makes sense because they already revamped (downsized the other PDI Pfizer contract) and gave them the new product-Pristiq-that the QXR team was supposed to get....
THAT was manager gossip
makes sense because they already revamped (downsized the other PDI Pfizer contract) and gave them the new product-Pristiq-that the QXR team was supposed to get....
Understand the DMs are having a unscheduled conference call today..... Team one did not get Pristiq. We should know soon what our fate is.
1. A contract can end any time. You only get maybe 30 days notice.
2. Why end a good contract? Why not add products that make sense?
3. A psych drug might be good idea? Why would women's health drug be added? There is another contract equipped and trained for women's health.
4. Why merge contracts? Doubt that would eva happen.
5. Why the freak out? If you are even worth the salary you are making here, get busy looking elsewhere. Otherwise, get busy and grow the volume while the "season" is upon us.
6. Finally, you got hired by PDI someone will want you again. Won't they?
WE did get Pristiq
Not even 30 days, no severance. What about WARN? does this not apply? Been through pharma lay-offs and always 60 days + and severance. Any legal violations here?
Huh? You work for a contract company. There is no severance and you get 30 days, if you are lucky. There are no legal violations from that standpoint. You obviously have not been in pharma that long. Remember...CSOs are not pharmaceutical manufacturers. Whole different ballgame.
CSO is all I've ever worked for...first time for PDI. I guess the other was just classier. Always had 2 or more months of salary, benefits, & continued expenses (phone, internet, veh allowance, etc)...once even received severance on top of that. Always laid off later 1st qtr or mid year...never before Xmas. Always hired back on to another contract. I guess I shouldn't have left them for this.