RBD/RM Meetings in Dallas last week in November

You are ignorant if you don't know what results from calibration. It is definitely a way for one to position one person in front of another based on competencies. It is also unfair as one person's best performer is the next person's loser. It is all about who is grading, who is selling and at Pfizer it's all about who likes who more!

Get real.. it may not be tomorrow's lay off, but it is day after tomorrow's!

Get real you manger type if that is you. It's a shame reps should have to come here to find anything out about the companies future or its plans. Instaed of hiding behind your field report or calibration sheet, take a look in the mirror at what you have become. A sell out. For what? I would guess an overinflated pay check as well as an ego. If you every carried a bag yourself then you should remember what its like to be a rep. I think once you got your title of DBM or RSM or whatevr you call yourself in you circle of dolts. You forgot what it is like to have to put in an honest day of work. Instead of solving problems you are the problem. Field reports, confrence calls, special meetings solve what? Your job has become a laughable game of check the box. I would rather you come out to meet and buy my breakfast then go back to your cave. Time for another pastry break and your chance to complain about the food. Now back to your efforts to justify your job. Because at the end of the day that is all you are really trying to do is knock others down to push yourself higher.

Reps told DMs about the 2008 calibration from cafe pharma, although hr informed it was completely confidential. Ended up being primary source for separation. Guess what! Sales were not even considered as part of the criteria on whether you stayed or were separated. Only in case of a tie. Point is you cannot trust what is being said and your DM does not know anything until told at the last minute.

Reps told DMs about the 2008 calibration from cafe pharma, although hr informed it was completely confidential. Ended up being primary source for separation. Guess what! Sales were not even considered as part of the criteria on whether you stayed or were separated. Only in case of a tie. Point is you cannot trust what is being said and your DM does not know anything until told at the last minute.

maybe so but that in no way means the info on this thread or the "layoffs" thread is correct. Still no facts to back it up.

They are pulling everyone together so that HR can ensure Pfizer's ass is completely covered from any type of discrimination lawsuits as they "calibrate" in such a way as to get rid of who they want and keep who they want to keep. This is fact and you scumbags know it. HR remains the team with no integrity whatsoever and not accountable to anyone. White males with large salaries and pensions you are first. You can be no better than meets expectations unless you have our nose so far up your RPs ass they can't see the BS you are dealing. For those who refuse to kneel before the throne ..bye bye.

The truth and nothing but the truth. This dog and pony show is as old as the shit stains in Wood U's underwear.

Relax everyone, I was at the meetings last week.

The purpose of the meeting was to formulate a new mission statement. It was a very big deal. 6 months ago an outside consultant was hired to comb thru our survey results, review prior mission statements, and interview current and former employees. After extensive review a new mission statement was chosen, a vote was taken, and a new mission statement will be rolled out soon.

It was the best 3 million dollars Pfizer ever spent. John Young spoke during the review process. He spoke at length about the future of Pfizer and our pipeline. One suggested Mission statement stood out in his mind. He sold us hard on why that was the best option (he mentioned how his sales pitch reminded him of the time he carried a bag). And I'm proud to say, we ALL (except for 3 people) agreed with him. The survey was anonymous, but based on the questions required to participate in the voting process the 3 negative voters were identified and will soon be rooted out.

Be on the look out for the NEW mission statement, I'm sure you'll be proud of the time, resources, and resourcefullness of the leadership team.

Also, if you know of a female who would like to be promoted could you please refer them to your RM?

The holidays, a time when most companies say how much they appreciate you and enjoy a few days off with family. In Pfizers case, It is a time for another round of layoffs and stress and anxiety for your whole family to share. Ian has just given the word and it's looks like it going to be long cold winter for many under the blue oval. Happy holidays.

Why even bother going through layoffs again since we all know that the economy will crater due to Obama's reelection and the United States will cease to exist in 2 years. Right?

Please take your quasi-political posts back to the Romney thread. Let's keep this to actual information.

Still wana outlaw abortion fool? You religious whack jobs did it.

Relax everyone, I was at the meetings last week.

The purpose of the meeting was to formulate a new mission statement. It was a very big deal. 6 months ago an outside consultant was hired to comb thru our survey results, review prior mission statements, and interview current and former employees. After extensive review a new mission statement was chosen, a vote was taken, and a new mission statement will be rolled out soon.

