Read Alan Hesketh's child pornography charges

You know Pfizer is in deep s**t when the patent department is a living hell. The bag men should take this as a warning and look for another job now rather than later when the meat axe is being swung after Lipitor goes generic

If proven at trial, the federal sentencing guidelines would recommend 120 to 360 months depending on how much cooperation Alan gives the government and whether or not Alan displays remorse before trial. Given Alan's age, 61, he would probably be sent to a Federal minimum security prison for geriatric prisoners, a prison camp (Club Fed) or the prison hospital at Springfield Mo. It would be unlikely that he would be sent to a medium or maximum security prison where he would stand a chance of being abused. However because of his age and length of possible sentence he could die in prison. As an American taxpayer you should be happy to know that Alan will receive very good medical and nursing home care while in Federal prison,

Yeah Glaxo treated him like a good guy 'cos he was. I know this stuff is sick. but there was another side to him and that was a well-liked and respected guy. I don't know what went wrong. but there are two sides to this man. I knew the good side and i bet there are others who would agree.

Haven't found anyone else who agrees. Lack of accountability allowed him to carry on with this. By the way I think he was fired from Glaxo. How could executives access sick sites through work computers?

Maybe he snapped. I believe that anyone is capable of anything under the right circumstances. No one is immune. That is why life balance is so important. The corporate world can suck the life out of you and in the right doses, under the right conditions anyone can lose their way.

If you "snap" you may have a violent outburst or do something completely irrational - you don't suddenly develop a taste for infants being raped by adults. For that you have to be basically evil - the signs were there its just that too many people judge a book by its cover and don't look beyond.

Maybe he snapped. I believe that anyone is capable of anything under the right circumstances. No one is immune. That is why life balance is so important. The corporate world can suck the life out of you and in the right doses, under the right conditions anyone can lose their way.

If you "snap" you may have a violent outburst or mental breakdown but to develop a taste for the kind of images he was viewing you have to be basically evil. The signs were there but too many people judge a book by its cover and don't look beyond.

Yeah Glaxo treated him like a good guy 'cos he was. I know this stuff is sick. but there was another side to him and that was a well-liked and respected guy. I don't know what went wrong. but there are two sides to this man. I knew the good side and i bet there are others who would agree.

Oh Hon! You were duped!

Yeah Glaxo treated him like a good guy 'cos he was. I know this stuff is sick. but there was another side to him and that was a well-liked and respected guy. I don't know what went wrong. but there are two sides to this man. I knew the good side and i bet there are others who would agree.

I knew Alan as well and my first thoughts were unbridled glee at how the mighty have fallen. Alan was very good at fake concern at your problems while simultaneously trying to figure out how to get rid of you.

I knew Alan as well and my first thoughts were unbridled glee at how the mighty have fallen. Alan was very good at fake concern at your problems while simultaneously trying to figure out how to get rid of you.

You are a weak little pussy aren't you? Kicking someone who is already lower than eelshit. Bet you had a hard time back on the old playground didn't you??? You're the type guy who hid behind others until a fight was over and then you would come running up acting like you were in the heat of things. You suck!

You are a weak little pussy aren't you? Kicking someone who is already lower than eelshit. Bet you had a hard time back on the old playground didn't you??? You're the type guy who hid behind others until a fight was over and then you would come running up acting like you were in the heat of things. You suck!

What's the relevance of this?

You are a weak little pussy aren't you? Kicking someone who is already lower than eelshit. Bet you had a hard time back on the old playground didn't you??? You're the type guy who hid behind others until a fight was over and then you would come running up acting like you were in the heat of things. You suck!

The relevance of this post is that it makes it perfectly obvious how the colleagues in the patent department think. They will defend him to the end I suppose. Just as sick as he is. The poster who claimed he feigned compassion for those that worked for him while simultaneously thinking of ways to get rid of them hit the nail on the head. This behaviour exemplified Alan's malevolent mind at work -- and the child porn his his evil mind at play.

whatever his sick, twisted, EVIL fantasies were --- he'll get thrust upon himself 1,000 times worse in prison --- then he'll BURN in the depths of HELL for all of eternity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The relevance of this post is that it makes it perfectly obvious how the colleagues in the patent department think. They will defend him to the end I suppose. Just as sick as he is. The poster who claimed he feigned compassion for those that worked for him while simultaneously thinking of ways to get rid of them hit the nail on the head. This behaviour exemplified Alan's malevolent mind at work -- and the child porn his his evil mind at play.

I agree absolutely. He is about the most nasty, malevolent person I have met. The fact that HR departments of major multinational corporations never picked up his mentality indicates that they have some serious issues.

The affidavit should have never been made available to the public. Whoever posted it should have thought about this man's wife and kids.

He's a sick fuck, and deserves no mercy. These criminal charges are public domain, and for a very good reason. When crimes are committed, full disclosure is needed to protect the public. Do you have the ability to think about the kids that were exploited in the photos he was circulating? You sound like a bed-wetting, idealistic liberal. His wife and kids are better off without him. Anyone who talks about eating baby shit needs to be removed from the general population (a bullet in the ear would be the most cost effective to us as taxpayers)

He's a sick fuck, and deserves no mercy. These criminal charges are public domain, and for a very good reason. When crimes are committed, full disclosure is needed to protect the public. Do you have the ability to think about the kids that were exploited in the photos he was circulating? You sound like a bed-wetting, idealistic liberal. His wife and kids are better off without him. Anyone who talks about eating baby shit needs to be removed from the general population (a bullet in the ear would be the most cost effective to us as taxpayers)

Innocent! I say!

He's a sick fuck, and deserves no mercy. These criminal charges are public domain, and for a very good reason. When crimes are committed, full disclosure is needed to protect the public. Do you have the ability to think about the kids that were exploited in the photos he was circulating? You sound like a bed-wetting, idealistic liberal. His wife and kids are better off without him. Anyone who talks about eating baby shit needs to be removed from the general population (a bullet in the ear would be the most cost effective to us as taxpayers)

Another point. The affidavit states that evidence within it is only a sufficient amount required to obtain the arrest and search warrants. There is probably more unsavoury stuff that isn't in the public domain. He has been denied bond not only because he is a flight risk but also because he is considered to be a danger to the public.

There were issues with Hesketh that were brought to Glaxo's attention in the UK several years ago - they didn't investigate anything. If they had they would no doubt have uncovered wrongdoing by Hesketh and possibly another manager that he supported unconditionally. Sorry US taxpayer - Hesketh shouldn't have been your problem.

Another point. The affidavit states that evidence within it is only a sufficient amount required to obtain the arrest and search warrants. There is probably more unsavoury stuff that isn't in the public domain. He has been denied bond not only because he is a flight risk but also because he is considered to be a danger to the public.

There were issues with Hesketh that were brought to Glaxo's attention in the UK several years ago - they didn't investigate anything. If they had they would no doubt have uncovered wrongdoing by Hesketh and possibly another manager that he supported unconditionally. Sorry US taxpayer - Hesketh shouldn't have been your problem.

Was this manager whom he supported unconditionally at Pfizer or Glaxo? I had my suspicions of other illegal activites going on at Pfizer in legal. He did have his "pets" that he supported unconditionally at Pfizer, they made some unusual and questionable decisions.