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Read Alan Hesketh's child pornography charges

The post above stated that "Hesketh isn't a lawyer, despite his fancy schmancy 'global patent chief' title."

How is it possible that a VP of the legal division and head of the patent department is not a lawyer? Leave it to Pfizer to make a non-lawyer a VP in the legal division.

OMG!!! That m%ther f@cker needs to rot in hell!! And no, that is not representative of Pfizer, or the human race or any other species for that matter. So all of you haters out there go join him!!

The post above stated that "Hesketh isn't a lawyer, despite his fancy schmancy 'global patent chief' title."

How is it possible that a VP of the legal division and head of the patent department is not a lawyer? Leave it to Pfizer to make a non-lawyer a VP in the legal division.

Because he was a Brit. He was a "Chartered Patent Attorney" "CPA" and an "European Patent Attorney" "EPA" however he never went to law school or passed a State Bar so he was never an attorney in the United States. He was head of Glaxo's patent department until the Glaxo merger with SKB. Additionally, Alan was only head of the patent prosecution group which is spread out in La Jolla, St. Louis, Groton, Sandwich, and New York. Dr. Peter Richardson, who is a lawyer and a SVP is head of the patent department over Alan.

So he was an attorney in Europe. Last time I checked you had to be a US attorney to practice law in the US. In fact, I believe you have to be a member of the state bar in the state in which you practice law. That is why each state has a slightly different state bar exam. I have a friend who has had to take bar exams in CA, AZ and TX in order to practice law there.

I don't think Alan ever practiced law, he was a f**king manager who dreamed up half baked policy or was handed half baked policy from Kindler - when he was head of legal or Richardson who was head of patents under Kindler. Alan's job was to get the patent departments of Warner-Lambert, Pfizer and Pharmacia, about 10 or 11 sites right after the Pharmacia merger, all pulling in a similar direction or at least talking with each other in a semi-civil manner as sites were closed and projects with their associated IP were transfered. In fact, Alan did a half way decent job of pulling the department together if LaMattina had done a half way decent job with R&D Pfizers pipeline would be a lot better today.

Because he was a Brit. He was a "Chartered Patent Attorney" "CPA" and an "European Patent Attorney" "EPA" however he never went to law school or passed a State Bar so he was never an attorney in the United States. He was head of Glaxo's patent department until the Glaxo merger with SKB. Additionally, Alan was only head of the patent prosecution group which is spread out in La Jolla, St. Louis, Groton, Sandwich, and New York. Dr. Peter Richardson, who is a lawyer and a SVP is head of the patent department over Alan.

Are you sure he was a Brit? We have lots of fake Brits...you know, the ones who go over there and stay for a while and come back with a British accent. Who was the dude with Zoloft who became a VP who had the fake British accent? He left as a guy from jersey or somewhere and came back a Brit. Maybe this guy was a fake Brit.

The affidavit should have never been made available to the public. Whoever posted it should have thought about this man's wife and kids.

I have a lot more sympathy for the poor kids in the photos than Alan Hesketh. If found guilty I hope he gets a prison sentence so long that he dies behind bars or is so old that he is sent back to the UK to die in a nursing home.

I wonder how long he engaged in child porn at Glaxo? For a number of years I suspect (he was there for nine). Glaxo treated him very well and were very nasty to anyone who questioned his actions. They paid him tons to leave. I'm sure they feel very proud of themselves!

Yeah Glaxo treated him like a good guy 'cos he was. I know this stuff is sick. but there was another side to him and that was a well-liked and respected guy. I don't know what went wrong. but there are two sides to this man. I knew the good side and i bet there are others who would agree.

I was interviewing for a new job and the VP-IP asked me if I knew Alan and what I thought of the situation in Pfizer patents and Alan's situation. Try finessing that in an interview.

Everyone I have spoken to is beyond shocked. We all knew him for years. Not even a hint. Scary what we can not know about people.

Maybe he snapped. I believe that anyone is capable of anything under the right circumstances. No one is immune. That is why life balance is so important. The corporate world can suck the life out of you and in the right doses, under the right conditions anyone can lose their way.

I was interviewing for a new job and the VP-IP asked me if I knew Alan and what I thought of the situation in Pfizer patents and Alan's situation. Try finessing that in an interview.

Don't work in that department. It is a horrible place regardless of the child pornographer, the rest of these people are animals. They will shit all over you and give you all the crappy patent work they don't want to do and make your life a living hell.