coming, already here for some.

the funny thing is all the speculation. The product is already dead. A failed launch. No positioning of the product for three years. Of which you really only have 6 months to position by launch. New sales models.. new sales direction... new b.s by corporate. Get a grip ... Novartis crapped a huge turd and it can't be fixed.

You speak as if you know exactly what’s going to happen. It’s pure speculation at this point. What source of info is your opinion based on? I’m a PDI rep. We’ve received no indication as to any realignment or the contract ending. As of today it’s business as usual. I love Entresto and think it’s a fabulous drug but I’m so tired of hearing my PCP doctors say “I let the cardiologist handle it”. I would be happy if the contract ended.

I hear you. My opinion, is based on years of experience in seeing these companies act. Even though the previews quote with regards to Philadelphia and Long Island seems to make a lot of sense to. One thing is for sure, they will have to change the present way of covering the territory iand selling this drug

You speak as if you know exactly what’s going to happen. It’s pure speculation at this point. What source of info is your opinion based on? I’m a PDI rep. We’ve received no indication as to any realignment or the contract ending. As of today it’s business as usual. I love Entresto and think it’s a fabulous drug but I’m so tired of hearing my PCP doctors say “I let the cardiologist handle it”. I would be happy if the contract ended.

It’s a fact. The Philly and LI market were notified in late December. Philly is focused on 3 accounts and LI is focusing on 2. Philly will have 6 reps, a HAS rep, different ABL and Work with SOC. LI will have 4, 1 HAS, SOC and an ABL. All HCPs that are owned by these institutions will be pulled from CV1 and CV2. In these 2 markets, both are having major realignment. CV1 and CV2 are now getting paid on both Cards and IM’s (starting February).

This is not a pilot as this will be rolled out into different areas in the next few months, where the SOC team identify the need for this Account base selling.

Philly has already selected the reps that will be working these accounts and LI is having interviews today. Zero speculation!!!

It’s a fact. The Philly and LI market were notified in late December. Philly is focused on 3 accounts and LI is focusing on 2. Philly will have 6 reps, a HAS rep, different ABL and Work with SOC. LI will have 4, 1 HAS, SOC and an ABL. All HCPs that are owned by these institutions will be pulled from CV1 and CV2. In these 2 markets, both are having major realignment. CV1 and CV2 are now getting paid on both Cards and IM’s (starting February).

This is not a pilot as this will be rolled out into different areas in the next few months, where the SOC team identify the need for this Account base selling.

Philly has already selected the reps that will be working these accounts and LI is having interviews today. Zero speculation!!!

That means that the layoffs are coming. And PDI is toast.