It was the best 3 million dollars Pfizer ever spent. John Young spoke during the review process. He spoke at length about the future of Pfizer and our pipeline. One suggested Mission statement stood out in his mind. He sold us hard on why that was the best option (he mentioned how his sales pitch reminded him of the time he carried a bag). And I'm proud to say, we ALL (except for 3 people) agreed with him. The survey was anonymous, but based on the questions required to participate in the voting process the 3 negative voters were identified and will soon be rooted out.

Be on the look out for the NEW mission statement, I'm sure you'll be proud of the time, resources, and resourcefullness of the leadership team.

Also, if you know of a female who would like to be promoted could you please refer them to your RM?

My mission statement is to keep a paycheck. All else is B.S.

There is a Dallas meeting and RBDs/RM (state directors) will be there. DBMs will not. ZS associates will. Right now, the RMs are not privvy to the specifics of the meeting. DBMs do not know right now either. It may involve layoffs, bag changes, geography alignment, or any combination of those. We do not know right now and guess what; there is not a thing we can do about it. I am amazed at the numbers of people who act like layoffs are unique to our company and industry. There has been an epidemic of them the last few years in most major companies and industries. All the more reason to be grateful for what we still have and quit complaining about what we cannot change. If you are really unhappy with Pfizer, you are welcome to leave. Trust me, someone needing to support their family will gladly accept all you think is evil for the pay and benefits that come with our jobs. For those of us who stay, the ride will continue to be bumpy.

I could take or leave Pfizer at the executive level. It aint what it used to be. I still enjoy the people at my level and will continue to do my job as professional as possible as long as I am compensated to do so. Call me old fashioned, but it is part of my belief system.

Good Luck and Happy Thanksgiving.

There is a Dallas meeting and RBDs/RM (state directors) will be there. DBMs will not. ZS associates will. Right now, the RMs are not privvy to the specifics of the meeting. DBMs do not know right now either. It may involve layoffs, bag changes, geography alignment, or any combination of those. We do not know right now and guess what; there is not a thing we can do about it. I am amazed at the numbers of people who act like layoffs are unique to our company and industry. There has been an epidemic of them the last few years in most major companies and industries. All the more reason to be grateful for what we still have and quit complaining about what we cannot change. If you are really unhappy with Pfizer, you are welcome to leave. Trust me, someone needing to support their family will gladly accept all you think is evil for the pay and benefits that come with our jobs. For those of us who stay, the ride will continue to be bumpy.

I could take or leave Pfizer at the executive level. It aint what it used to be. I still enjoy the people at my level and will continue to do my job as professional as possible as long as I am compensated to do so. Call me old fashioned, but it is part of my belief system.

Good Luck and Happy Thanksgiving.

I'm not saying what you are saying is not true...it's just weird because nobody in my state has said anything about it. Since you seem to know some info...what is your gut about the outcome of the meeting??

Happy Thanksgiving to you too and thanks for a "normal" post on here with information.

All I can speculate is that HQs has finally learned to keep things under wraps better. There is very limited knowledge at the RM level and my level (DBM). My gut tells me bag changes and geographically based layoffs to a fairly small scale. I stress that is my opinion. Most states are doing a good job not filling positions when they come open or filling them with contract reps. As much as reps fear contract reps, they are our best friend in times like these. They keep us from being top heavy. There is a growing disparity in areas as far as the ROI on full time reps. If you are in an area with very limited access to customers, that obviously does not bode well for you. Areas with good access to docs will probably have very minimal headcount reduction if any. Again, states who have properly managed openings the past couple of years should be fine.

An interesting twist in this, rep calibration (an annual event) is confused with "forced ranking". DBMs will not do rep calibration until after the Dallas meeting so RMs are not going to Dallas with a "list". Hope this helps.

One does not have to go very back in history and realize there were cuts without DBM input, and it was just the RM and above level making the call on the cuts. Mr DBM you are person NOn grata.

An interesting twist in this, rep calibration (an annual event) is confused with "forced ranking". DBMs will not do rep calibration until after the Dallas meeting so RMs are not going to Dallas with a "list". Hope this helps.

One could argue that the DM's (ones that are left) will get a list of rep names (ones that are left) after the Dallas meeting???

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