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Read Alan Hesketh's child pornography charges

Dr. Richardson, Senior VP and Associate General Counsel hired him. If you look on the other Hesketh threads you would see that the posters thought that he was one of the better managers in Pfizer patents.

Amazing how these legal asses will go to great lengths to find out details about a rep during an audit, yet they don't do squat to check the backgrounds of those they are hiring in high places. I think we should do a thorough background check on ALL people in the company RM and higher! I know personally of several cases where we would be amazed! Bear in mind that these are the same people who have been ordering audits and background checks on others. Wouldn't it be FUN for the same witchhunts to be applied to their sorry asses???

Amazing how these legal asses will go to great lengths to find out details about a rep during an audit, yet they don't do squat to check the backgrounds of those they are hiring in high places. I think we should do a thorough background check on ALL people in the company RM and higher! I know personally of several cases where we would be amazed! Bear in mind that these are the same people who have been ordering audits and background checks on others. Wouldn't it be FUN for the same witchhunts to be applied to their sorry asses???

The FBI might do it for you because Hesketh used a Pfizer legal server on two occasions according to the affidavit. Therefor, the Feds can examine the legal servers for evidence of Hesketh's crime. Any other crime that the Feds uncover from Pfizer legal's servers during this investigation can be used to prosecute the wrongdoer. Pfizer legal cannot say to the Feds that they looked and either 1 could not find any images or 2 the found images and destroyed them. The response to 1 would be thanks for looking but we will look ourselves and 2 would be obstruction of justice. Therefor Pfizer legal is Pfucked.

The FBI might do it for you because Hesketh used a Pfizer legal server on two occasions according to the affidavit. Therefor, the Feds can examine the legal servers for evidence of Hesketh's crime. Any other crime that the Feds uncover from Pfizer legal's servers during this investigation can be used to prosecute the wrongdoer. Pfizer legal cannot say to the Feds that they looked and either 1 could not find any images or 2 the found images and destroyed them. The response to 1 would be thanks for looking but we will look ourselves and 2 would be obstruction of justice. Therefor Pfizer legal is Pfucked.

According to Para. 37 of the affidavit, Hesketh allegedly used Pfizer's "IP address, which was accessed numerous times" when he assumed his child porn identity 'Suzibibaby' while ostensibly doing business at Pfizer.

You'd think that in this day and age, Pfizer HR and Legal would be guarding the hen-house with the IT folks monitoring employee e-mails, web sites, etc.

If they weren't, and Hesketh engaged in what appears to be a pattern of sick, depraved, and perverted illegal activity when he was supposed to be doing patent stuff, then the feds should probably look at this a lot more closely.

Heck, they do it for insider trading and stuff

According to Para. 37 of the affidavit, Hesketh allegedly used Pfizer's "IP address, which was accessed numerous times" when he assumed his child porn identity 'Suzibibaby' while ostensibly doing business at Pfizer.

You'd think that in this day and age, Pfizer HR and Legal would be guarding the hen-house with the IT folks monitoring employee e-mails, web sites, etc.

If they weren't, and Hesketh engaged in what appears to be a pattern of sick, depraved, and perverted illegal activity when he was supposed to be doing patent stuff, then the feds should probably look at this a lot more closely.

Heck, they do it for insider trading and stuff

Normally, the Feds don't get to go on a fishing expedition through the legal departments computer files even for insider trading or other crimes unless it can be shown before the search that the legal department is furthering the crime or engaged in the crime or fraud, since the files are normally protected by attorney client privilege. However, since the files might contain contraband in the form of digital photographs the Feds can search the files for the photos. If, during the search for the contraband, evidence of other crimes is uncovered, that evidence can be used even though it came from an attorney's or the legal departments computer files and normally the information would be privileged. For example, you report to legal that your DM required you to delete certain files containing off-label detailing, that evidence can now be used to investigate you, your DM and Pfizer.

Upon reading this affidavit it made me ponder about all the "BROWN NOSERS" in the patent department. Little did they know he really did get off on these brown nosers in the dept that kissed his ass on a daily basis.

