Cytyc/Hologic is a truly bad company. I do agree with that. Probably as unethical and undereducated as anywhere I've seen.

What makes this company so unethical? I am not a sales rep nor do I peruse these boards, but joined Hologic on the corporate side and curious to what you have seen that I have not.

Like all public companies, we have an ethics hotline that goes to the auditors. Is there stuff that should be reported?


What makes this company so unethical? I am not a sales rep nor do I peruse these boards, but joined Hologic on the corporate side and curious to what you have seen that I have not.

Like all public companies, we have an ethics hotline that goes to the auditors. Is there stuff that should be reported?


I for one think the stuffing of last minute heavily discounted bulk orders at the end of every quarter to try and hit our number is desperate and very misleading to our shareholders. Don't these auditors ever wonder why our sales jump the last two weeks of every quarter? All this does is inflate our stock price and make it so we have to rely on this "strategy" forever.

I'm sorry manager X, my largest account cannot order anymore NovaSure becase they are still working through the 20 cases of NovaSure they ordered last quarter as a "personal favor" to me. I don't know how I'll close that Gap in my numbers this quarter. Find another sucker I guess.

I for one think the stuffing of last minute heavily discounted bulk orders at the end of every quarter to try and hit our number is desperate and very misleading to our shareholders. Don't these auditors ever wonder why our sales jump the last two weeks of every quarter? All this does is inflate our stock price and make it so we have to rely on this "strategy" forever.

I'm sorry manager X, my largest account cannot order anymore NovaSure becase they are still working through the 20 cases of NovaSure they ordered last quarter as a "personal favor" to me. I don't know how I'll close that Gap in my numbers this quarter. Find another sucker I guess.

You ignorant fool! This is the epitome of the surgical division. Upper management at GSP has a long history of this type of smoke and mirrors scam. Its how they were able to fool Hologic in to purchasing Cytyc in the first place. Artificial sales to make themselves look better than they are. Having trouble closing the gap? Stock more shelves knowing full well your accounts will never get through the inventory. The upside? You will probably get promoted! Irresponsible behavior seems to be highly valued here. When will Hologic upper management wake up and clean house in the surgical division? These clowns need to go.

I for one think the stuffing of last minute heavily discounted bulk orders at the end of every quarter to try and hit our number is desperate and very misleading to our shareholders. Don't these auditors ever wonder why our sales jump the last two weeks of every quarter? All this does is inflate our stock price and make it so we have to rely on this "strategy" forever.

I'm sorry manager X, my largest account cannot order anymore NovaSure becase they are still working through the 20 cases of NovaSure they ordered last quarter as a "personal favor" to me. I don't know how I'll close that Gap in my numbers this quarter. Find another sucker I guess.

Amen, so right on. The other problem is that now that you push in all that additional revenue, your quota goes up based on that artificial revenue so you actually get screwed 2 fold.

I don't think this is a bad company though. Lets face it, the above mentioned really sucks but the products are great and the division is growing. Sure there are people at the top who probably need to leave based on this stock and stuff mentality for as long back as I've worked here but what company doesn't have its issues?

free at last, free at last. the upper mgmt and dsm's in this company are robots. they live, eat, sleep and breathe Hologic. Williamson is the worst. way to promise the world and then dump it on your reps. this is by far the worst company i have ever worked for. i feel bad for my fellow reps still stuck there. yes, stuck there. talked to at least 6 reps i know looking to get out in the worst way. good luck with the new capital bucket and good luck with continuing to snow docs into using adiana.

free at last, free at last. the upper mgmt and dsm's in this company are robots. they live, eat, sleep and breathe Hologic. Williamson is the worst. way to promise the world and then dump it on your reps. this is by far the worst company i have ever worked for. i feel bad for my fellow reps still stuck there. yes, stuck there. talked to at least 6 reps i know looking to get out in the worst way. good luck with the new capital bucket and good luck with continuing to snow docs into using adiana.

We don't need you. My guess is you will find something else to complain about soon with wherever you are going. You really are ungrateful but you will learn this soon I'm sure.

I have had a blast with this job and I encourage anyone who is considering to join the company to do whatever you can to make it happen!

