Re-apply for job

Actually, everyone who lost their job was HAND PICKED. I heard it directly from an AM. He stated, and I quote, "Everyone who was RIF'd were pre-selected from corporate." The names were sent in an email.

Ummm ok let me clarify... Do you think those who chose the associates to be RIF'd, knew those associates? We're they on a first name basis with dvp's and above? I think not... The rm's were given names by the leaders and there was no debate or emotions involved... It was strictly numbers.. My point to the original poster is that he was not singled out or chosen for any other reason that his name and position got drawn upstairs... When you are part of a reduction in workforce and there is no union involved it does not matter how many years you have in or what you do... The names were given and there was no debate... They did not have a meeting and ask who's good, who's not... Here are the positions and the names of the individuals in those positions... Make it happen...

Ummm ok let me clarify... Do you think those who chose the associates to be RIF'd, knew those associates? We're they on a first name basis with dvp's and above? I think not... The rm's were given names by the leaders and there was no debate or emotions involved... It was strictly numbers.. My point to the original poster is that he was not singled out or chosen for any other reason that his name and position got drawn upstairs... When you are part of a reduction in workforce and there is no union involved it does not matter how many years you have in or what you do... The names were given and there was no debate... They did not have a meeting and ask who's good, who's not... Here are the positions and the names of the individuals in those positions... Make it happen...
A teachable moment.
When you see an employee not doing their job, the end result could be these non descript RIF's which often punish another without merit.
This is why it is important to do your BEST at all times.

A teachable moment.
When you see an employee not doing their job, the end result could be these non descript RIF's which often punish another without merit.
This is why it is important to do your BEST at all times.

If it were a just a matter of doing your job to the best of your ability, none of us should have been laid off. I did not go to work everyday to goof off and be a part of the problem.

You do sound like you are the type that will go along with whatever management say or does and there in lies the problem you and the other with that outlook will not stand and voice your opinion but just follow the along like lemmings.

If it were a just a matter of doing your job to the best of your ability, none of us should have been laid off. I did not go to work everyday to goof off and be a part of the problem.

You do sound like you are the type that will go along with whatever management say or does and there in lies the problem you and the other with that outlook will not stand and voice your opinion but just follow the along like lemmings.
If I was management, then your analogy is flawed.
You see, lemmings jumping off a cliff is more like those being rif'ed rather than us in management.
You all will see Rotech once again on good footing, and for those remaining, will be thankful that good times will come again.

If I was management, then your analogy is flawed.
You see, lemmings jumping off a cliff is more like those being rif'ed rather than us in management.
You all will see Rotech once again on good footing, and for those remaining, will be thankful that good times will come again.

Us rif'ed ex-employees did voluntarily jump off the cliff you pushed us off. You are management "us in management"

And my analogy is right you will follow management off the cliff your bright outlook on what is going on is just what they are wanting you to believe and you do whole heartedly.

OK: What should "Uppers" do? Stand up and tell their bosses they don't buy into their business plan and have no intention on following their bull crap?? How long do you think they would still have job they need just as bad as anyone else. And if you answer "hell yeh", then it stands to reason ALL employees should have stood up all these years and said " hell no" we're not going to do as directed and follow the leaders business/game plan.
That being said, there were/are a lot of people, front line and otherwise that give a half asss effort and could have/be working a lot harder and putting forth a much better effort, especially the ones that like to hang around for years complaining about everything and everybody, but won't leave. Instead they hang around for years trying, and usually successfully, to make every new co-worker hate the job they just loved a few short months ago.

Rif'd workers started out a big overall number, but in the end their names were handed up

In order, Top five reasons Rotech is trouble:
Phil Carter
Mike Dobbs
Don Gunette
John Olivera
Steve Alsene

I never said YOU were the downfall. I suggested you exchange your whining for a little constructive effort.
Maybe if you practiced your reading skills, you would be a much happier person.

Azzhole management.... exactly the problem with rotech. Love to give you a good beating. Sounds like you could use some humility boss.

Ummm ok let me clarify... Do you think those who chose the associates to be RIF'd, knew those associates? We're they on a first name basis with dvp's and above? I think not... The rm's were given names by the leaders and there was no debate or emotions involved... It was strictly numbers.. My point to the original poster is that he was not singled out or chosen for any other reason that his name and position got drawn upstairs... When you are part of a reduction in workforce and there is no union involved it does not matter how many years you have in or what you do... The names were given and there was no debate... They did not have a meeting and ask who's good, who's not... Here are the positions and the names of the individuals in those positions... Make it happen...

The employees were selected based on employee reviews........promise.

Get a grip and stop being so defensive.
You are on this board trying to bring down everyone's moral and I am trying to point out that there are those ALSO working 13 hr days attempting to revive this company.

While I sympathize with you and other's stress in this restructuring, I feel it is also important to stop blaming everything on management. It is of no help.

First rule of leadership.....everything is your fault. That is why managers get paid more. Identifying the root of the stress is part of the healing process from the destruction and lies management continues to spew from their dirty mouths. Let's just keep it real shall we?

Ummm ok let me clarify... Do you think those who chose the associates to be RIF'd, knew those associates? We're they on a first name basis with dvp's and above? I think not... The rm's were given names by the leaders and there was no debate or emotions involved... It was strictly numbers.. My point to the original poster is that he was not singled out or chosen for any other reason that his name and position got drawn upstairs... When you are part of a reduction in workforce and there is no union involved it does not matter how many years you have in or what you do... The names were given and there was no debate... They did not have a meeting and ask who's good, who's not... Here are the positions and the names of the individuals in those positions... Make it happen...

This is probably what you were told to say in the email no doubt because this didn't happen at all. The LCM gave the recommendations of the people that needed to go via a phone call. I know this because I heard the phone conversation on a speaker phone and before you say I'm eves dropping 1. the door was open 2. I don't care. The word that was used was get rid of any dead weight. Congratulations on being a drone though how much extra severance are you getting for keeping your mouth shut?

Ha Ha Ha You can't even make that up! Bet by Monday she won't be the RT part-time or otherwise when they see that footage.

She'll probably get written up for her comments, but she was only telling the truth. 90% of my patients will change companies so that they won't have to pickup their own cylinders...and I don't blame them one bit.

The employees were selected based on employee reviews........promise.

Really? I think not!! My evaluation was exceeds expectations in all categories while my co-worker had been written numerous times for attendance. My co-worker only had a few exceeds with most being meets expectations. Guess again.

As one of the last ones standing at a location, it's getting very scary! The silence is deafening. The employees left that weren't RIF'd are going on interviews at our competitors. Tell us something!!!

I went to work for a competitor. I am treated like a professional adult, not a child with his hands slapped.