Where was T.R. Kelly, Pfizer Legal, when all this pornography stuff was happening? You'd think that Pfizer Legal would be on top of this. T. R. Kelly should focus less on kicking out representatives and more on the stuff happening right under his nose.

Where was T.R. Kelly, Pfizer Legal, when all this pornography stuff was happening? You'd think that Pfizer Legal would be on top of this. T. R. Kelly should focus less on kicking out representatives and more on the stuff happening right under his nose.

You are SO right! This is very similar to what is happening in our town with the police department. Instead of stopping murders and drive-bys they are focusing on some kid going 35 in a 25 mph zone. Handle the big stuff TR and let our reps do their jobs!

Dates Hesketh allegedly used Pfizer computers vs. Pfizer events

Let's take a look at what was happening at Pfizer around the dates (Oct. 4-5, 2007 and Jan. 13, 2008) that Hesketh's criminal charges (http://www.scribd.com/doc/2513636/Pfizer-Global-Patent-Chiefs-Criminal-Porn-Charges) allege he used a Pfizer IP address to access his porn account:

* Oct. 1, 2007 - Supreme Court rejects Pfizer's patent appeal of Norvasc hypertension drug. Generic flood-gate doors open wide

* Oct. 4, 2007 - Nigerian judge allows prosecutors to serve court summons to Pfizer ex-CEO and officials over experimental antibiotic drug Trovan used on Nigerian kids (reportedly without parents' approval). "Eleven children died — five of those on Trovan and six in the control group, while others suffered physical disabilities and brain damage. Pfizer has insisted its records show none of the deaths was linked to Trovan or substandard treatment"


Jan. 11, 2008 - Bloomberg reports that the FDA OK'd some 400 generic drugs for sale, taking a bite out of Pfizer's profit, and that out of other pharmas.


Jan. 14, 2008 - USPTO rejects claims made by the patent for Pfizer's cholesterol drug Lipitor.


There seems to be a link here: Pfizer has patent and other huge problems around the dates that Hesketh accessed his kiddie porn using Pfizer's computer network.

Real leaders tackle these issues and work with their teams to solve them.

Others access child porn to hurt kids as young as babies.

What's wrong with this picture

Alan's groups wrote and prosecuted patent applications so that the litigation blunders made by Pfizer legal and outside counsel are not exclusively Alan's fault. The only problem that can be pinned on Alan would be the decision to re-examine the Lipitor patent and even that decision might arguably be a good decision because the Judge will not rule on the Lipitor patent until after it has been re-examined and then the ruling will be on the re-examined patent. Where you should criticize Alan is on his choices for leadership positions within the department and most of the attorneys in the department felt that Alan was one of the better managers within the department

Yes Alan always had a soft touch and spoke gently to us. He was a father figure to us all. I remember sitting on his lap and the spiky feel of his cheek in the afternoon when his stubble made his chin rough. Alan would give us candy and had lego sets we could assemble after "our work" was done.

Alan's groups wrote and prosecuted patent applications so that the litigation blunders made by Pfizer legal and outside counsel are not exclusively Alan's fault. The only problem that can be pinned on Alan would be the decision to re-examine the Lipitor patent...Where you should criticize Alan is on his choices for leadership positions within the department and most of the attorneys in the department felt that Alan was one of the better managers within the department

Which attorneys thought he "was one of the better managers?"

Isn't a manager supposed to lead by example, and set high standards for the team?

These charges suggest that on both accounts, Hesketh set a disgusting standard: condoning and/or participating in the abuse of children -- even babies! -- is nothing short of criminal.

You know what they say happens to child abusers in prison...

I remember Alan siting in my office eating cookies and discussing the paperless office. I also remember him borrowing my computer ... as I sit and scrub the keyboard with Clorox

There were plenty of colleagues in the patent department who did not think Alan was one of the better managers. Many thought he did nothing more than create dumb policy after dumb policy.