When you go here, you really take your life in your own hands. Simply put, you are foaked! This place was the worst experience of my life and so glad I moved on. I've hasve never been better since I left. You have been warned!

Agreed! I also look back to when I was a TM. They promoted the most incompetent managers whose goal was to get rid of reps that knew more than they did. The manager with initials CS was a fake who lied about his credentials to get the TM job and then someone equally stupid promoted him. I actually was waiting for a lawsuit to occur but it hasn't, as of yet. I have since moved on to another surgical position where the managers actually do know their product and genuinely care for the reps that work for them. Good luck to all who decide to stay with this company.

Agreed! I also look back to when I was a TM. They promoted the most incompetent managers whose goal was to get rid of reps that knew more than they did. The manager with initials CS was a fake who lied about his credentials to get the TM job and then someone equally stupid promoted him. I actually was waiting for a lawsuit to occur but it hasn't, as of yet. I have since moved on to another surgical position where the managers actually do know their product and genuinely care for the reps that work for them. Good luck to all who decide to stay with this company.

I'm so glad you people who wine and complain have moved on. I have been with this company almost 6 years and I have never had a bad experience. There have been ups and downs as there are with any company but I have always been treated well and with respect. I encourage ANY person considering interviewing with this company to do so. The products are solid and the future is bright. Don't listen to the pesimists on this site, there is a reason they aren't with the company anymore.

I'm so glad you people who wine and complain have moved on. I have been with this company almost 6 years and I have never had a bad experience.

You definitely sound like a manager that got promoted by one of the idiots. You can't even spell. Typical. A lot of us left on our own so no need for any more sarcasm about the reason we aren't with the company. We saw what people like you were really like. I check this board every now and then and being on a 4 day weekend with nothing to do besides talk to inlaws I thought I would see if anything changed. It hasn't. The good managers are gone..TP. ER...
I still wonder why a liar like CS got promoted and then kept going up the ladder.
6 years with the company..that tells me a lot about you.
OK, I will check in again maybe around Christmas break and see what you crazy fools are still up to.

I'm so glad you people who wine and complain have moved on. I have been with this company almost 6 years and I have never had a bad experience. There have been ups and downs as there are with any company but I have always been treated well and with respect. I encourage ANY person considering interviewing with this company to do so. The products are solid and the future is bright. Don't listen to the pesimists on this site, there is a reason they aren't with the company anymore.

I love when managers have nothing better to do than troll these boards and try to make this place seem better than it is. Fuck off! This place sucks, and I've been here 3 years, making me a "tenured rep" at this shit hole. So again, FUCK OFF! Can't wait to get the fuck out of here. This has been the worst decision of my life.

I love when managers have nothing better to do than troll these boards and try to make this place seem better than it is. Fuck off! This place sucks, and I've been here 3 years, making me a "tenured rep" at this shit hole. So again, FUCK OFF! Can't wait to get the fuck out of here. This has been the worst decision of my life.

Leave now loser lol, why wait? Can't get a job because you are worthless?

Leave now loser lol, why wait? Can't get a job because you are worthless?

The management is worthless and they do not want the truth to appear on this board. I saw a post a while ago mentioning some of the good and bad managers and, guess what, the post is gone. The initials were given, not the names, so there must be management trolls on the board.

The management is worthless and they do not want the truth to appear on this board. I saw a post a while ago mentioning some of the good and bad managers and, guess what, the post is gone. The initials were given, not the names, so there must be management trolls on the board.

I agree with this. These managers are the biggest slime balls in the industry. "Used Car Salesman" would be a compliment to them. My manager would actually steal from me. After ride alongs with my manager, I would notice the coin holder in my car would be empty. Even the pennies! On another occasion, I reached for my sack lunch only to find that it was half eaten. I asked him later about it and he said "oh, you wanted that?"

I agree with this. These managers are the biggest slime balls in the industry. "Used Car Salesman" would be a compliment to them. My manager would actually steal from me. After ride alongs with my manager, I would notice the coin holder in my car would be empty. Even the pennies! On another occasion, I reached for my sack lunch only to find that it was half eaten. I asked him later about it and he said "oh, you wanted that?"

I am so sure. Grow up.